Items where Subject is "Research. Experimentation"
Number of items at this level: 135. 2024Tahmasbian, I. and Wang, J. (2024) Python and MATLAB script used for analysing (regression and classification) the data extracted from hyperspectral images of wheat grain samples infected by Fusarium graminearum. [Dataset] Tahmasbian, I., Wang, J., Hosseini Bai, S. and Simpfendorfer, S. (2024) Hyperspectral images captured from wheat grain samples with different levels of DON contamination. [Dataset] Tahmasbian, I., Wang, J., Simpfendorfer, S., Reid, R., Sultanbawa, Y., Seididamyeh, M. and Hosseini Bai, S. (2024) Reflectance values extracted from hyperspectral images captured from wheat grain samples along with reference DON concentrations. [Dataset] 2022Fordyce, G., Smith, D. R., Perkins, N. R. and McGowan, M. R. (2022) An objective prioritisation method for agriculture RD&E. The Rangeland Journal, 44 (3). pp. 149-158. Jovicich, E., Lane, V., Wiggenhauser, H., Perkins, M. L. and Mugamba, E. (2022) Opportunities for developing protected cropping in Australia — National RD&E Strategy overview. In: TropAg 2022 International Agriculture Conference, 31 October - 2 November 2022, Brisbane, Australia. 2019Alison, A., Maclean, A., Phelps, D. G., Burrows, A., Paterson, K. and McLaughlin, J. (2019) E-Beef Smart Farming in Northern Queensland – improving pasture and business sustainability through adoption of the latest tools and technologies. In: Proceedings of the Northern Beef Research Update Conference, 19-22 August 2019, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Crook, A. (2019) How A One Health Supports Animal Biosecurity Policies and Practices in Queensland. In: International Symposium for One Health Research, Guanyzhou, China. Dekkers, M.H.A., Quigley, S.A., Scarth, P., O'Reagain, P. J. and Poppi, D. P. (2019) Watching the grasses grow: using UAVs and satellites to monitor rangeland species composition. In: Proceedings of the Northern Beef Research Update Conference, 19-22 August 2019, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Douglas, J. and Ward, J. (2019) Proposal for consideration: Increasing adoption through campdrafting. In: Proceedings of the Northern Beef Research Update Conference, 19-22 August 2019, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Erbacher, A., Lawrence, D., Verrell, A., Baird, J., Aisthorpe, D., Zull, A. F., Gentry, J., Brooke, G., Klepper, K. and Bell, L. W. (2019) Impact of crop type and sequence on soil water accumulation and use in farming systems. In: 19th Australian Agronomy Conference, 25-29 August 2019, Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia. Fordyce, G. and Chandra, K. A. (2019) Growth of Brahman cross heifers to 2 years of age in the dry tropics. Animal Production Science, 59 (1). pp. 148-159. Gilbert, R. A., Ouwerkerk, D., Negara, W., Schatz, T., Klieve, A. and McCosker, K. D. (2019) Shifting cattle from grazing extensive pastures to floodplain pastures in the Northern Territory: Effect on rumen microbial communities. In: Proceedings of the Northern Beef Research Update Conference, 19-22 August 2019, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Hall, W. B. (2019) Managing and reversing the decline in funding for on-farm R&D. In: Proceedings of the Northern Beef Research Update Conference, 19-22 August 2019, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Hopkins, K., Emery, T. M.J., Chudleigh, F., Reid, D. J. and Bowen, M. K. (2019) Grazing weaners on oats: the effect of compensatory gain on productivity and profitability. In: Proceedings of the Northern Beef Research Update Conference, 19-22 August 2019, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Karfs, R.A. (2019) The RDE&A for the northern beef industry – feast or famine. In: Proceedings of the Northern Beef Research Update Conference, 19-22 August 2019, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Moir, E. (2019) Extension activities to improve technology use on farm. In: Proceedings of the Northern Beef Research Update Conference, 19-22 August 2019, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Morgan, J. A.T., Brown, G. W. and James, P. (2019) Paraboss for cattle; a new web resource to assist with the control of ticks, flies, lice and worms of cattle. In: Proceedings of the Northern Beef Research Update Conference, 19-22 August 2019, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Randhawa, I.A.S., Hayes, B. J., Porto-Neto, L. R., Schutt, K.M., McGowan, M.R., Burns, B.M. and Lyons, R.E. (2019) New diagnostic tools helping poll breeding for sustainable beef production. In: Proceedings of the Northern Beef Research Update Conference, 19-22 August 2019, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Sallur, N. M., Ward, J. and Bath, G. (2019) FutureBeef: northern beef industry collaboration. In: Proceedings of the Northern Beef Research Update Conference, 19-22 August 2019, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Ward, J. and Sallur, N. M. (2019) The role of FutureBeef in marketing and extension. In: Proceedings of the Northern Beef Research Update Conference, 19-22 August 2019, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. 2018Christopher, M., Chenu, K., Jennings, R., Fletcher, S., Butler, D., Borrell, A. and Christopher, J. (2018) QTL for stay-green traits in wheat in well-watered and water-limited environments. Field Crops Research, 217 . pp. 32-44. ISSN 0378-4290 Fancourt, B. A., Sweaney, M. and Fletcher, D. B. (2018) More haste, less speed: pilot study suggests camera trap detection zone could be more important than trigger speed to maximise species detections. Australian Mammalogy, 40 (1). pp. 118-121. Fernandez Winzer, L., Carnegie, A. J., Pegg, G. S. and Leishman, M. R. (2018) Impacts of the invasive fungus Austropuccinia psidii (myrtle rust) on three Australian Myrtaceae species of coastal swamp woodland. Austral Ecology, 43 (1). pp. 56-68. ISSN 1442-9993 Goswami, S., Woods, E. J. and Antony, G. (2018) The Role of Economics in Policy Advice: An Agriculture Perspective. Australasian Agribusiness Perspectives, 21 (14). pp. 236-245. ISSN 2209-6612 Hampton, J. O., Finch, N. A., Watter, K., Amos, M., Pople, A. R., Moriarty, A., Jacotine, A., Panther, D., McGhie, C., Davies, C., Mitchell, J. and Forsyth, D. M. (2018) A review of methods used to capture and restrain introduced wild deer in Australia. Australian Mammalogy, 41 (1). pp. 1-11. Hayes, L., Britton, S., Weerasinghe, G., Woodgate, R. G. and Hernandez-Jover, M. (2018) Insights into the knowledge, practices and training needs of veterinarians working with smallholder livestock producers in Australia. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 154 . pp. 54-62. ISSN 0167-5877 Heisswolf, S., Subramaniam, S. and Sivasubramaniam, V. (2018) Crossing the Valley of Death: different perspectives on mainstreaming'Eretmocerus hayati'into vegetable IPM systems. Rural Extension and Innovation Systems Journal, 14 (1). p. 130. Hereward, J. P., Werth, J. A., Thornby, D. F., Keenan, M., Chauhan, B. S. and Walter, G. H. (2018) Complete chloroplast genome of glyphosate resistant Sonchus oleraceus L. from Australia, with notes on the small single copy (SSC) region orientation. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 3 (1). pp. 363-364. ISSN null Hernández-Restrepo, M., Madrid, H., Tan, Y. P., da Cunha, K., Gene, J., Guarro, J. and Crous, P. (2018) Multi-locus phylogeny and taxonomy of Exserohilum. Persoonia, 41 . pp. 71-108. Mohd Rafdi, H. H., Joyce, D. C., Irving, D. E. and Gantait, S. S. (2018) Citric acid, sucrose and Cu2+ as potential vase treatments for cut Acacia holosericea G. Don foliage stems. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 93 (1). pp. 73-80. ISSN 1462-0316 2017Ekanayake, W. M. T. D., Clarke, A. R. and Schutze, M. K. (2017) Effect of Body Size, Age, and Premating Experience on Male Mating Success in Bactrocera tryoni (Diptera: Tephritidae). Journal of Economic Entomology, 110 (5). pp. 2278-2281. Engeman, R. M., Allen, L. R. and Allen, B. L. (2017) Study design concepts for inferring functional roles of mammalian top predators. Food Webs, 12 (Supple). pp. 56-63. ISSN 2352-2496 Fancourt, B. A., Speed, J. and Gentle, M. N. (2017) Do dingoes supress feral cats? Spatial and temporal activity of sympatric feral cats and dingoes in central Queensland. In: 17th Australasian vertebrate pest conference, Canberra. Fancourt, B. A., Speed, J. and Gentle, M. N. (2017) Uptake of feral cat baits in Eastern Australia. In: 17th Australasian vertebrate pest conference, Canberra. Gentry, J., Lawrence, D., Aisthorpe, D., Erbacher, A., Weier, J., Hagan, J. and Bell, L. (2017) Can systems performance be improved by modifying farming systems in Queensland? In: "Doing More with Less" Proceedings of the 18th Australian Agronomy Conference, 24-28 September 2017, Ballarat, Victoria, Australia,.. Ibell, P., Bally, I. S.E., Wright, C. L., Wilkie, J. D., Kolala, R. and Mizani, A. (2017) Preliminary results from the Small Tree-High Productivity Initiative. Acta Horticulturae, 1183 . pp. 43-52. Igwe, E. O., Charlton, K. E., Roodenrys, S., Kent, K., Fanning, K. and Netzel, M. E. (2017) Anthocyanin-rich plum juice reduces ambulatory blood pressure but not acute cognitive function in younger and older adults: A pilot cross-over dose-timing study. Nutrition Research, 47 . pp. 28-43. ISSN 0271-5317 Johnston, D.J. and Grant, T. P. (2017) Factors influencing gestation length in tropically adapted beef cattle breeds in Northern Australia. In: AAABG 22nd Conference - Science Enabling Industry Outcomes, Townsville. Li, Y.-M., Shivas, R. G., McTaggart, A. R., Zhao, P. and Cai, L. (2017) Ten new species of Macalpinomyces on Eriachne in northern Australia. Mycologia, 109 (3). pp. 408-421. ISSN 0027-5514 Liu, D., Burt, P., Abberton, K., Cusack, A., Currie, M., Mayze, J., Exley, P., Baker, J. and Naidoo, R. (2017) Developing fresh-cut tropical fruits with the application of Australian native plant extract. In: IFT 2017 Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Macnish, A. J., McConchie, C.A., Hofman, P. J. and Joyce, D. C. (2017) Potential factors that contribute to resin canal discoloration in mango fruit. Acta Horticulturae, 1183 . March, N. and Cullen, S. (2017) From prickly acacia to pasture – key lessons from a mechanical control field study. In: 14th Queensland Weed Symposium, Port Douglas.. Moravek, T., Nelson, B., Anderson, A. E. and Reid, D. J. (2017) Quantifying the effectiveness of extension delivery methods on practice change-the experience of the Grazing BMP extension support project. Rural Extension and Innovation Systems Journal, 13 (2). pp. 70-75. Mushtaq, S., An-Vo, D.-A., Christopher, M., Zheng, B., Chenu, K., Chapman, S. C., Christopher, J. T., Stone, R. C., Frederiks, T. M. and Alam, G. M. M. (2017) Economic assessment of wheat breeding options for potential improved levels of post head-emergence frost tolerance. Field Crops Research, 213 (Supple). pp. 75-88. ISSN 0378-4290 Nachimuthu, G., Halpin, N. V. and Bell, M. J. (2017) Productivity Benefits from Plastic Mulch in Vegetable Production Likely to Limit Adoption of Alternate Practices that Deliver Water Quality Benefits: An On-Farm Case Study. Horticulturae, 3 (3). p. 42. ISSN 2311-7524 National Committee for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, (2017) Grow. Make. Prosper. The decadal plan for Australian Agricultural Sciences 2017–26. Discussion Paper. Australian Academy of Science 2017. 2015Ratnayake, K., Joyce, D. C. and Webb, R. I. (2015) Xylem plugging and postharvest longevity of cut Acacia holosericea. Acta Horticulturae, 1104 . pp. 287-293. 2011Fordyce, G. (2011) Swan’s Lagoon Celebrating 50 years. The State of Queensland (Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation), 20 pages. Henderson, C. 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Proceedings of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technology, 31 . pp. 221-229. ISSN 0726-0822 2007Heisswolf, S. and Kay, I. (2007) Analysing industry needs to fine tune IPM project activities. Acta Horticulturae., 731. III International Symposium on Cucurbits . pp. 283-294. Lawrence, D., Christodoulou, N. and Whish, J. (2007) Designing better on-farm research in Australia using a participatory workshop process. Field Crops Research, 104 (1-3). pp. 157-164. Osten, V.A., Walker, S.R., Storrie, A., Widderick, M. J., Moylan, P., Robinson, G.R. and Galea, K. (2007) Survey of weed flora and management relative to cropping practices in the north-eastern grain region of Australia. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 47 (1). pp. 57-70. 