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About eResearch Archive
eResearch Archive is a public digital archive of scientific and research output by staff of the Department of Primary Industries in Queensland Australia, or its former entities (Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation, Department of Primary Industries & Fisheries and Department of Agriculture and Stock).
Contributions come from a broad cross section of DAF staff, covering areas such as Animal Science, Fisheries, Plant Science, Horticulture and Forestry Science, Food Science, Biosecurity and Invasive Plants and Animals.
Where permission has been granted (or subscriptions permit), users are able to link directly to full-text content or download a copy free of charge.
Browse by Subject is the easiest way to see the full scope of the content deposited within the eResearch Archive. It is also useful if you are unsure what documents you are looking for as you can browse via a subject listing.
Browse by Subject links to a hyperlinked subject listing that includes tallies of the number of items within each subject area.
A subject hierarchy at the top of the items screen allows you to track your way back or jump to a higher level subject.
Browse by Year organises the archive by year of publication. The number of items are indicated in parenthesis beside each year.
eResearch Archive offers two levels of searching, basic and advanced.
Basic Search is just that, quick and simple to use.
- Enter your search term(s) into the box.
- Select whether you intend to search across all terms or any of the terms.
- Select how you would like your results ordered – year, authors name or title.
Advanced Search offers 15 searchable fields to tailor your search. These are not mandatory fields and you can select as many or as little as required.
If you are unsure what a field description is or what kind of data you need to insert, click on for an explanation.
Searchable fields include title, creators (authors), abstract, keywords, subjects, item type, journal title, publisher, date, and more.
To further tailor your search, consider using the ‘Retrieved records must fulfill’ option at the bottom of the screen. You can select to have your search meet ‘all these conditions’ or ‘any of these conditions’.
Requesting items
It is not always possible to provide full text access to items. Publishers must grant permission for PDF’s to be included in the archive. In some cases, these permissions include embargo periods which restrict access to more recent content while allowing older content to be included.
You may be entitled to link through to full text content if your own institution or Library has subscriber access to the publisher site. If this is the case, the article DOI link will take you directly to the archived item.
If you cannot access the full text, some publishers offer credit card purchase of individual articles on their websites or you might like to request a copy via your local library or institution library.
For further information on the eResearch Archive contact Research Information Service, Department of Primary Industries at eRA@daf.qld.gov.au
DPI Staff queries on depositing or searching to era.daf.qld.gov.au