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Items where Subject is "Integrated weed control"

Group by: Creators | Item Type | Date
Number of items at this level: 117.


Ahmed, S., Salim, M. and Chauhan, B. S. (2014) Effect of Weed Management and Seed Rate on Crop Growth under Direct Dry Seeded Rice Systems in Bangladesh. PLoS ONE, 9 (7). e101919. ISSN 1932-6203

Armstrong, T.R., Breaden, R.C. and Hinchliffe, D. (2006) The control of climbing asparagus (Asparagus africanus Lam.) in remnant Brigalow scrub in south-east Queensland. Plant Protection Quarterly, 21 (3). pp. 134-136.

Awan, T. H., Sta. Cruz, P. C. and Chauhan, B. S. (2015) Growth analysis and biomass partitioning of Cyperus iria in response to rice planting density and nitrogen rate. Crop Protection, 74 . pp. 92-102. ISSN 0261-2194

Bebawi, F. F., Campbell, S. D. and Mayer, R. J. (2015) The growth, reproduction and survival of 'Cascabela thevetia' seedlings under two levels of canopy cover. Plant Protection Quarterly, 30 (1). p. 21.

Bebawi, F. F., Cooper, A.P., Brodie, G.I., Madigan, B.A., Vitelli, J. S., Worsley, K.J. and Davis, K.M. (2007) Effect of microwave radiation on seed mortality of rubber vine (Cryptostegia grandiflora R.Br.), parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorous L.) and bellyache bush (Jatropha gossypiifolia L.). Plant Protection Quarterly, 22 (4). pp. 136-142.

Bebawi, F. F., Vitelli, J. S., Campbell, S. D. and Mayer, R. J. (2011) Impact of control strategies on bellyache bush (Jatropha gossypiifolia L.) mortality, seedling recruitment, population dynamics, pasture yield and cost analysis. The Rangeland Journal, 33 (3). pp. 277-286.

Belgeri, A., Bajwa, A. A., Shabbir, A., Navie, S., Vivian-Smith, G. and Adkins, S. (2020) Managing an Invasive Weed Species, Parthenium hysterophorus, with Suppressive Plant Species in Australian Grasslands. Plants, 9 (11). p. 1587. ISSN 2223-7747

Breaden, R.C., Armstrong, T.R. and Hinchliffe, D. (2006) The chemical control of the environmental weed basket asparagus (Asparagus aethiopicus L. cv. Sprengeri) in Queensland. Plant Protection Quarterly, 21 (3). pp. 131-133.

Buckley, Y.M., Anderson, S., Catterall, C.P., Corlett, R.T., Engel, T., Gosper, C.R., Nathan, R., Richardson, D.M., Setter, M. J., Spiegel, O., Vivian-Smith, G., Voigt, F.A., Weir, J.E.S. and Westcott, D.A. (2006) Management of plant invasions mediated by frugivore interactions. Journal of Applied Ecology, 43 (5). pp. 848-857.

Buru, J. C., Dhileepan, K., Osunkoya, O. O. and Scharaschkin, T. (2016) Germination Biology and Occurrence of Polyembryony in Two Forms of Cats Claw Creeper Vine, Dolichandra unguis-cati (Bignoniaceae): Implications for Its Invasiveness and Management. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 7 (3). pp. 657-670. ISSN 2158-2742

Campbell, S. D., Carter, E.A. and Setter, M. J. (2009) Germination of Hymenachne amplexicaulis and H. acutigluma under contrasting light, temperature and nitrate regimes. Plant Protection Quarterly, 24 (1). pp. 10-14.

Campbell, S. D., Vogler, W. D., Brazier, D. A., Vitelli, J. S. and Brooks, S. J. (2019) Weed leucaena and its significance, implications and control. Tropical Grasslands-Forrajes Tropicales, 7 (4). pp. 280-289. ISSN 23463775 (ISSN)

Chauhan, B. S., Ahmed, S., Awan, T. H., Jabran, K. and Manalil, S. (2015) Integrated weed management approach to improve weed control efficiencies for sustainable rice production in dry-seeded systems. Crop Protection, 71 . p. 19. ISSN 02612194

Chauhan, B. S., Awan, T. H., Abugho, S. B., Evengelista, G. and Yadav, S. (2015) Effect of crop establishment methods and weed control treatments on weed management, and rice yield. Field Crops Research, 172 . p. 72. ISSN 03784290

Cock, M. J., Day, M. D., Solis, M. A. and Winston, R. L. (2025) Publicly-shared DNA barcodes and citizen science images provide new evidence on the establishment and spread of a lantana biological control agent, Orphanostigma haemorrhoidalis (Lepidoptera, Crambidae). CABI Agriculture and Bioscience .

