Items where Subject is "Virology"
Number of items at this level: 63. ArticleAgnihotri, K., Oakey, J., Smith, C. S., Weir, R., Pyke, A. and Melville, L. (2021) Genome-scale molecular and phylogenetic characterization of Middle Point orbiviruses from Australia. Journal of General Virology, 102 (12). ISSN 1465-2099 Behncken, G.M. (1966) Lucerne mosaic virus in Queensland. Queensland Journal of Agricultural and Animal Sciences, 23 (1). pp. 91-92. Briddon, R.W., Martin, D.P., Owor, B.E., Donaldson, L., Markham, P.G., Greber, R.S. and Varsani, A. (2010) A novel species of mastrevirus (family Geminiviridae) isolated from Digitaria didactyla grass from Australia. Archives of Virology, 155 (9). pp. 1529-1534. Callaghan, B. and Dietzgen, R. G. (2005) Nucleocapsid gene variability reveals two subgroups of Lettuce necrotic yellows virus. Archives of Virology, 150 (8). pp. 1661-1667. Candresse, T., Lot, H., German-Retana, S., Krause-Sakate, R., Thomas, J., Souche, S., Delaunay, T., Lanneau, M. and Le Gall, O. (2007) Analysis of the serological variability of Lettuce mosaic virus using monoclonal antibodies and surface plasmon resonance technology. Journal of General Virology, 88 (9). pp. 2605-2610. Chua, K. B., Bellini, W.J., Rota, P.A., Harcourt, B.H., Tamin, A., Lam, S. K., Ksiazek, T.G., Rollin, P.E., Zaki, S.R., Shieh, W.J., Goldsmith, C.S., Gubler, D.J., Roehrig, J.T., Eaton, B., Gould, A.R., Olson, J., Field, H., Daniels, P., Ling, A.E., Peters, C.J., Anderson, L.J. and Mahy, B.W.J. (2000) Nipah virus: A recently emergent deadly paramyxovirus. Science, 288 (5740). pp. 1432-1435. ISSN 1095-9203 Cleland, P. C., Chamnanpood, P., Baldock, F.C. and Gleeson, L.J. (1995) An investigation of 11 outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease in villages in northern Thailand. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 22 (4). pp. 293-302. ISSN 0167-5877 Cotterill, P.J., Park, R.F. and Rees, R.G. (1995) Pathogenic specialization of Puccinia hordei Otth. in Australia, 1966-1990. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 46 (1). pp. 127-134. ISSN 1836-0947 Das, A., Mumu, M., Rahman, T., Sayeed, M. A., Islam, M. M., Alawneh, J. I. and Hassan, M. M. (2024) An In Silico Approach to Discover Efficient Natural Inhibitors to Tie Up Epstein–Barr Virus Infection. Pathogens, 13 (11). p. 928. ISSN 2076-0817 Dietzgen, R. G., Martin, K. M., Anderson, G. and Goodin, M. M. (2012) In planta localization and interactions of impatiens necrotic spot tospovirus proteins. Journal of General Virology, 93 . pp. 2490-2495. ISSN 0022-1317 Dietzgen, R.G., Callaghan, B., Wetzel, T. and Dale, J.L. (2006) Completion of the genome sequence of Lettuce necrotic yellows virus, type species of the genus Cytorhabdovirus. Virus Research, 118 (1-2). pp. 16-22. Drew, R.A., Herrington, M.E., Greber, R.S. and Duncalfe, F. (1986) Tissue culture and subsequent field evaluation of strawberry. Queensland Journal of Agricultural and Animal Sciences (Australia), 43 (2). pp. 91-96. ISSN 0033-6173 Edgerton, B., Webb, R. and Wingfield, M. (1997) A systemic parvo-like virus in the freshwater crayfish Cherax destructor. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 29 (1). pp. 73-78. ISSN 0177-5103 Epstein, J. H., Prakash, V., Smith, C. S., Daszak, P., McLaughlin, A. B., Meehan, G., Field, H. E. and Cunningham, A. A. (2008) Henipavirus infection in fruit bats (Pteropus giganteus), India. Emerging Infectious Disease journal, 14 (8). pp. 1309-1311. ISSN 1080-6059 Geering, A. D. W. and Thomas, J. E. (1999) Characterisation of a virus from Australia that is closely related to papaya mosaic potexvirus. Archives of Virology, 144 . pp. 577-592. ISSN 1432-8798 Greber, R.S. (1971) Barley stripe mosaic virus on Cape Barley in Queensland. Queensland Journal of Agricultural and Animal Sciences, 28 (2-3). pp. 121-129. Greber, R.S. (1966) Identification of the virus causing papaw yellow crinkle with tomato big bud virus by transmission tests. Queensland Journal of Agricultural and Animal Sciences, 23 (2). pp. 147-153. Greber, R.S. (1966) Passion-fruit woodiness virus as the cause of passion vine tip blight disease. Queensland Journal of Agricultural and Animal Sciences, 23 (4). pp. 533-538. Greber, R.S. (1971) Some characteristics of Tobacco streak virus isolated from Queensland. Queensland Journal of Agricultural and Animal Sciences, 28 (2-3). pp. 105-114. Greber, R.S. (1969) Viruses infecting cucurbits in Queensland. Queensland Journal of Agricultural and Animal Sciences, 26 (2). pp. 145-171. Hadfield, J., Martin, D.P., Stainton, D., Kraberger, S., Owor, B.E., Shepherd, D.N., Lakay, F., Markham, P.G., Greber, R.S., Briddon, R.W. and Varsani, A. (2011) Bromus catharticus striate mosaic virus: a new mastrevirus infecting Bromus catharticus from Australia. Archives of Virology, 156 (2). pp. 335-341. Higgins, C.M., Cassidy, B.G., Teycheney, P.-Y., Wongkaew, S. and Dietzgen, R. G. (1998) Sequences of the coat protein gene of five peanut stripe virus (PStV) strains from Thailand and their evolutionary relationship with other bean common mosaic virus sequences. Archives of Virology, 143 . pp. 1655-1667. ISSN 1432-8798 Jackson, A.O., Dietzgen, R.G., Goodin, M.M., Bragg, J.N. and Deng, M. (2005) Biology of Plant Rhabdoviruses. Annual Review Phytopathology, 43 . pp. 623-660. Kant, P., Brohier, N., Mann, R., Rigano, L., Taylor, R., Wong-Bajracharya, J., Chapman, T. A., Kehoe, M., Roach, R. L., Rodoni, B. and Constable, F. (2023) High-quality full genome assembly of historic Xylella fastidiosa strains from ICMP collection using a hybrid sequencing approach. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 12 (11), e0053623. Kraberger, S., Thomas, J. E., Geering, A. D. W., Dayaram, A., Stainton, D., Hadfield, J., Walters, M., Parmenter, K. S., van Brunschot, S., Collings, D. A., Martin, D. P. and Varsani, A. (2012) Australian monocot-infecting mastrevirus diversity rivals that in Africa. Virus Research, 169 (1). pp. 127-136. ISSN 0168-1702 Kuzmin, I.V., Novella, I.S., Dietzgen, R. G., Padhi, A. and Rupprecht, C.E. (2009) The rhabdoviruses: Biodiversity, phylogenetics, and evolution. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 9 (4). pp. 541-553. ISSN 1567-1348 Laidlaw, H.K.C., Persley, D. M., Pallaghy, C.K. and Godwin, I. D. (2004) Sequence diversity in the coat protein coding region of the genome RNA of Johnsongrass mosaic virus in Australia. Archives of Virology, 149 . pp. 1633-1641. ISSN 1432-8798 Li, W., Shi, Z., Yu, M., Ren, W., Smith, C. S., Epstein, J. H., Wang, H., Crameri, G., Hu, Z., Zhang, H., Zhang, J., McEachern, J. A., Field, H., Daszak, P., Eaton, B. T., Zhang, S. and Wang, L.-F. (2005) Bats are natural reservoirs of SARS-like coronaviruses. Science, 310 (5748). pp. 676-679. ISSN 1095-9203 Mackie, J., Campbell, P. R., Kehoe, M. A., Tran-Nguyen, L. T. T., Rodoni, B. C. and Constable, F. E. (2023) Genome Characterisation of the CGMMV Virus Population in Australia - Informing Plant Biosecurity Policy. Viruses, 15 (3). p. 743. ISSN 1999-4915 Mahony, T. J., Smith, G. A. and Thomson, D. M. (1999) Macropodid herpesviruses 1 and 2 occupy unexpected molecular phylogenic positions within the Alphaherpesvirinae. Journal of General Virology, 80 (2). pp. 433-436. ISSN 0022-1317 Marsh, G. A., Todd, S., Foord, A., Hansson, E., Davies, K. R., Wright, L., Morrissy, C., Halpin, K., Middleton, D., Field, H., Daniels, P. and Wang, L.