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Number of items: 61.


Beames, R.M. (1962) A metabolism unit for use with male pigs. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (4). pp. 539-547.

Beames, R.M. and O'Bryan, M.S. (1962) Effect of hormone implantation on growth rate and carcass composition of cattle grazing paspalum-dominant pasture. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (4). pp. 485-491.

Brimblecombe, A.R. (1962) Outbreaks of the eucalypt leaf skeletonizer. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (2). pp. 209-217.

Black, R.F. (1962) Pineapple growth and nutrition over a plant crop cycle in south-eastern Queensland. 1. Root development and general growth features. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (4). pp. 435-451.

Beattie, A.W. (1962) Relationships among productive characters of Merino sheep in north-western Queensland 2. Estimates of genetic parameters, with particular reference to selection for wool weight and crimp frequency. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (1). pp. 17-26.

Brimblecombe, A.R. (1962) Studies of the Coccoidea. 12. Species occurring on deciduous fruit and nut trees in Queensland. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (2). pp. 219-229.

Brimblecombe, A.R. (1962) Studies of the Coccoidea. 13. The genera Aonidiella, Chrysomphalus and Quadraspidiotus in Queensland. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (3). pp. 403-423.

Bisset, W.J. (1962) The black spear grass (Heteropogon contortus) problem of the sheep country in central-western Queensland. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (2). pp. 189-207.


Champ, B.R. (1962) Cabbage pest control investigations, 1958-1961. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (2). pp. 283-290.

Clark, C.H. (1962) Effect of month of calving on the production of Queensland dairy cows. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (2). pp. 267-277.

Colbran, R.C. (1962) Studies of plant and soil nematodes. 5. Four new species of Tylenchoidea from Queensland pineapple fields. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (2). pp. 231-239.

Colbran, R.C. (1962) Studies on root-knot nematode control in ginger. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (2). pp. 279-281.


Davis, J.J. and Heather, N.W. (1962) Control of red spider mites on strawberries. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (1). pp. 143-148.


Few, F.G. (1962) Efficiency of "immersion" refrigeration of cream. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (3). pp. 429-431.


Greasley, A.S. (1962) Effect of time of sowing on irrigated pastures in south-eastern Queensland. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (2). pp. 177-188.

Gartner, R.J.W. and Ryley, J.W. (1962) Relationship between hepatic and butterfat vitamin A concentrations in beef cattle receiving negligible carotene. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (3). pp. 341-350.

Gartner, R.J.W. and Ryley, J.W. (1962) Relationship between nyctalopia and plasma vitamin A levels and the effect of vitamin A supplementation in beef calves. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (3). pp. 363-372.


Harbison, J. and Bygott, R.B. (1962) Climatic factors involved in early planting of cotton. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (4). pp. 557-560.


Kirkpatrick, T.H. (1962) Methods of rearing Heliothis species, and attempted crossbreeding. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (4). pp. 565-566.

Kirkpatrick, T.H. (1962) Notes on the life-histories of species of Heliothis (Lepidoptera:Noctuidae) from Queensland. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (4). pp. 567-570.

Kennedy, M. M. (1962) Notes on the symbiosis of selected strains of Rhizobia and Glycine javanica. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (3). pp. 425-428.


Loane, P. (1962) A simple field test for the detection of inhibitory substances in milk supplies. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (4). pp. 533-537.

Lightbody, L. G. (1962) Coliform organisms in Queensland cheddar cheese. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (2). pp. 305-307.

Leverington, R.E. (1962) Effect of freezing rate and storage conditions on the drained weight of frozen pineapple. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (1). pp. 47-56.

Lightbody, L. G. and Smythe, V.R. (1962) Effect of heat treatment on bacteriological quality and phosphatase activity of market cream. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (1). pp. 77-92.

Leverington, R.E. (1962) Effect of mill white sugar in the canning of pineapples. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (1). pp. 127-130.

Leverington, R.E. (1962) Evaluation of macadamia nut varieties for processing. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (1). pp. 33-46.

Leverington, R.E. (1962) Evaluation of methods of roasting macadamia nut. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (1). pp. 131-132.

Lightbody, L. G. (1962) Inhibition of growth of butter cultures in naturally ripened cream after neutralization. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (2). pp. 249-254.

Lavery, H.J. (1962) Plumage stains on wild ducks in north Queensland. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (3). pp. 433-434.

Lightbody, L. G. and Petersen, H.P. (1962) Psychrophilic organisms in Queensland butter. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (3). pp. 373-384.