Comben, D. F., McCulloch, G. A., Dhileepan, K. and Walter, G. H. (2021) Genetic identity of Australian prickly acacia (Vachellia nilotica, Fabales: Mimosoideae) – assessing the target for biological control. Biological Control, 155 , Art.104540. ISSN 1049-9644

Day, M. D., Den Breeyan, A., Joshi, R.C. and Dela Cruz, M.S. (2023) First report of establishment of two weevils, Neochetina bruchi and Neochetina eichhorniae Warner (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), released against water hyacinth [Pontederia crassipes Mart.] in the Philippines. Weeds – Journal of Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society, 5 (2). pp. 21-26.

Day, M. D. and Senaratne, K.A.D.W. (2024) Weed Biological Control Status and Options for Sri Lanka. Weeds – Journal of the Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society, 6 . pp. 21-33.

Day, M. D., Shen, S., Xu, G., Zhang, F. and Winston, R. L. (2018) Weed biological control in the Greater Mekong Subregion: status and opportunities for the future. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources, 13 (014). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1749-8848

Dhileepan, K., Musili, P. M., Ntandu, J. E., Chukwuma, E., Kurose, D., Seier, M. K., Ellison, C. A. and Shivas, R. G. (2022) Fungal Pathogens of Navua sedge (Cyperus aromaticus) in equatorial Africa as prospective weed biological control agents. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 32 (1). pp. 114-120. ISSN 0958-3157

Dhileepan, K., Taylor, D. B. J., Lockett, C. and Treviño, M. (2013) Cat's claw creeper leaf-mining jewel beetle Hylaeogena jureceki Obenberger (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), a host-specific biological control agent for Dolichandra unguis-cati (Bignoniaceae) in Australia. Australian Journal of Entomology, 52 (2). pp. 175-181.

Dhileepan, K., Trevino, M., Bayliss, D., Saunders, M., Shortus, M., McCarthy, J., Snow, E. L. and Walter, G. H. (2010) Introduction and establishment of Carvalhotingis visenda (Hemiptera: Tingidae) as a biological control agent for cat's claw creeper Macfadyena unguis-cati (Bignoniaceae) in Australia. Biological Control, 55 (1). pp. 58-62. ISSN 1049-9644

Fahad, S., Hussain, S., Chauhan, B. S., Saud, S., Wu, C., Hassan, S., Tanveer, M., Jan, A. and Huang, J. (2015) Weed growth and crop yield loss in wheat as influenced by row spacing and weed emergence times. Crop Protection, 71 . p. 101. ISSN 02612194

Keir, A.F. and Vogler, W. D. (2006) A review of current knowledge of the weedy species Themeda quadrivalvis (grader grass). Tropical Grasslands, 40 (4). pp. 193-201.

Khan, A. M., Mobli, A., Werth, J. A. and Chauhan, B. S. (2021) Effect of Emergence Time on Growth and Fecundity of Redroot Pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus) and Slender Amaranth (Amaranthus viridis): Emerging Problem Weeds in Australian Summer Crops. Weed Science, 69 (3). pp. 333-340. ISSN 0043-1745

Lal, R., Guinto, D.F. and Smith, M. W. (2016) Influence of mucuna fallow crop on selected soil properties, weed suppression and taro yields in Taveuni, Fiji. Acta Horticulturae (1118). pp. 89-94. ISSN 0567-7572

Manalil, S., Werth, J. A., Jackson, R., Chauhan, B. S. and Preston, C. (2017) An assessment of weed flora 14 years after the introduction of glyphosate-tolerant cotton in Australia. Crop and Pasture Science, 68 (8). pp. 773-780.