-F. (2010) Genome Sequence Conservation of Hendra Virus Isolates during Spillover to Horses, Australia. Emerging Infectious Disease journal, 16 (11). p. 1767. ISSN 1080-6059 Mitter, N., Sulistyowati, E. and Dietzgen, R.G. (2003) Cucumber mosaic virus infection transiently breaks dsRNA-induced transgenic immunity to Potato virus Y in tobacco. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 16 (10). pp. 936-944. Morris, B. A.M., Richardson, K. A., Haley, A., Zhan, X. and Thomas, J. E. (1992) The nucleotide sequence of the infectious cloned dna component of tobacco yellow dwarf virus reveals features of geminiviruses infecting monocotyledonous plants. Virology, 187 (2). pp. 633-642. ISSN 0042-6822 Murray, D.A.H., Monsour, C.J., Teakle, R.E., Rynne, K.P. and Bean, J.A. (1995) Interactions between Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus and Three Larval Parasitoids of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Australian Journal of Entomology, 34 (4). pp. 319-322. ISSN 1326-6756 Pares, R.D., Dietzgen, R. G., Gunn, L.V. and Rizos, H. (1998) Differentiation of Australian cucumber mosaic cucumovirus isolates: Comparison of dsRNA type, polymerase chain reaction-restriction enzyme analysis, DNA hybridisation and serogrouping. Australasian Plant Pathology, 27 . pp. 36-39. ISSN 1448-6032 Pares, R.D., Dietzgen, R. G., Gunn, L.V. and Rizos, H. (1998) Differentiation of Australian cucumber mosaic cucumovirus isolates: comparison of dsRNA type, polymerase chain-reaction restriction enzyme analysis, DNA hybridisation and serogrouping. Australasian Plant Pathology, 27 . pp. 36-39. ISSN 1448-6032 Persley, D. M., Thomas, J.E. and Sharman, M. (2006) Tospoviruses - An Australian perspective. Australasian Plant Pathology, 35 (2). pp. 161-180. Rahman, S. A., Hassan, S. S., Olival, K. J., Mohamed, M., Chang, L.-Y., Hassan, L., Saad, N. M., Shohaimi, S. A., Mamat, Z. C., Naim, M.S., Epstein, J. H., Suri, A. S., Field, H. E. and Daszak, P. (2010) Characterization of Nipah virus from naturally infected Pteropus vampyrus bats, Malaysia. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 16 (12). pp. 1990-1993. ISSN 1080-6059 Sharman, M. and Persley, D. M. (2006) Field isolates of Tomato spotted wilt virus overcoming resistance in capsicum in Australia. Australasian Plant Pathology, 35 (2). pp. 123-128. Sharman, M., Thomas, J.E., Skabo, S. and Holton, T.A. (2008) Abaca bunchy top virus, a new member of the genus Babuvirus (family Nanoviridae). Archives of Virology, 153 (1). pp. 135-147. Simmonds, J.H. (1959) Mild strain protection as a means of reducing losses from the Queensland woodiness virus in the passion vine. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 16 (4). pp. 371-380. Snary, E. L., Ramnial, V., Breed, A. C., Stephenson, B., Field, H. E. and Fooks, A. R. (2012) Qualitative release assessment to estimate the likelihood of Henipavirus entering the United Kingdom. PLoS ONE, 7 (2), e27918. ISSN 1932-6203 Sturgess, O.W. (1956) Leaf shrivelling virus diseases of the tomato. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 13 (4). pp. 175-220. Teakle, D.S. and Wildermuth, G.B. (1967) Host range and particle length of passionfruit woodiness virus. