Browse by Conference or Workshop Item
Number of items: 34. CClarkson, N.M., Owens, D.T., James, R.A. and Chiew, F.H.S. (2000) Seasonal streamflow forecasts to improve management of water resources: 3. Issues in assembling an adequate set of Australian historical streamflow data for forecasting. In: 26th National and 3rd International Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium of The Institution of Engineers, Australia., 20-23 November 2000., Sheraton Perth Hotel, Perth, Australia. Clarkson, N.M., Awabi, G.Y., Graham, L.B., Chiew, F.H.S., James, R.A., Clewett, J.F., George, D.A. and Berry, D. (2000) Seasonal streamflow forecasts to improve management of water resources: 5. Major issues and future directions in Australia. In: 26th National and 3rd International Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium of The Institution of Engineers, Australia, 20-23 November, 2000, Sheraton Hotel, Perth, Australia. DDoogan, V.J., Swain, A.J., Petherick, J.C. and Holroyd, R.G. (2000) A Comparison of Methods for Describing Irregular Animal Growth and Testing for Treatment Effects. In: Animal Production for a Consuming World. AAAP-ASAP Conference, 2nd - 7th July, Sydney, Australia. Dixon, R. M. and Hirst, D. J. (2000) Effects of Nutrition and Time of Weaning on Dry Season Liveweight Loss of Breeder Cows. In: Animal Production for a Consuming World. AAAP-ASAP Conference, 2nd - 7th July, Sydney, Australia. Dixon, R.M., Porch, I. and White, A.T. (2000) Variability in Voluntary Intake of Loose Mineral Mix Supplements by Grazing Heifers. In: Animal Production for a Consuming World. AAAP-ASAP Conference, 2nd - 7th July, Sydney, Australia. Dixon, R.M. and Smith, D.R. (2000) Variability in Voluntary Intake of a Molasses-based Supplement by Cows and Calves. In: Animal Production for a Consuming World. AAAP-ASAP Conference, 2nd - 7th July, Sydney, Australia. EEhrlich, W.K., Cowan, R.T. and Casey, N.D. (2000) Milk Production Responses to Oversowing a Portion of Tropical Grass Pasture with Summer Crop Legumes on Sub-tropical Dairy Farms. In: Animal Production for a Consuming World. AAAP-ASAP Conference, 2nd - 7th July, Sydney, Australia. GGazzola, C., Hill, R.A., Jeffery, M.R., O’Neill, C.J., Reid, D. J., White, D.H. and Burns, B.M. (2000) Scrotal Circumference at Puberty and its Relationship to Testes Mass in Three Genotypes of Beef Cattle. In: Animal Production for a Consuming World. AAAP-ASAP Conference, 2nd - 7th July, Sydney, Australia. Gilbert, R. A., Klieve, A. V. and Nolan, J. V. (2000) Survival of phage particles in the rumen ecosystem. In: Australian Society for Microbiology Annual Scientific Meeting, 8-13 July 2000, Cairns, Queensland. Gazzola, C., White, D.H., Hendrickson, R.E., Hill, R.A. and Roberton, R.F. (2000) The Performance of Chromium and Ytterbium Intraruminal Controlled Release Devices in Beef Cattle. In: Animal Production for a Consuming World. AAAP-ASAP Conference, 2nd - 7th July, Sydney, Australia. HHalfpapp, K.H., Fay, H.A.C., Astridge, D.P. and Storey, R.I. (2000) A sampling technique for two-spotted mite in papaya. In: 31st Australian Entomological Society Conference & AGM, 26th - 30th June 2000, Darwin, Australia. Holroyd, R.G., Petherick, J.C., Venus, B.K. and Doogan, V.J. (2000) Effects of Grouping Feedlot Steers with a Range of Flight Speeds on Liveweight and Temperament Changes. In: Animal Production for a Consuming World. AAAP-ASAP Conference, 2nd - 7th July, Sydney, Australia. Hendricksen, R.E., Reich, M.M., Roberton, R.F., Rideout, J.A., Reid, D. J., Gazzola, C. and Hill, R.A. (2000) Using Alkanes to Predict Voluntary Intake, Faecal Output and Digestibility of Buffel Grass Hay Fed to Steers. In: Animal Production for a Consuming World. AAAP-ASAP Conference, 2nd - 7th July, Sydney, Australia. Hill, R.A., Roberton, R.F. and Reid, D. J. (2000) Vaccination with an Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein-1 (IGFBP-1)-bBased Vaccine Improves Growth in Feed-Restricted Brahman Steers. In: Animal Production for a Consuming World. AAAP-ASAP Conference, 2nd - 7th July, Sydney, Australia. KKleemann, D.O., Quigley, S.P., Bright, R. and Mills, A.W. (2000) Reproductive Performance of Caprine Feral Does Mated to Boer or Feral Bucks in Semi-Arid Queensland. In: Animal Production for a Consuming World. AAAP-ASAP Conference, 2nd - 7th July, Sydney, Australia. Kleemann, D.O., Quigley, S.P., Bright, R. and Scott, Q. (2000) Survival and Growth of Damara, Dorper, Dorset, Rambouillet, South African Meat Merino First Cross Lambs in Semi Arid Queensland. In: Animal Production for a Consuming World. AAAP-ASAP Conference, 2nd - 7th