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Number of items: 37.


Bowen, M. K., Buck, S. R. and Chudleigh, F. (2015) Feeding forages in the Fitzroy : A guide to profitable beef production in the Fitzroy River catchment. Technical Report. State of Queensland.

Brown, G. and Gallagher, E. (2015) Free range chicken farms - odour emissions and nutrient management. Project Report. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation.

Bowen, M. K., Chudleigh, F., Buck, S. R., Hopkins, K. and Brider, J. (2015) High-output forage systems for meeting beef markets – Phase 2. Project Report. Meat & Livestock Australia.

Bray, S. G., Walsh, D., Rolfe, J. W., Broad, K. C., Cowley, R. A., Daniels, B., English, B. H., Ffoulkes, D., Gowen, R., Gunther, R., Hegarty, E. S., McGrath, T. B., Pahl, L. I., Shotton, P. and Whish, G. (2015) Northern grazing carbon farming – integrating production and greenhouse gas outcomes 1 : Climate Clever Beef Final Report. Technical Report. State of Queensland.

Biosecurity Queensland (2015) Technical highlights: Invasive plant and animal research 2013 - 14 / Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland. Technical Report. State of Queensland.


Chinivasagam, H.N. (2015) Development of an insect model to assess phage/Campylobacter interactions. Project Report. Australian Poultry CRC.

Courtney, A. J., Spillman, C.M., Lemos, R.T., Thomas, J., Leigh, G. M. and Campbell, A. B. (2015) Physical Oceanographic Influences on Queensland Reef Fish and Scallops : Final Report FRDC 2013/020. Project Report. FRDC.

Coates, L. M. (2015) Plant health biosecurity, risk management and capacity building for the nursery industry. Project Report. Hort Innovation.


Davis, A., Smith, R., Negri, A., Thompson, M. and Poggio, M. (2015) Advancing our understanding of the source, management, transport and impacts of pesticides on the Great Barrier Reef. A report for the Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection. Technical Report. James Cook University, Cairns, Australia.

Dhileepan, K. (2015) New biocontrol opportunities for prickly acacia: exploration in India. Project Report. Meat & Livestock Australia Limited.

Dunlop, M. W. and Brown, G. (2015) Review of fan efficiency for meat chicken sheds. Project Report. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation.

Dunlop, M. W. and Brown, G. (2015) ‘How to’ guide for measuring fan performance and efficiency in meat chicken sheds. Project Report. RIRDC.


Heidenreich, M. (2015) Aquaculture production summary for Queensland 2014-15. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld.

Hofman, P., Joyce, D. C., Macnish, A. J. and Marques, R. (2015) Reducing skin damage and improving postharvest efficiency of Calypso mango. Project Report. Horticulture Australia.


Joyce, D., Mazhar, S. and Hofman, P. (2015) Reducing flesh bruising and skin spotting in Hass avocado. Project Report. Horticulture Innovation Australia.

Jones, A., Dalal, R., Fraser, G., Hegarty, E. S., Gunther, R. and Carter, J. (2015) Rehabilitation of degraded land to increase soil carbon storage in Northwest Queensland. Project Report. Future Beef.

Jones, C. (2015) Spiny lobster aquaculture development in eastern Indonesia, Vietnam and Australia. Project Report. ACIAR.

Jakins, A., Quinn, B., Halpin, N. V. and Ginns, S. P. (2015) Strategies to limit the impact of nematode pressure on sugarcane productivity in the Isis. Project Report. Sugar Research Australia.


Lawson, A. (2015) An investigative analysis of Queensland’s statewide recreational fishing surveys : Identifying bias in self reported catch and effort data. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland.

Lane, J., Jubb, T., Shephard, R., Webb-Ware, J. and Fordyce, G. (2015) Priority list of endemic diseases for the red meat industries. Project Report. Meat & Livestock Australia Limited.

Leigh, G. M. (2015) Stock assessment of whaler and hammerhead sharks (Carcharhinidae and Sphyrnidae) in Queensland. Technical Report. Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

Lee, P., Dutney, L., Elizur, A., Poole, S., Forrest, A. J., Moloney, J. and Mitris, M. (2015) Towards the development of an Australian cobia aquaculture industry. Project Report. Australian Seafood Co-operative Research Centre.


Mace, E. (2015) Component ET8: Pedigree-based genome mapping for marker-assisted selection and recurrent parent recovery in wheat and barley. Project Report. Grains Research & Development Corporation.

Miles, M. (2015) Northern Pulse And Grains IPM : DAQ00153. Project Report. Grains Research & Development Corporation.

Menzel, C. M., Smith, L., Moisander, J. and Peres, N. (2015) The Protected Culture of Strawberry Plants Growing under Plastic Tunnels. Project Report. Horticulture Innovation Australia Ltd.


Newett, S. (2015) Avocado best management practices and internet based information delivery. Project Report. Hort Innovation.


Ozarska, B., Sugiyanto, K. and Hopewell, G. (2015) Improving added value and small medium enterprises capacity in the utilisation of plantation timber for furniture production in Jepara region. Project Report. ACIAR.


Poole, S. and Exley, P. (2015) Prevention of muddy taints in farmed barramundi. Project Report. Australian Seafood Co-operative Research Centre.

Peck, G., Chudleigh, F., Guppy, C., Johnson, B. and Lawrence, D. (2015) Use of phosphorus fertiliser for increased productivity of legume-based sown pastures in the Brigalow Belt region – a review. Project Report. Meat & Livestock Australia Limited.


Sumpton, W. D., Campbell, M. J., O'Neill, M. F., McLennan, M. F., Campbell, A. B., Leigh, G. M., Wang, Y.-G. and Lloyd-Jones, L. (2015) Assessment of the blue swimmer crab (Portunus armatus) fishery in Queensland. Technical Report. State of Queensland.

Sallur, N. M. and Stirton, A. (2015) Leading Sheep Final Report 2011-2015. Project Report. State of Queensland.

Skerman, A., Pech, L., Faile, D. and Brown, G. (2015) Options for cost-effective and efficient use of piggery biogas energy Project 4C-116. Project Report. Pork CRC.

Sharman, M. (2015) Surveillance and monitoring for endemic and exotic virus diseases of cotton. Project Report. Cotton RDC.


Trevorrow, P. (2015) The cause and management of crown rot of banana. Project Report. Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited.


Vella, R. and Francis, L. P. (2015) Establishing the comparative durability of African mahogany (Khaya senegalensis) in weather exposed above-ground applications. Project Report. Forest and Wood Products Australia.


Webley, J., McInnes, K., Teixeira, D., Lawson, A. and Quinn, R. (2015) Statewide Recreational Fishing Survey 2013–14. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland.


Zeppa, A. (2015) Transforming tenderness and eating quality in tropical sweetcorn through introgression of tender germplasm. Project Report. Horticulture Australia Limited:.

This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 08:35:22 2025 UTC.