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Abawi, G. Y., Dutta, S. C., Zhang, X. and McClymont, D. (2005) ENSO-based streamflow forecasting and its application to water allocation and cropping decisions - an Australian experience. IAHS Publication, 295 . pp. 346-354.

Bell, L., Anderson, B., Aisthorpe, D., Verrell, A., Baird, J., Erbacher, A., Gentry, J. and Lawrence, D. (2020) Summer crops: relative water use efficiencies and legacy impacts in farming systems. GRDC Update .

Beutel, T. S., Trevithick, R., Scarth, P. and Tindall, D. (2019) VegMachine.net. online land cover analysis for the Australian rangelands. Rangeland Journal, 41 . pp. 355-362. ISSN 10369872 (ISSN)

Bowen, M. K. and Chudleigh, F. (2021) An economic framework to evaluate alternative management strategies for beef enterprises in northern Australia. Animal Production Science, 61 (3). pp. 271-281.

Bowen, M. K., Chudleigh, F., Dixon, R.M., Sullivan, M. T., Schatz, T. and Oxley, T. (2020) The economics of phosphorus supplementation of beef cattle grazing northern Australian rangelands. Animal Production Science, 60 . pp. 683-693.

Bowen, M. K., Chudleigh, F., Sallur, N. M. and Sommerfield, J. (2022) Opportunities to build resilience of beef cattle properties in the mulga lands of south-western Queensland, Australia. The Rangeland Journal, 44 (2). pp. 115-128.

Bowman, P.J., McKeon, G.M. and White, D.H. (1995) An evaluation of the impact of long-range climate forecasting on the physical and financial performance of wool-producing enterprises in Victoria. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 46 (4). pp. 687-702. ISSN 1836-0947

Burns, E.O. (1966) Comparative analysis of farm accounts. Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 10 (2). pp. 169-182. ISSN 0004-9395

Chapman, D.G. (1989) Property planning boosts production. Queensland Agricultural Journal, 115 (6). p. 277.

Chinivasagam, H.N., Tran, T. and Blackall, P.J. (2012) Impact of the Australian litter re-use practice on Salmonella in the broiler farming environment. Food Research International, 45 (2). pp. 891-896.

Collier, A., Thompson, M., Poggio, M., Smith, M. and Van Grieken, M. (2015) Key characteristics of improved management practice - a sugarcane grower's perspective. Proceedings of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technology, 37 . p. 191. ISSN 0726-0822

Connolly, C., Renouf, M. A., Nothard, B., Milbank, H. and Poggio, M. J. (2024) Profitability and environmental implications of innovative practice changes and irrigation improvements. Sugar Industry International, 149 (12). pp. 817-823. ISSN 1713880253

DeVoil, P., Rossing, W.A.H. and Hammer, G.L. (2006) Exploring profit - Sustainability trade-offs in cropping systems using evolutionary algorithms. Environmental Modelling & Software, 21 (9). pp. 1368-1374.

Donaghy, P., Bray, S. G., Gowen, R., Rolfe, J., Stephens, M., Hoffmann, M. B. and Stunzer, A. (2010) The bioeconomic potential for agroforestry in Australia's northern grazing systems. Small-scale Forestry, 9 (4). pp. 463-484.

Eames, H. and Collins, R. (2017) Grains best management practices: Delivering productivity and sustainability outcomes for the central Queensland grains industry. Rural Extension and Innovation Systems Journal, 13 (2). pp. 121-126.

Edgerton-Warburton, K. and Sparks, D. (2001) Bestprac: Focused action to impact on performance in the rangeland wool industry. Proceedings of the 3rd Australasia Pacific Extension Conference .