Matloob, A., Khaliq, A. and Chauhan, B. S. (2015) Weeds of Direct-Seeded Rice in Asia: Problems and Opportunities. Advances in Agronomy, 130 . pp. 291-336. ISSN 00652113

Matloob, A., Khaliq, A., Tanveer, A., Hussain, S., Aslam, F. and Chauhan, B. S. (2015) Weed dynamics as influenced by tillage system, sowing time and weed competition duration in dry-seeded rice. Crop Protection, 71 . p. 25. ISSN 02612194

Osunkoya, O. O., Froese, J. G. and Nicol, S. (2019) Management feasibility of established invasive plant species in Queensland, Australia: A stakeholders’ perspective. Journal of Environmental Management, 246 . pp. 484-495. ISSN 0301-4797

Osunkoya, O. O., Lock, C. B., Dhileepan, K. and Buru, J. C. (2021) Lag times and invasion dynamics of established and emerging weeds: insights from herbarium records of Queensland, Australia. Biological Invasions . ISSN 1573-1464

Patane, K. A., Setter, S. D. and Graham, M. (2009) Research reports effect of foliar herbicides on the germination and viability of Siam weed (Chromolaena odorata) seeds located on plants at the time of application. Plant Protection Quarterly, 24 (4). pp. 138-140.

Peerzada, A. M., Ali, H. H., Hanif, Z., Bajwa, A. A., Kebaso, L., Frimpong, D., Iqbal, N., Namubiru, H., Hashim, S., Rasool, G., Manalil, S., van der Meulen, A. and Chauhan, B. S. (2017) Eco-biology, impact, and management of Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. Biological Invasions . pp. 1-19. ISSN 1573-1464

Rahman, M. M., Shi, B., Taylor, D. B. J. and Dhileepan, K. (2022) Studies on gall-inducing behaviour and life cycle to aid host specificity testing of Notomma mutilum (Diptera: Tephritidae) – a prospective biological control agent for prickly acacia (Vachellia nilotica subsp. indica). Biocontrol Science and Technology, 32 (10). pp. 1139-1155. ISSN 0958-3157

Ruttledge, A., Widderick, M., Walsh, M., Broster, J., Bell, K. L., Rayner, A., Jalaludin, A., Cooray, O., Heuke, L. and Robilliard, S. (2018) The efficacy of chaff lining and chaff tramlining in controlling problem weeds. GRDC Update . p. 45.

Schwarzländer, M., Hinz, H. L., Winston, R. L. and Day, M. D. (2018) Biological control of weeds: an analysis of introductions, rates of establishment and estimates of success, worldwide. BioControl, 63 (3). pp. 319-331. ISSN 1573-8248

Shabbir, A., Dhileepan, K., Zalucki, M. P. and Adkins, S. W. (2019) Biological control under a changing climate: The efficacy of the parthenium weed stem-galling moth under an atmosphere enriched with CO2. Biological Control, 139 . p. 104077. ISSN 1049-9644

Shabbir, A., Dhileepan, K., Zalucki, M. P., O’donnell, C., Khan, N., Hanif, Z. and Adkins, S. W. (2015) The combined effect of biological control with plant competition on the management of parthenium weed (Parthenium hysterophorus l.). Pakistan Journal of Botany, 47 (SI). pp. 157-159.

Shi, B., Osunkoya, O. O., Chadha, A., Florentine, S. K. and Dhileepan, K. (2021) Biology, Ecology and Management of the Invasive Navua Sedge (Cyperus aromaticus)—A Global Review. Plants, 10 (9). p. 1851. ISSN 2223-7747

Sims-Chilton, N.M., Zalucki, M.P. and Buckley, Y.M. (2009) Patchy herbivore and pathogen damage throughout the introduced Australian range of groundsel bush, Baccharis halimifolia, is influenced by rainfall, elevation, temperature, plant density and size. Biological Control, 50 (1). pp. 13-20. ISSN 10499644

Squires, C. C., Coleman, G. R. Y., Broster, J. C., Preston, C., Boutsalis, P., Owen, M. J., Jalaludin, A. and Walsh, M. J. (2021) Increasing the value and efficiency of herbicide resistance surveys. Pest Management Science, Early (n/a). ISSN 1526-498X

Sutton, G. F., Canavan, K., Day, M. D., den Breeyen, A., Goolsby, J. A., Cristofaro, M., McConnachie, A. and Paterson, I. D. (2019) Grasses as suitable targets for classical weed biological control. BioControl, 64 . pp. 605-622. ISSN 1573-8248

Tanveer, A., Khaliq, A., Ali, H. H., Mahajan, G. and Chauhan, B. S. (2015) Interference and management of parthenium: The world's most important invasive weed. Crop Protection, 68 . pp. 49-59. ISSN 0261-2194

Thomas, S. E., Evans, H. C., Cortat, G., Koutsidou, C., Day, M. D. and Ellison, C. A. (2021) Assessment of the microcyclic rust Puccinia lantanae as a classical biological control agent of the pantropical weed Lantana camara. Biological Control, 160 . p. 104688. ISSN 1049-9644

Vitelli, J. S., Madigan, B.A. and van Haaren, P.E. (2010) Control techniques and management strategies for the problematic Navua sedge (Cyperus aromaticus). Invasive Plant Science and Management , 3 (3). pp. 315-326.

Vitelli, J. S., Panetta, F. D., Madigan, B. A. and Van Haaren, P. E. (2018) Chemical options for the control of Siam Weed (Chromolaena odorata ) in natural ecosystems. Ecological Management & Restoration, 19 (1). pp. 88-93. ISSN 14427001

Vivian-smith, G. and Panetta, F.D. (2009) Lantana (Lantana camara) Seed Bank Dynamics: Seedling Emergence and Seed Survival. Invasive Plant Science and Management, 2 (2). pp. 141-150.

Walker, S., Boucher, L., Cook, T., Davidson, B., McLean, A. and Widderick, M. J. (2012) Weed age affects chemical control of Conyza bonariensis in fallows. Crop Protection, 38 . pp. 15-20. ISSN 0261-2194

Weller, S., Florentine, S., Sillitoe, J., Grech, C., McLaren, D. and Chauhan, B. S. (2015) The need for speed: Timely prevention of the dispersal of noxious weeds in relief fodder using efficient sampling procedures. Crop Protection, 70 . p. 21. ISSN 02612194

Werth, J. A., Thormby, D., Keenan, M., Hereward, J. and Chauhan, B. S. (2021) Effectiveness of glufosinate, dicamba, and clethodim on glyphosate-resistant and susceptible populations of five key weeds in Australian cotton systems. Weed Technology, 35 (6). pp. 967-973. ISSN 0890-037X

Werth, J. A., Walker, S., Boucher, L. and Robinson, G. (2010) Applying the double knock technique to control Conyza bonariensis. Weed Biology and Management, 10 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1444-6162

Widderick, M., Wu, H., Shabbir, A., Bell, K. L. and Walsh, M. (2024) Crop competition effects on weeds and crops. GRDC Update .

Widderick, M. J., Owen, M. J., Stephenson, K., Chambers, A. J. and Broster, J. C. (2024) What is the latest random weed resistance survey telling us about paraquat and 2,4-D? GRDC Update .

Wijayabandara, K., Campbell, S., Vitelli, J. S., Shabbir, A. and Adkins, S. (2022) Review of the Biology, Distribution, and Management of the Invasive Fireweed (Senecio madagascariensis Poir). Plants, 11 (1). p. 107. ISSN 2223-7747

Wijayabandara, K., Campbell, S. D., Vitelli, J. S. and Adkins, S. W. (2019) Plant and Seed Mortality of Fireweed Senecio madagascariensis Following Herbicide Application. Proceedings, 36 (1). ISSN 2504-3900

Wu, H., Walker, S. and Robinson, G. (2008) Chemical control of flaxleaf fleabane (Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronquist) in winter fallows. Plant Protection Quarterly, 23 (4). pp. 162-165.

van der Meulen, A. and Chauhan, B. S. (2017) A review of weed management in wheat using crop competition. Crop Protection, 95 . pp. 38-44. ISSN 0261-2194

Book Section

Day, M. D., Witt, A. and Winston, R. L. (2024) Use of arthropods for ecologically based weed management in agriculture. In: Ecologically Based Weed Management: Concepts, Challenges, and Limitations. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 1119709660

Dhileepan, K. (2009) Managing parthenium weed across diverse landscapes: prospects and limitations. In: Management of invasive weeds. Chapter 12. Springer Science, 33 pages.