July, Sydney, Australia. LLeggate, W., Palmer, G., McGavin, R. L. and Muneri, A. (2000) Productivity, sawn recovery and potential rates of return from eucalypt plantations in Queensland. In: IUFRO Conference, The Future of Eucalypts for Wood Products, 19-24 March, 200, Launceston, Tasmania. Lapworth, J. W. (2000) The Expanding Live Cattle Trade in Northern Australian. In: Animal Production for a Consuming World. AAAP-ASAP Conference, 2nd - 7th July 2000, Sydney, Australia. MMcIntosh, F. (2000) Developing a Beef Cattle Nutritional Management Education Package for Producers in Northern Australia. In: Animal Production for a Consuming World. AAAP-ASAP Conference, 2nd - 7th July, Sydney, Australia. McPhee, C.P., Nguyen, N.H. and Daniels, L.J. (2000) Genetic response to growth rate selection in pigs measured on two feeding levels. In: Animal Production for a Consuming World. AAAP-ASAP Conference, 2-7 July 2000, Sydney, Australia. Mills, A.W., Quigley, S.P., Bright, R. and Kleeman, D.O. (2000) Growth and Carcase Characters of Progeny from Caprine Feral Does Mated to Boer or Feral Bucks in Western Queensland. In: Animal Production for a Consuming World. AAAP-ASAP Conference, 2nd - 7th July, Sydney, Australia. Moss, R.J., Hannah, I.J.C., Kenman, S.J., Buchanan, I.K. and Martin, P.R. (2000) Response By Dairy Cows Grazing Tropical Grass Pasture To Barley or Sorghum Grain Based Concentrates and Lucerne Hay. In: Animal Production for a Consuming World. AAAP-ASAP Conference, 2nd - 7th July, Sydney, Australia. NNguyen, N.H., McPhee, C.P. and Daniels, L.J. (2000) Selection for efficient lean growth on restricted feeding. A preliminary analysis of genotype by environment interaction. In: Congress of the Asian-Australian Association for Animal Production Societies and Australian Society of Animal Production, Animal Production for a Consuming World, 2000, University of New South Wales, Sydney. PParker, A. and Woods, E. J. (2000) Building new relationships to compete. In: Animal Production for a Consuming World 9th Congress of the Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Society in Asian - Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 3-7 July 2000. Petherick, J.C., Venus, B.K., Doogan, V.J. and Holroyd, R.G. (2000) Effect of Grouping Feedlot Steers by Temperament on Performance and Carcass Traits. In: Animal Production for a Consuming World. AAAP-ASAP Conference, 2nd - 7th July, Sydney, Australia. Pepper, P.M., Rose, M. and Mills, D.M.D. (2000) Influence of Measured Characteristics on Price Received for Merino Wool from the Traprock Area of Southern Queensland. In: Animal Production for a Consuming World. AAAP-ASAP Conference, 2nd - 7th July, Sydney, Australia. Petherick, J.C., Swain, A.J. and Holroyd, R.G. (2000) Relationships between Patterns of Behaviour and Liveweight Gains of Feedlot Steers. In: Animal Production for a Consuming World. AAAP-ASAP Conference, 2nd - 7th July, Sydney, Australia. QQuigley, S.P., Kleemann, D.O., Bates, K. and Scott, Q. (2000) Adaptability of Damara, Dorper and Traditional Meat Sheep Breeds in Semi-Arid Queensland. In: Animal Production for a Consuming World. AAAP-ASAP Conference, 2nd - 7th July, Sydney, Australia. Quigley, S., Moss, R.J. and Brock, I. (2000) Evaluation of Inoculated Lablab Silage for Growing Dairy Heifers. In: Animal Production for a Consuming World. AAAP-ASAP Conference, 2nd - 7th July, Sydney, Australia. RReich, M.M., Hendricksen, R.E., Rideout, J.A., Gazzola, C. and Hill, R.A. (2000) Alkane Profiles in Tropical Forages. In: Animal Production for a Consuming World. AAAP-ASAP Conference, 2nd - 7th July, Sydney, Australia. Rose, M., Bright, R.L., Quigley, S.P. and Kleemann, D.O. (2000) Fibre Transfer in Merino Ewes Mated with Damara, Merino or Dorper Rams in Central Western Queensland. In: Animal Production for a Consuming World. AAAP-ASAP Conference, 2nd - 7th July, Sydney, Australia. Rose, M. and Pepper, P.M. (2000) Genetic Parameters for Staple Length and Staple Strength of Merino Wool Produced in Central and North West Queensland. In: Animal Production for a Consuming World. AAAP-ASAP Conference, 2nd - 7th July, Sydney, Australia. VVenus, B.K., Petherick, J.C., Doogan, V.J. and Holroyd, R.G. (2000) Plasma Biochemical and Haematological Changes in Steers of Different Temperament during Feedlotting. In: Animal Production for a Consuming World. AAAP-ASAP Conference, 2nd - 7th July, Sydney, Australia. WWhite, D.H., Gazzola, C., Jeffery, M.R. and Reid, D. J. (2000) The Effect of Post-Pubertal Castration on Behaviour in Beef Cattle. In: Animal Production for a Consuming World. AAAP-ASAP Conference, 2nd - 7th July, Sydney, Australia. |