Ergashev, A. (2020) Analysis of Gross Margins in Queensland Tomatoes. Proceedings, 36 (1). p. 48. ISSN 2504-3900

Ergashev, A. (2019) Economic, Environmental, and Social Sustainability Assessment of Queensland Industries. Proceedings, 36 (1). p. 45. ISSN 2504-3900

Ergashev, A. (2019) The Economic Benefits of Improvements in Online Licensing of The Chemical Use in Queensland Crop Industries. Proceedings, 36 (1). p. 46. ISSN 2504-3900

Everingham, Y.L., Muchow, R.C., Stone, R.C., Inman-Bamber, N. G., Singels, A. and Bezuidenhout, C.N. (2002) Enhanced risk management and decision-making capability across the sugarcane industry value chain based on seasonal climate forecasts. Agricultural Systems, 74 (3). pp. 459-477. ISSN 0308-521X

Francis, B., Venn, T., Lewis, T. and Brawner, J. (2022) Case Studies of the Financial Performance of Silvopastoral Systems in Southern Queensland, Australia. Forests, 13 (2). ISSN 1999-4907

Goswami, S., Woods, E. J. and Antony, G. (2018) The Role of Economics in Policy Advice: An Agriculture Perspective. Australasian Agribusiness Perspectives, 21 (14). pp. 236-245. ISSN 2209-6612

Graham, T.W.G., Cheffins, R., Emmery, P., Esdale, C., Chudleigh, F. and Burns, B. (2000) Options analysis improves beef enterprise performance, profitability and technology adoption in central Queensland. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 13 . pp. 317-320. ISSN 1976-5517

Hayman, P.T. and Easdown, W.J. (2002) An ecology of a DSS: Reflections on managing wheat crops in the northeastern Australian grains region with WHEATMAN. Agricultural Systems, 74 (1). pp. 57-77. ISSN 0308-521X

Henry, B., Allen, D., Badgery, W., Bray, S. G., Carter, J., Dalal, R. C., Hall, W. B., Harrison, M. T., McDonald, S. E. and McMillan, H. (2024) Soil carbon sequestration in rangelands: a critical review of the impacts of major management strategies. The Rangeland Journal, 46 (3).

Holzworth, D. P., Huth, N. I., deVoil, P. G., Zurcher, E. J., Herrmann, N. I., McLean, G., Chenu, K., van Oosterom, E. J., Snow, V., Murphy, C., Moore, A. D., Brown, H., Whish, J. P.M., Verrall, S., Fainges, J., Bell, L. W., Peake, A. S., Poulton, P. L., Hochman, Z., Thorburn, P. J., Gaydon, D. S., Dalgliesh, N. P., Rodriguez, D., Cox, H., Chapman, S., Doherty, A., Teixeira, E., Sharp, J., Cichota, R., Vogeler, I., Li, F. Y., Wang, E., Hammer, G. L., Robertson, M. J., Dimes, J. P., Whitbread, A. M., Hunt, J., van Rees, H., McClelland, T., Carberry, P. S., Hargreaves, J. N.G., MacLeod, N., McDonald, C., Harsdorf, J., Wedgwood, S. and Keating, B. A. (2014) APSIM – Evolution towards a new generation of agricultural systems simulation. Environmental Modelling & Software . ISSN 13648152

Holzworth, D.P., Huth, N.I. and de Voil, P.G. (2010) Simplifying environmental model reuse. Environmental Modelling and Software, 25 (2). pp. 269-275. ISSN 13648152 (ISSN)

Hutchison, W. J., Keyes, T. J., Crowell, H. L., Serizay, J., Soneson, C., Davis, E. S., Sato, N., Moses, L., Tarlinton, B., Nahid, A. A., Kosmac, M., Clayssen, Q., Yuan, V., Mu, W., Park, J.-E., Mamede, I., Ryu, M. H., Axisa, P.-P., Paiz, P., Poon, C.-L., Tang, M., Gottardo, R., Morgan, M., Lee, S., Lawrence, M., Hicks, S. C., Nolan, G. P., Davis, K. L., Papenfuss, A. T., Love, M. I. and Mangiola, S. (2024) The tidyomics ecosystem: Enhancing omic data analyses. bioRxiv . 2023.09.10.557072.

Hutchison, W. J., Keyes, T. J., Crowell, H. L., Serizay, J., Soneson, C., Davis, E. S., Sato, N., Moses, L., Tarlinton, B. and The tidyomics, C. (2024) The tidyomics ecosystem: enhancing omic data analyses. Nature Methods, 21 (7). pp. 1166-1170. ISSN 1548-7105

Ireland, K. B., van Klinken, R., Cook, D. C., Logan, D., Jamieson, L., Tyson, J. L., Hulme, P. E., Christopher, M., Worner, S., Brockerhoff, E. G., Fletcher, J. D., Rodoni, B., Ludowici, V. A., Bulman, L., Teulon, D., Crampton, K. A., Hodda, M. and Paini, D. (2020) Plant Pest Impact Metric System (PPIMS): Framework and guidelines for a common set of metrics to classify and prioritise plant pests. Crop Protection, 128 . p. 105003. ISSN 0261-2194

Johnson, P., Campbell, J. A., Malik, A. U. and Malik, O. H. (2013) Issues and advances in commercializing sea-freight technology of mangoes. Acta Horticulturae, 992 . pp. 75-86. ISSN 05677572 (ISSN); 9789066054387 (ISBN)

Johnston, P. W., Mckeon, G.M. and Day, K.A. (1996) Objective `Safe' Grazing Capacities for South-West Queensland Australia: Development of a Model for Individual Properties. The Rangeland Journal, 18 (2). pp. 244-258.

Johnston, P. W., Tannock, P.R. and Beale, I. F. (1996) Objective `Safe' Grazing Capacities for South-West Queensland Australia: Model Application and Evaluation. The Rangeland Journal, 18 (2). pp. 259-269.

Johnston, W. L., Hine, D. and Southgate, P. C. (2018) Economic Modeling of Round Pearl Culture in Fiji and Assessment of Viable Farm Size. Journal of Shellfish Research, 37 (1). pp. 79-91. ISSN 0730-8000

Keating, B. A., Carberry, P. S., Hammer, G. L., Probert, M. E., Robertson, M. J., Holzworth, D., Huth, N. I., Hargreaves, J. N. G., Meinke, H., Hochman, Z., McLean, G., Verburg, K., Snow, V., Dimes, J. P., Silburn, M., Wang, E., Brown, S., Bristow, K. L., Asseng, S., Chapman, S., McCown, R. L., Freebairn, D. M. and Smith, C. J. (2003) An overview of APSIM, a model designed for farming systems simulation. European Journal of Agronomy, 18 (3). pp. 267-288. ISSN 1161-0301

Koopman, B., Mourad, A., Li, H., Vegt, A. v. d., Zhuang, S., Gibson, S., Dang, Y., Lawrence, D. and Zuccon, G. (2023) AgAsk: an agent to help answer farmer’s questions from scientific documents. International Journal on Digital Libraries . ISSN 1432-1300

Landsberg, R.G., Ash, A.J., Shepherd, R.K. and McKeon, G.M. (1998) Learning from history to survive in the future: Management evolution on Trafalgar Station, North-East Queensland. The Rangeland Journal, 20 (1). pp. 104-118. ISSN 1036-9872

Lindsay, S. J. (2016) Farm practices to manage the impact of severe tropical cyclone damage on banana production – a case study from tropical Australia. Acta Horticulturae (1114). pp. 275-284. ISSN 0567-7572

Malik, A. U., Hafeez, O., Johnson, P., Campbell, J. A., Amin, M., Saeed, M., Mazhar, M. S., Schouten, S. and Adeel, J. (2010) Toward developing a sea-freight supply chain for delivering pakistani mangoes to European supermarket: A private-public sector model. Acta Horticulturae, 880 . pp. 83-90. ISSN 05677572 (ISSN); 9789066056039 (ISBN)

Maphosa, L., Anwar, M. R., Luckett, D. J., Ip, R. H. L., Chauhan, Y. S. and Richards, M. F. (2022) Impact of Sowing Time and Genotype on Water Use Efficiency of Lentil (Lens culinaris Medick.). Agronomy, 12 (7). ISSN 2073-4395

Miah, S.J., Kerr, D., Gammack, J. and Cowan, T. (2008) A generic design environment for the rural industry knowledge acquisition. Knowledge-Based Systems, 21 (8). pp. 892-899.

