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Number of items: 52.


Bailleres, H., Hopewell, G., House, S., Redman, A., Francis, L. P. and Ferhmann, J. (2010) Cocowood processing manual: from coconut wood to quality flooring. Manual. State of Queensland.


Campbell, M. J., Campbell, A. B., Officer, R.A., O'Neill, M. F., Mayer, D. G., Thwaites, A., Jebreen, E., Courtney, A. J., Gribble, N., Lawrence, M.L., Prosser, A.J. and Drabsch, S.L. (2010) Harvest strategy evaluation to optimise the sustainability and value of the Queensland scallop fishery. Queensland scallop fishery - FRDC Project No 2006/024 Final Report. Project Report. State of Queensland.

Courtney, A. J., Schemel, B. L., Wallace, R., Campbell, M. J., Mayer, D. G. and Young, B. (2010) Reducing the impact of Queensland's trawl fisheries on protected sea snakes. Project Report. FRDC.


Dimsey, R., Carey, D. and Henderson, S.-A. (2010) A Guide to Integrated Pest Management for Brassica - Insect Pest, Disease, Virus, Nematode and Weed Control. Manual. State of Victoria.

Diczbalis, Y., Lemin, C., Richards, N. and Wicks, C. (2010) Producing Cocoa in Northern Australia. Project Report. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation.

Dunlop, M. W., Duperouzel, D. and Pott, L. (2010) Separation distances for broiler farms: Verifying methods and investigating the effects of thermal buoyancy. Project Report. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation.


East, M. (2010) Paddock to Reef Monitoring and Evaluation: Economic analysis of ABCD cane management practices for the Mackay Whitsunday region. Other. Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation, Queensland.


Forrest, A. J., Poole, S., Exley, P., Mayze, J. and Paulo, C. (2010) Improving Profitability to Industry Through the Identification and Management of 'tough' Fish Syndrome in Tropical Saddletail Snapper (Lutjanus Malabaricus). Project Report. Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation, Brisbane.


Gu, H. (2010) Alternative fruit fly treatment for interstate market access for strawberries. Project Report. Horticulture Australia.

Gentry, J. (2010) Mungbean management guide 2nd edition. Documentation. Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation, Brisbane, Queensland.


Hutton, D. (2010) Alternatives to methyl bromide for Queensland strawberry production. Project Report. Horticulture Australia.

Heisswolf, S., Kay, I. and Walsh, B. (2010) Identification of insects, spiders and mites in vegetable crops. Workshop Manual, 2nd edition. Manual. State of Queensland.

Harker, F.R., White, A., Beresford, M., Wohlers, M., Corbett, T., Hofman, P., Stubbings, B., Marques, R., Smyth, H. and Gething, K. (2010) Shepard avocado maturity consumer sensory research. Project Report. Plant & Food Research, Mt Albert Research Centre.

Harding, K.J., Zbonak, A., Copley, T.R., Nester, M.R., Dieters, M. J., Kain, D. and Last, I. S. (2010) Sub-tropical exotic pine taxa, growth, form and wood properties comparisons across multiple sites in coastal Queensland in: thinning and clearfall age trials; in family and clonal hybrid pine trials and in a genetics x fertiliser x weed control trial. Project Report. Forest and Wood Products Australia.


Lobegeiger, R. and Wingfield, M. (2010) Aquaculture production survey Queensland 2008-09. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld.

Le Lagadec, D., Campbell, T. and Hofman, P. (2010) Development and commercial application of an avocado fruit robustness test. Project Report. Horticulture Australia.

Limpus, S. and Cutting, M. (2010) Plant based monitoring for irrigation scheduling in vegetable horticulture: A case study in South Australian onions. Project Report. Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation.

Lewis, T., Osborne, O., Hogg, B., Swift, S., Ryan, S., Taylor, D. and Macgregor-Skinner, J. (2010) Tree growth relationships and silvicultural tools to assist stand management in private native spotted gum dominant forests in Queensland and northern New South Wales. Technical Report. Forest and Wood Products Australia.


Miles, A. K. (2010) Expanding citrus market access using a systems approach to control black spot. Project Report. Horticulture Australia Ltd..

Mitchell, J. (2010) Impact of Feral Pigs within Tropical Freshwater Ecosystems. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane.

Molina, A. and Williams, R. (2010) Mitigating the threat of banana Fusarium wilt: understanding the agroecological distribution of pathogenic forms and developing disease management strategies. Project Report. ACIAR.


Norton, S. (2010) Australian Tropical Grains Germplasm Centre. Project Report. Grains Research & Development Corporation.

Nayak, M. K. (2010) Flat grain beetle fumigation protocol. Project Report. Cooperative Research Centre for National Plant Biosecurity.


Oag, D. R. (2010) Domestic market access for table grapes. Project Report. HAL/HIA.