Palmer, W.A. and Vogler, W. D. (2012) Cryptostegia grandifolia (Roxb.) R. Br. - rubber vine. In: Biological Control of Weeds in Australia. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne.


Dhileepan, K. (2016) Prickly acacia biocontrol phase II: host specificity testing of agents from India. Project Report. Meat & Livestock Australia Limited.

Morin, L., Heard, T., Scott, J., Sheppard, A., Dhileepan, K., Osunkoya, O. O. and van Klinken, R. (2013) Prioritisation of weed species relevant to Australian livestock industries for biological control. Project Report. Meat & Livestock Australia Limited.

Osten, V. and Werth, J. A. (2008) Improving management of summer weeds in dryland cropping systems with Cotton. Project Report. Cotton Catchment Communities CRC.

Taylor, D. B. J. and Dhileepan, K. (2021) Application to release Stomphastis sp. nov., an agent for the biological control of Jatropha gossypiifolia in Australia. Technical Report. State of Queensland.

Walker, S. (2011) Risk assessment and preventive strategies for herbicide resistance in NR (phase III). Project Report. Grains Research & Development Corporation.

Walker, S. (2014) Modelling for sustainable glyphosate use in the Northern Region. Project Report. Grains Research & Development Corporation.

Werth, J. A. (2014) Improved Integrated Weed Management systems in transgenic farming landscapes. Project Report. Cotton Research Development Corporation.

Conference or Workshop Item

Austin, P. J., Stampa, D. C. and Vitelli, J. S. (2017) Eradication of Red witchweed – one step at a time! In: 14th Queensland Weed Symposium, Port Douglas.

Bebawi, F. F. and Vitelli, J. S. (2008) Interactions between butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea) and rubber vine (Cryptostegia grandiflora). In: Proceedings of the 16th Australian Weeds Conference, Brisbane, Queensland.

Bickel, T. O., Bigot, M., Perrett, C., Farahani, B. and Gill, L. (2024) Water weed management with the new aquatic herbicides flumioxazin and florpyrauxifen-benzyl. In: 23rd Australasian Weeds Conference; Breaking the cycle: Towards sustainable weed management, 25-29 August 2024, Brisbane, Qld.

Blood, K., Stewart, K., Johnson, S. B., Cherry, H., Taylor, S., Wyllie, M., Elliott, L., Hunter, C., Rodgers, G., Dugdale, T., Moore, J., Passeretto, K., Gooden, B., Parsons, S., Mitterdorfer, B., Scholfield, S., Lindsay, E., Glanznig, A., Moloney, K., Heath, M., Turner, P., Ainsworth, N., French, K., Hannan-Jones, M. A. and Ng, K. (2024) Delivery of the Australian Weeds Strategy by the national Weeds Working Group (WWG). In: 23rd Australasian Weeds Conference; Breaking the cycle: Towards sustainable weed management, 25-29 August 2024, Brisbane, Qld.

Brazier, D. A., Brooks, S. J., Warren, C. and Gough, K. L. (2024) Controlling Leucaena leucocephala with encapsulated herbicides. In: 23rd Australasian Weeds Conference; Breaking the cycle: Towards sustainable weed management, 25-29 August 2024, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Brooks, S. J. and Jeffery, M. (2018) The effects of cyclones on a tropical weed eradication program. In: 21st Australasian Weeds Conference, 9-12 September 2018, Sydney.

Brooks, S. J., Setter, S. D., Gough, K. L. and Setter, M. J. (2016) Increasing foliar herbicide options for controlling Clidemia hirta (L.) D. Don. In: 20th Australasian Weeds Conference, 11-15 September 2016, Perth, Western Australia.