Moore, A. D., Holzworth, D. P., Herrmann, N. I., Brown, H. E., de Voil, P. G., Snow, V. O., Zurcher, E. J. and Huth, N. I. (2014) Modelling the manager: Representing rule-based management in farming systems simulation models. Environmental Modelling & Software, 62 . pp. 399-410. ISSN 1364-8152

Mushtaq, S., An-Vo, D.-A., Christopher, M., Zheng, B., Chenu, K., Chapman, S. C., Christopher, J. T., Stone, R. C., Frederiks, T. M. and Alam, G. M. M. (2017) Economic assessment of wheat breeding options for potential improved levels of post head-emergence frost tolerance. Field Crops Research, 213 (Supple). pp. 75-88. ISSN 0378-4290

Nelson, B.S. and Robinson, E. (2009) Critical success factors of a whole of business extension approach for increased capacity of beef producers and improved enterprise profit and sustainability. Rangeland Journal, 31 (1). pp. 61-68. ISSN 1036-9872; 1834-7541

Nelson, R.A., Holzworth, D.P., Hammer, G. L. and Hayman, P.T. (2002) Infusing the use of seasonal climate forecasting into crop management practice in North East Australia using discussion support software. Agricultural Systems, 74 (3). pp. 393-414. ISSN 0308-521X

Nissen, R.J., George, A.P., Hofman, P., Tucker, B. and Rankin, M. (2008) Development of new processes for evaluating and implementing new improved horticultural supply chains operating in South-East Asia. Acta Horticulturae, 794 . pp. 269-276. ISSN 0567-7572

O'Reagain, P. J., Bushell, J., Holloway, C. H. and Reid, A., E. (2009) Managing for rainfall variability: effect of grazing strategy on cattle production in a dry tropical savanna. Animal Production Science, 49 (2). pp. 85-99.

Pahl, L. I. and Sharp, R. (2007) Stakeholder expectations for environmental assurance in agriculture: Lessons from the pastoral industry. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 47 (3). pp. 260-272.

Parker, A., Woodford, K.B. and Woods, E. J. (2000) Deregulating and Restructuring in the Queensland Dairy Industry. School of Natural & Rural Systems Management Occasional Paper Series, 7 (2). pp. 1-28.

Patane, P., Nothard, B., Thompson, M., Olayemi, M. and Stringer, J. (2024) Development of the decision-support tool ‘Harvest Mate’: agronomic algorithms. Zuckerindustrie, 149 (7-8). pp. 516-525.

Paynter, M. L. (2022) A new economical storage technique for strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) in vitro. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant, 58 . pp. 630-635. ISSN 1475-2689

Pembleton, K.G., Lowe, K.F. and Bahnisch, L.M. (2009) Utilising leaf number as an indicator for defoliation to restrict stem growth in rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) cv. Callide. Tropical Grasslands, 43 . pp. 79-85. ISSN 0049-4763

Power, B., Rodriguez, D., deVoil, P., Harris, G. and Payero, J.O. (2011) A multi-field bio-economic model of irrigated grain-cotton farming systems. Field Crops Research, 124 (2). pp. 171-179.

Pratt, C., Redding, M. and Hill, J. (2015) A promising and simple method to quantify soil/manure mixing on beef feedlot pens. Animal Production Science, 56 (9). pp. 1361-1366.