Oag, D. R. (2010) Fruitfulness of tablegrapes. A scoping study. Project Report. Horticulture Australia Ltd..


Poggio, M.J. and Page, J. (2010) Economic case study of ABCD cane management practices in the Burdekin Delta region. Technical Report. Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation, Queensland.

Poggio, M.J. and Page, J. (2010) Economic case study of ABCD cane management practices in the Burdekin River Irrigation Area (BRIA) region. Technical Report. Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation, Queensland.

Poggio, M.J. and Page, J. (2010) Economic case study of ABCD cane management practices in the Tully region. Technical Report. Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation, Queensland.

Poulter, R.E. and Bauer, B. (2010) Establishment and management of salt-tolerant amenity grasses to reduce urban salinity effect. Project Report. Horticulture Australia Limited, Sydney, Australia.

Poad, G., McGahan, E. and Redding, M. R. (2010) Low Cost Options for Reducing Effluent Pond Methane. Project Report. Australian Pork.

Payero, J. (2010) Maximising profitability with limited water in cotton farming systems. Project Report. Cotton Catchment Communities CRC.

Poggio, M.J., Page, J. and Van Grieken, M.E. (2010) Paddock to Reef Monitoring & Evaluation - Economic analysis of ‘ABCD’ cane management for Tully. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Queensland.

Poggio, M.J., Page, J. and Van Grieken, M.E. (2010) Paddock to Reef Monitoring & Evaluation - Economic analysis of ‘ABCD’ cane management for the Burdekin River Irrigation Area. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Queensland.

Poggio, M.J., Page, J. and Van Grieken, M.E. (2010) Paddock to Reef Monitoring and Evaluation - Economic analysis of ‘ABCD’ cane management for the Burdekin Delta region. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Queensland.

Poulter, R. and Bors, A. (2010) Quantifying differences between treated and untreated coir substrate. Project Report. FL08009. Horticulture Australia Limited, Sydney, Australia.

Poulter, R. and Dahler, J. (2010) Status assessment of water use research in turf growth and maintenance. Project Report. TU09033. Horticulture Australia Limited, Sydney, Australia.


Roche, M. (2010) Management Guidelines for New Warm-Season Grasses in Australia. Project Report. TU05001. Horticulture Australia Limited., Sydney, Australia.

Rachaputi, R. (2010) Productivity and marketing enhancement for peanut in Papua New Guinea and Australia. Project Report. ACIAR.

Redding, M. (2010) Smart sorbers - value adding spent litter fertiliser. A pilot trial. Project Report. Australian Poultry CRC.


Schlipalius, D. (2010) CRC20080 Diagnostic technologies for phosphine resistance management. Project Report. Cooperative Research Centre for National Plant Biosecurity.

Sequeira, R. V. (2010) Central Queensland Sustainable Farming Systems - Phase 3. Project Report. Grains Research & Development Corporation.

Smith, L. (2010) Cotton Fusarium wilt management. Project Report. Cotton RDC.

Smyth, H. (2010) Defining the unique flavours of Australian native foods. Project Report. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation.

Subramaniam, S. (2010) Development and promotion of Integrated Pest Management strategies for Silverleaf whitefly in vegetables. Project Report. HAL/HIA.

Star, M. and Donaghy, P. (2010) Economic modelling of grazing systems in the Fitzroy and Burdekin catchments. Project Report. State of Queensland.

Stur, W. and Kopinski, J. (2010) Forage Legumes for supplementing village pigs in Lao PDR. Project Report. ACIAR.

Salter, B. (2010) Improved sugar-cane farming systems. Project Report. Sugar Research Australia.

Sanewski, G. M. (2010) Understanding the cropping behaviour of Riberry (Syzygium leuhmannii). Project Report. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation.


Turner, L. (2010) Use of tea tree oil against buffalo flies in cattle. Project Report. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation.


Van Grieken, M.E., Poggio, M.J., East, M., Page, J. and Star, M. (2010) Economic Analysis of Sugarcane Farming Systems for Water Quality Improvement in the Great Barrier Reef Catchments. Project Report. CSIRO.

Van Grieken, M.E., Webster, A.J., Poggio, M., Thorburn, P., Biggs, J., Stokes, C. and McDonald, C. (2010) Implementation costs of Agricultural Management Practices for Water Quality Improvement in the Great Barrier Reef Catchments. CSIRO: Water for Healthy Country National Research Flagship. Project Report. CSIRO.


Zbonak, A., Brown, T., Harding, K., Innes, T. and Davies, M. (2010) Wood properties and processing outcomes for plantation grown African mahogany (Khaya senegalensis) trees from Clare, Queensland (18 and 20 year-old trees) and Katherine, Northern Territory (14 year-old trees). Technical Report. Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (DEEDI).

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