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Assessing the medium-term impact of permeable pond covers on pond performance and odour management

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Hudson, N., Duperouzel, D., Dunlop, M. W., Collman, G., Gallagher, E., Sohn, J.H. and Nicholas, P. (2007) Assessing the medium-term impact of permeable pond covers on pond performance and odour management. Project Report. Australian Pork.



Assessment of the efficacy of permeable pond covers over a three-year period has confirmed that they are a cost-effective odour management tool. They have an anticipated life expectancy of at least ten years. Investigation of emissions of volatile chemicals and gases, as well as pond chemistry, has not provided any justification to avoid recommendation of this relatively low cost technology. Regulatory agencies are now in a position to accept this technology as one that has been adequately investigated, and as a consequence of which, predictable performance may be anticipated.
Adoption of this technology by the pig industry as an odour control tool should be limited only by site-specific circumstances and the costs and benefits of alternate technologies.

Item Type:Monograph (Project Report)
Business groups:Animal Science
Keywords:Final report
Subjects:Animal culture > Swine
Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Agriculture and the environment
Live Archive:08 Feb 2021 01:13
Last Modified:03 Sep 2021 16:46

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