Premier, R. and Ledger, S. (2006) Good agricultural practices in Australia and Southeast Asia. HortTechnology, 16 (4). pp. 552-555. ISSN 1943-7714

Reardon-Smith, K., Mushtaq, S., Farley, H. S., Cliffe, N., Stone, R. C., Ostini, J., Doyle, J., Martin, N., Loch, A. and Maraseni, T. (2015) Virtual discussions to support climate risk decision making on farms. Journal of Economic and Social Policy, 17 (2). p. 7. ISSN 2202-4883

Renouf, M. A., Poggio, M., Collier, A., Price, N., Schroeder, B. L. and Allsopp, P. G. (2018) Customised life cycle assessment tool for sugarcane (CaneLCA)—a development in the evaluation of alternative agricultural practices. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment . ISSN 1614-7502

Rice, E.B. (1959) 100 Years of Queensland Dairying. Queensland Agricultural Journal, 85 . 25p. ISSN 0157-7786

Robson, A. J., Petty, J., Joyce, D. C., Marques, J. R. and Hofman, P. J. (2016) High resolution remote sensing, GIS and Google Earth for avocado fruit quality mapping and tree number auditing. Acta Horticulturae, 1130 . pp. 589-595.

Rolfe, J. W., Larard, A. E., English, B. H., Hegarty, E. S., McGrath, T. B., Gobius, N. R., De Faveri, J., Srhoj, J. R., Digby, M. J. and Musgrove, R. J. (2016) Rangeland profitability in the northern Gulf region of Queensland: understanding beef business complexity and the subsequent impact on land resource management and environmental outcomes. The Rangeland Journal, 38 (3). pp. 261-272.

Saidi, I., Johnston, W. L. and Southgate, P. C. (2017) Potential profitability of pearl culture in coastal communities in Tanzania. Aquaculture Reports, 5 . pp. 10-17. ISSN 2352-5134

Scanlan, J. C., McIvor, J. G., Bray, S. G., Cowley, R. A., Hunt, L. P., Pahl, L. I., MacLeod, N. D. and Whish, G. (2014) Resting pastures to improve land condition in northern Australia: guidelines based on the literature and simulation modelling. The Rangeland Journal, 36 (5). pp. 429-443.

Schons, R. M. T., Laca, E. A., Savian, J. V., Mezzalira, J. C., Schneider, E. A. N., Caetano, L. A. M., Zubieta, A. S., Benvenutti, M. A. and Carvalho, P. C. d. F. (2021) ‘Rotatinuous’ stocking: An innovation in grazing management to foster both herbage and animal production. Livestock Science, 245 . p. 104406. ISSN 1871-1413

Shukr, H. H., Pembleton, K. G., Zull, A. F. and Cockfield, G. J. (2021) Impacts of Effects of Deficit Irrigation Strategy on Water Use Efficiency and Yield in Cotton under Different Irrigation Systems. Agronomy, 11 (2). ISSN 2073-4395

Sinclair, S.E. (2000) An overview of the incorporation of management systems for red and rusa deer in queensland within a decision support system. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 13 . pp. 291-294. ISSN 1976-5517

Singh, D.K., McGuckian, N., Routley, R.A., Thomas, G.A., Dalal, R.C., Dang, Y.P., Hall, T.J., Strahan, R., Christodoulou, N., Cawley, S. and Ward, L. (2009) Poor adoption of ley-pastures in south-west Queensland: biophysical, economic and social constraints. Animal Production Science, 49 (9-10). pp. 894-906.

Singh, D.K., Strahan, R., Christodoulou, N. and Cawley, S. (2009) Validating economic and environmental sustainability of a short-term summer forage legume in dryland wheat cropping systems in south-west Queensland. Animal Production Science, 49 (9-10). pp. 816-825.