Brooks, S. J., Warren, C., Brazier, D. A., Maeer, J. A., Inglis, S. L., Price, T. B. and Gough, K. L. (2024) The efficacy of simulated and aerial foliar herbicides on Chromolaena odorata. In: 23rd Australasian Weeds Conference; Breaking the cycle: Towards sustainable weed management, 25-29 August 2024, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Callander, J. and Dhileepan, K. (2016) Biological control of parthenium weed: field collection and redistribution of established biological control agents. In: 20th Australasian Weeds Conference.

Carlos, E. (2015) Using Pod and Seed Features to Indicate Prickly Acacia Seed Viability. In: 13th Queensland Weed Symposium 2015, Longreach.

Csurhes, S. (2018) Pushing 37 weed species towards extinction in Queensland. In: 21st Australasian Weeds Conference, 9-13 September 2018, Sydney, New South Wales.

Csurhes, S. (2016) Using ‘WeedSearch’to assess the feasibility of eradicating 34 high-risk invasive plant species in Queensland. In: 20th Australasian Weeds Conference, Perth, Western Australia.

Csurhes, S. (2019) Weed eradication – a history of adaptive management combined with innovative game-changers are poised to improve success rates. In: 2019 Australian Biosecurity Symposium, 12-13 June 2019, Gold Coast, Australia.

Day, M. D. (2019) Weed biological control – challenges and opportunities. In: 27th Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society Conference, 3-6 September 2019, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Dhileepan, K., English, B. H., Shi, B., Florentine, S. K., Kurose, D., Taylor, D. B. J., Seier, M. K., Tan, Y. P. and Shivas, R. G. (2024) A rust pathogen affecting the invasive Navua sedge (Cyperus aromaticus) in Australia – A fortuitous biocontrol agent? In: 23rd Australasian Weeds Conference; Breaking the cycle: Towards sustainable weed management, 25-29 August 2024, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Frederiks, T. M., Winter, B., Bell, K. L. and Widderick, M. J. (2024) Pigeonpea weed management – testing herbicide crop safety and agronomic approaches to maximise crop competition. In: 23rd Australasian Weeds Conference; Breaking the cycle: Towards sustainable weed management, 25-29 August 2024, Brisbane, Qld..

Gamage, B., Chadha, A., Dhileepan, K., Larkins, J.-a. and Florentine, S. K. (2024) The effectiveness of herbicides and their combinations for controlling Cyperus aromaticus (Navua sedge) in Queensland. In: 23rd Australasian Weeds Conference; Breaking the cycle: Towards sustainable weed management, 25-29 August 2024, Brisbane, Qld..

Graham, M.F., Patane, K.A. and Setter, S. D. (2008) Growth of koster’s curse (Clidemia hirta) from seedlings to reproductive maturity and following mechanical damage. In: Proceedings of the 16th Australian Weeds Conference, 18-22 May 2008, Cairns, Queensland.

Green, D. (2017) Siam weed (Chromolaena odorata) the recent past and options for the future! In: 14th Queensland Weed Symposium, Port Douglas.

Gurusinghe, S., Haque, S., Widderick, M. J., Ruttledge, A., Shaddir, A., Walsh, M. J. and Weston, L. A. (2022) Weed suppressive potential of winter cover crops established as monocultures and mixtures in Southern Australia. In: Proceedings of the 20th Agronomy Australia Conference, 2022, 6 - 10 February 2022, Toowoomba Qld.

Hodgson-Kratky, K., Holdom, D. G. and Vitelli, J. S. (2024) Minor use permits for chemical control of environmental weeds in Queensland. In: 23rd Australasian Weeds Conference; Breaking the cycle: Towards sustainable weed management, 25-29 August 2024, Brisbane, Qld..

Johnson, K., Taylor, M., Norton, G. and Blackburn, G. (2013) Harnessing the power of people - phone apps for national weed surveillance. In: 12th Queensland Weed Symposium 2013, 15-18 July, Hervey Bay, Queensland.

Kumaran, N., Bickel, T. O., Dell, Q., Jones, L., Bigot, M., Vance, T. and Rapley, D. (2024) Managing Cabomba caroliniana: prospects for integrating biological control and chemical control. In: 23rd Australasian Weeds Conference; Breaking the cycle: Towards sustainable weed management, 25-29 August 2024, Brisbane, Qld..