2006Molloy, J.B. and Anderson, G. R. (2006) The distribution of Fasciola hepatica in Queensland, Australia, and the potential impact of introduced snail intermediate hosts. Veterinary Parasitology, 137 (1-2). pp. 62-66. Vogler, W. D. and Bahnisch, L.M. (2006) Effect of growing site, moisture stress and seed size on viability and dormancy of Sporobolus pyramidalis (giant rats tail grass) seed. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 46 (11). pp. 1473-1479. ISSN 0816-1089 Wade, M.R., Scholz, B.C.G., Lloyd, R.J., Cleary, A.J., Franzmann, B.A. and Zalucki, M.P. (2006) Temporal variation in arthropod sampling effectiveness: The case for using the beat sheet method in cotton. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 120 (2). pp. 139-153. 2005George, A.P., Broadley, R. and Nissen, R.J. (2005) Developing better outcomes from international collaborative R&D and extension training programs in horticulture in developing Asian countries. Acta Horticulturae, 694 . pp. 343-347. ISSN 0567-7572 Norng, S., Pettitt, A.N., Kelly, R.M., Butler, D.G. and Strong, W.M. (2005) Investigating the relationship between site-specific yield and protein of cereal crops. Precision Agriculture, 6 . pp. 41-51. ISSN 1573-1618 2004Berger, J.D., Turner, N.C., Siddique, K. H. M., Knights, E.J., Brinsmead, R.B., Mock, I., Edmondson, C. and Khan, T.N. (2004) Genotype by environment studies across Australia reveal the importance of phenology for chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) improvement. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 55 (10). pp. 1071-1084. ISSN 1836-0947 Keogh, D.U., Bell, K. L., Park, J.N. and Cobon, D.H. (2004) Formative evaluation to benchmark and improve climate-based decision support for graziers in Western Queelsland. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 44 (3). pp. 233-246. Shaw, K.A. and Kernot, J.C. (2004) Extent of dense native woodland and exotic weed infestation in the extensive grazing lands of the Upper Herbert and Upper Burdekin River Catchments of far north Queensland: results of a producer survey. Tropical Grasslands, 38 . pp. 112-116. Sohn, J.H., Smith, R., Yoong, E., Hudson, N. and Kim, T.I. (2004) Evaluation of a novel wind tunnel for the measurement of the kinetics of odour emissions from piggery effluent. Water Science and Technology, 50 (4). pp. 49-55. ISSN 0273-1223 2003Blaney, B. J., Maryam, R., Murray, S.A. and Ryley, M. J. (2003) Alkaloids of the sorghum ergot pathogen (Claviceps africana): assay methods for grain and feed and variation between sclerotia/sphacelia. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 54 (2). pp. 167-175. Gamage, H., Cameron, D. and Woods, E. J. (2003) Theory, surprise and reality: Exploring the world of the Sri Lankan entrepreneur. In: 9th International Conference on Sri Lankan Studies: Sri Lanka at Crossroads: Continuity and Change, 28-30 November 2003, Matara, Sri Lanka. Kelly, R., Strong, W., Jensen, T., Butler, D., Town, B. and Adams, M. (2003) Recurrence of yield and protein variation in the northern grains region. In: Solutions for a better environment: proceedings of the 11th Australian Agronomy Conference. 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Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 52 (7). pp. 731-743. ISSN 1836-0947 Lawrence, D.N., Carberry, P., Cawley, S.T., Doughton, J. A. and Herridge, D. (2001) Success factors for Participatory Farming Systems projects - field notes from the north. Science and Technology: Delivering Results for Agriculture? Proceedings of the 10th Agronomy Conference Hobart, Tasmania . Robinson, J.B., Freebairn, C., Huda, A.K.S. and Cawley, S.T. (2001) A view of science, agricultural science and farming systems research in these postmodern times. Proceedings of the 10th Australian Agronomy Conference . Wei, S., Woods, E. J., Adar, D., Maria, B. and Serman, N. (2001) Taste panel analysis of mandarin in Indonesia. In: 11th Annual World Food and Agribusiness Forum and Symposium: Integrity-the weakest link in the global food chain, 25-28 June 2001, Sydney, Australia. Wei, S., Woods, E. J., Adar, D. and Singgih, S. 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