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Stewart, P.F. and Cameron, T. (2006) Improving the sugarcane farming system with FEAT: a decision-making tool to facilitate on-farm change. Proceedings of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technology, 28 . ISSN 0726-0822

Stone, G., Zhang, B., Carter, J., Fraser, G., Whish, G., Paton, C. and McKeon, G. (2021) An online system for calculating and delivering long-term carrying capacity information for Queensland grazing properties. Part 1: background and development. The Rangeland Journal, 43 (3). pp. 143-157.

Toft, H.I. (1964) The use of the computer in analysing data from farm management accounting groups. Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 8 (2). pp. 195-199. ISSN 0004-9395

Walker, S.R., Taylor, I.N., Milne, G., Osten, V.A., Hoque, Z. and Farquharson, R.J. (2005) A survey of management and economic impact of weeds in dryland cotton cropping systems of subtropical Australia. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 45 (1). pp. 79-91.

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Young, J.G. and Rayner, I.H. (1962) A note on resources and output studies on dairy farms. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (4). pp. 549-553.

Young, J.G. and Rayner, I.H. (1962) A resource and output study of a group of dairy farms in the Moreton district, south-eastern Queensland. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (4). pp. 493-525.

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Zhang, B., Fraser, G., Carter, J., Stone, G., Irvine, S., Whish, G., Willcocks, J. and McKeon, G. (2021) An online system for calculating and delivering long-term carrying capacity information for Queensland grazing properties. Part 2: modelling and outputs. The Rangeland Journal, 43 (3). pp. 159-172.

Zull, A. F., Bell, L., Aisthorpe, D., Brooke, G., Verrell, A., Baird, J., Erbacher, A., Gentry, J. and Lawrence, D. (2020) Farming system profitability and impacts of commodity price risk. GRDC Update .

Book Section

Andrews, J. and Davison, T. (2002) Dairy Farm Layout and Design: Building and Yard Design, Warm Climates. In: Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences. Elsevier.

Bagshaw, J. and Lindsay, S. J. (2009) Developing sustainable banana production systems: a case study from tropical Australia. In: Proceedings of the XVI International Symposium on Horticultural Economics and Management, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 7-11 December 2008. International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) No. 831, 7 pages.

Best, M.A. (2008) Potential economic benefit of intensification of beef production in Australian rangelands: an operational case study perspective. In: Multifunctional grasslands in a changing world, Volume II: XXI International Grassland Congress and VIII International Rangeland Congress. Guangdong People's Publishing House, Hohhot, China, 29 June-5 July 2008.

Carr, A.P., Carr, D.R., Carr, I.E., Wood, A.W. and Poggio, M.J. (2008) Implementing sustainable farming practices in the Herbert: The Oakleigh Farming Company experience. In: 30th Annual Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists Conference Proceedings. Townsville, Queensland. 29th April to 2nd May. Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ASSCT), 10 pages.

Garside, A.L., Poggio, M. J., Park, G., Salter, B. and Perna, J. (2009) Long-term Ingham and Mackay farming system experiments: comparisons between permanent non-tilled beds and re-formed beds. In: 31st Annual Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ASSCT) Conference Proceedings. Ballina, NSW. 5 - 8th May. Curran Associates, Inc..

Poggio, M. J., Morris, E., Reid, N. and DiBella, L. (2007) Grower group case study on new farming practices in the Herbert region, Australia. In: Proceedings of the 2007 Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists held at Cairns, Queensland, Australia, 8-11 May 2007. Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists.

Rodriguez, D., Robson, A. J. and Belford, R. (2009) Dynamic and Functional Monitoring Technologies for Applications in Crop Management. In: Crop Physiology: Applications for Genetic Improvement and Agronomy. Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-12-374431-9


Adsett, K. R. and Rey, P. (1995) Evaluation of high resolution SPOT satellite imagery for use in the preparation of Property Management Planbase maps for graziers and grain growers in Central Queensland. Project Report. Queensland Dept. of Primary Industries, Queensland.

Barber, D. G., Bauer, M. and Sullivan, M. L. (2020) Scoping the development of high value beef production from dairy bulls using forage-based systems. Project Report. Meat & Livestock Australia Limited.