Merz, T., Hrabar, S., Kendoul, F. and Jeffery, M. (2016) Unmanned helicopter system for miconia weed surveys. In: 20th Australasian Weeds Conference.

O'Brien, C., Campbell, S. D., Warren, C., Vogler, W. D. and Galea, V. J. (2024) Optimisation of a Stem-Implanted Herbicide Capsule System for Effective Management of Chinee Apple (Ziziphus mauritiana). In: 23rd Australasian Weeds Conference; Breaking the cycle: Towards sustainable weed management, 25-29 August 2024, Brisbane, Qld..

Osunkoya, O. O., Shi, B. and Dhileepan, K. (2024) The economic cost of managing Navua sedge (Cyperus aromaticus) - a monocot weed of tropical Queensland, Australia. In: 23rd Australasian Weeds Conference; Breaking the cycle: Towards sustainable weed management, 25-29 August 2024, Brisbane, Qld..

Pukallus, K., Day, M., Riding, N. and Clark, J. (2017) Update on biological control agent, Aceria lantanae (lantana bud mite) on Lantana camara in Northern Queensland. In: 14th Queensland Weed Symposium, 4-7 December 2017, Port Douglas.

Pukallus, K., Nicholls, J., Ferris, C. and Clark, J. (2018) Project summary of biocontrol agent Eueupithecia cisplatensis for Parkinsonia aculeata in Queensland by Queensland DAF. In: 21st Australasian Weeds Conference, 9-13 September 2018, Sydney, New South Wales.

Rafter, M. A., Gooden, B., Hopper, M., Kumaran, N., Hunter, G., McConnachie, A. J., Turner, P., Pople, A. R., Callander, J. T., Dhileepan, K., Kwong, R., Steel, J., Lefoe, G., Potter, S., Sheehan, M., Turley, A., Brenton, P. and Glanznig, A. (2024) The development and implementation of a National Weed Biocontrol Pipeline Strategy. In: 23rd Australasian Weeds Conference; Breaking the cycle: Towards sustainable weed management, 25-29 August 2024, Brisbane, Qld..

Reeve, J. and Shore, B. (2013) Does fertiliser have a role in controlling Giant Rat’s Tail Grass and other weeds in pastures in coastal Central Queensland? In: 12th Queensland Weed Symposium 2013, 15-18 July, Hervey Bay, Queensland.

Riding, N., Taylor, T. and Day, M. D. (2019) Host specificity testing of a new candidate for the biocontrol of mother-of-millions. In: 1st Queensland Pest Animal and Weed Symposium, 20-23 May 2019, Gold Coast, Australia.

Riding, N., Snow, E. L. and Day, M. D. (2012) The variability, pathogenicity and potential impact of the lantana rust Prospodium tuberculatum. In: 18th Australasian Weeds Conference (2012), 8-11 October 2012, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia..

Setter, M. J., Setter, S. D. and Vogler, W. D. (2024) Efficacy of pre-emergent herbicides on sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia) in the Dry Tropics of Cape York. In: 23rd Australasian Weeds Conference; Breaking the cycle: Towards sustainable weed management, 25-29 August 2024, Brisbane, Qld..

Setter, S. D., Setter, M. J., Bulstrode, M., Vogler, W. D. and Warren, C. (2024) Comparing traditional and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) assessment methodologies in aquatic weed control research. In: 23rd Australasian Weeds Conference; Breaking the cycle: Towards sustainable weed management, 25-29 August 2024, Brisbane, Qld..

Setter, S. D., Setter, M. J., Graham, M.F. and Vitelli, J. S. (2008) Buoyancy and germination of pond apple (Annona glabra L.) propagules in fresh and salt water. In: Proceedings of the 16th Australian Weeds Conference, 18-22 May 2008, Cairns, Queensland.

Setter, S. D., Setter, M. J., Patane, K.A., Logan, P. and Sydes, D. (2011) Pond apple (Annona glabra L.) - Investigating novel mechanical control options. In: 23rd Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society Conference, 26-29 September 2011, Cairns, Australia.

Snow, E. L. and Day, M. (2017) Biological control: not as simple as it seems. In: 14th Queensland Weed Symposium, 4-7 December 2017, Port Douglas.

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