Browse by BookJump to: 2013 Number of items: 13. 2013Sumpton, W. D., McLennan, M. F., Campbell, M. J. and Kerrigan, B. (2013) Assessing technology changes and risks to the sustainable management of deepwater line fisheries in southern Queensland : final report. State of Queensland. Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. ISBN 9780734504319 Smith, M. and Abbas, R. (2013) Controlling Pythium in Ginger: Phase 2. RIRDC, Canberra, 26 pages. ISBN 978-1-74254-603-2 Semmens, J. M., Mendo, T. C., Ovenden, J. R., AR, N., Jones, S. R. T. and Lyle, J. M. (2013) Final Report Recruitment and retention of commercial scallops in the D‟ Entrecasteaux Channel: Is there a relationship with scallop density? Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania . Dennien, S., Homare, D., Hughes, M., Lovatt, J., Coleman, E. and Jackson, G. (2013) Growing healthy sweetpotato: best practices for producing planting material. ACIAR, 180 pages. Hutchison, M., Norris, A., Nixon, D. and Chilcott, K. (2013) Habitat preferences of small bodied native fish: Final report. State of Queensland. Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Brisbane, 17 pages. Akem, C.N. and Jovicich, E. (2013) Integrated Management of Foliar Diseases in Vegetable Crops. Project Number: VG07127 . Horticulture Australia Ltd, Brisbane, Queensland.. O'Sullivan, D. (2013) Pasture management for South East Queensland. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld., 69 pages. Noller, J., Hughes, M. and Gomez, E. (2013) Starchy Staples Value Chain Review. ACIAR, Canberra. Abad, Z., Bienapfl, J., Luster, D., Carter, M., Thines, M., Telle, S., Riley, M., Levesque, A., Shivas, R. G. and Dela Cueva, F. (2013) Status, challenges and tools for identification and diagnosis of Peronosclerospora and Sclerophthora of regulatory concern for graminicolous crops. AMER PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOC 3340 PILOT KNOB ROAD, ST PAUL, MN 55121 USA. ISBN 0031-949X Campbell, M. J. and Michelle, L. (2013) Tactical Research Fund: Incidence and Possible Causes of Saddleback Syndrome in the Fish Species of South East Queensland. FRDC Final Reports . FRDC. ISBN 0734504349 Campbell, M. J. (2013) Tactical Research Fund: Reducing the impact of discarded recreational fishing tackle on coastal seabirds. FRDC Final Reports (2011/0). FRDC. ISBN 978-0-7345-0437-1 Allen, L. R. (2013) The Impact of Wild Dog Predation and Wild Dog Control on Beef Cattle. Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany, 246 pages. Newett, S., Rigden, P. and Weinert, M.P. (2013) The avocado problem solver field guide. State of Queensland, Brisbane, 221 pages. |