Battaglia, M., Leith, P., Bruce, J., Ricketts, K., Brodie, S. and Strachan, M. (2022) Low emissions pathways for Queensland agrifood. Final report to the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. Project Report. CSIRO.

Beutel, T. S., Karfs, R. A., Bull, A.L., Peel, L. and Wallace, J.F. (2004) VegMachine - putting pastoralists in the picture. Other. Department of Primary Industries & Fisheries. (Unpublished)

Bowen, M. K. (2024) Agrivoltaic grazing systems in Queensland The potential, challenges, and opportunities for the coexistence of grazing and solar power plants in Queensland. Project Report. State of Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

Bowen, M. K. and Chudleigh, F. (2021) Mulga Lands production systems Preparing for, responding to, and recovering from drought. Project Report. State of Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

Bowen, M. K. and Chudleigh, F. (2021) Rangelands of central-western Queensland. Building resilient and diverse livestock production systems. Project Report. State of Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

Bowen, M. K., Chudleigh, F., Whish, G. and Phelps, D. G. (2019) Central West Mitchell Grasslands livestock production systems. Preparing for, responding to, and recovering from drought. Project Report. State of Queensland.

Bray, S. G., Walsh, D., Rolfe, J. W., Daniels, B., Phelps, D. G., Stokes, C., Broad, K. C., English, B. H., Floulkes, D., Gowen, R., Gunther, R. and Rohan, P. (2014) Climate Clever Beef : On-farm demonstration of adaptation and mitigation options for climate change in northern Australia. Project Report. Meat & Livestock Australia.

Broadley, R. (1999) Removing pre-and post-harvest constraints to custard apple marketing. Project Report. Queensland Dept. of Primary Industries, Queensland.

Buck, S. R., Hopkins, K., Brazier, N., Thomas, K., Moravek, T., Landsberg, L., Fletcher, J., Stockwell, P. and Jones, P. (2022) Grazier engagement to increase knowledge, skills and ability to combat pasture dieback. Project Report. Meat and Livestock Australia, North Sydney, Australia..

Carey, D., Deuter, P., Chen, Y. and White, N. (2022) Identifying and Reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions in Horticulture (HortCarbon Info). Technical Report. State of Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

Chudleigh, F. (2021) Meat sheep, meat goats and wool sheep in Queensland - Overview and prospects. Project Report. State of Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

Chudleigh, F., Oxley, T. and Bowen, M. K. (2019) Improving the performance of beef enterprises in northern Australia. Project Report. State of Queensland.

Chudleigh, P., Hardaker, T. and Abell, J. (2017) Economic assessment of six research, development and extension investments by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. Project Report. Agtrans Research.

Chudleigh, P., Hardaker, T., Abell, J. and Clarke, M. (2018) Economic assessment of six research, development and extension investments by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (Queensland). Project Report. Agtrans Research.

Chudleigh, P., Hardaker, T., Abell, J. and Clarke, M. (2019) Economic assessment of six research, development and extension investments by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (Queensland). Project Report. Agtrans Research.

Chudleigh, P., Hardaker, T. and Clarke, M. (2021) Economic assessment of six research, development and extension investments by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (Queensland). Project Report. Agtrans Research.

Chudleigh, P., Hardaker, T. and Clarke, M. (2020) Economic assessment of six research, development and extension investments by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (Queensland). Project Report. Agtrans Research.

Cockfield, G., Mushtaq, S. and White, N. (2012) Relocation of Intensive Agriculture to Northern Australia: The Case of the Rice Industry. Project Report. Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. (Unpublished)

Daniels, J., Woods, E. J. and Jamieson, A. (1997) Evaluation of training activities to improve farm families' skills : a report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation. Project Report. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation.

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland, (2020) A guide to managing livestock on small properties. Documentation. State of Queensland.

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland, (2022) Macadamia benchmarking 2019-2021. Technical Report. State of Queensland.

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