Levitt, M.S., Taylor, V.J. and Hegarty, A. (1962) Studies on grass silage from predominantly Paspalum dilatatum pastures in south-eastern Queensland. 1. A comparison and evaluation of the additives metabisulphite and molasses. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (2). pp. 153-175.

Leverington, R.E. (1962) Use of apple extracts as jam-setting agents. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (1). pp. 57-62.


May, A.W.S. (1962) Additions to the species of Dacinae (Trypetidae: Diptera) from Queensland and New Guinea. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (1). pp. 63-76.

Murray, A.J.W. and Lightbody, L. G. (1962) Effect of different premilking methods on the milking characteristics of Australian Illawarra Shorthorn cows. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (2). pp. 255-265.

Mawson, W.F., Beattie, A.W. and Sutherland, D.N. (1962) Effect of synthetic hormone implants on grazing steers in Queensland. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (4). pp. 467-484.

Morris, T.A. (1962) Effect of variations in the salting rate on the composition and grade score of cheddar cheese. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (1). pp. 93-99.

Major, W.C.T. (1962) Hardness of water in relation to the cleaning of farm dairy equipment. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (1). pp. 107-112.

Major, W.C.T. (1962) Importance of milking machine rubberware as a source of bacterial contamination. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (1). pp. 123-125.

Major, W.C.T. (1962) Influence of stone-like deposits on the sterilizability of farm dairy equipment. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (1). pp. 113-116.

Mitchell, A.R. (1962) Plant development and yield in the pineapple as affected by size and type of planting material and times of planting and forcing. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (4). pp. 453-466.

Major, W.C.T. (1962) Sterilization of milking machine rubberware. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (1). pp. 117-121.

May, A.W.S. (1962) Two new Dacinae (Trypetidae: Diptera) from Queensland. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (4). pp. 527-532.


Oxenham, B.L. (1962) Etiology of fruitlet core rot of pineapple in Queensland. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (1). pp. 27-31.

Oelrichs, P.B. and McEwan, T. (1962) The toxic principle of Acacia georginae. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (1). pp. 1-16.


Payne, E., Ryley, J.W. and Gartner, R.J.W. (1962) Changes in some blood constituents associated with parturition in Hereford heifers fed solely on restricted amounts of sorghum grain. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (3). pp. 331-340.

Pegg, K. G. (1962) Control of Sclerotinia rot of French bean. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (4). pp. 561-564.


Rawson, J.E. (1962) A collapsible tripod to facilitate loading of farm machines. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (1). pp. 149-151.

Ryley, J.W. and Gartner, R.J.W. (1962) Drought feeding studies with cattle. 7. The use of sorghum grain as a drought fodder for cattle in late pregnancy and early lactation. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (3). pp. 309-330.

Ryley, J.W. and Gartner, R.J.W. (1962) Drought feeding studies with cattle. 8. Early weaning of beef calves. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (3). pp. 350-361.

Roff, C. and Kirkpatrick, T. (1962) The kangaroo industry in Australia. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (3). pp. 385-401.


Scott, K. (1962) A method for measuring the lipase activity of cheddar cheese. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (1). pp. 101-106.

Stevenson, C.D. and Dodd, B.C. (1962) Effect of "stop-drop" sprays on the cool-storage behaviour of Queensland grown Delicious apples. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (2). pp. 299-303.

Stevenson, C.D. (1962) Effect of storage atmosphere and temperature on Granny Smith apples. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (2). pp. 295-298.

Stevenson, C.D. (1962) Effects of preharvest calcium sprays on the occurrence of bitter pit in cool-stored apples. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (1). pp. 133-136.

Stevenson, C.D. (1962) Factors influencing the incidence and control of superficial scald on cool-stored Granny Smith apples. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (2). pp. 241-248.


Watkins, J.B. (1962) Effect of ethylene on the post-harvest ripening of tomatoes. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (1). pp. 137-142.

Winterton, D. (1962) Use of thiobarbituric acid number as a measure of the degree of oxidation of roasted macadamia nuts. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (2). pp. 291-294.


Young, J.G. and Rayner, I.H. (1962) A note on resources and output studies on dairy farms. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (4). pp. 549-553.

Young, J.G. and Rayner, I.H. (1962) A resource and output study of a group of dairy farms in the Moreton district, south-eastern Queensland. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (4). pp. 493-525.

Young, J.G. and Rayner, I.H. (1962) Measurement of land resource on dairy farms. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (4). pp. 555-556.

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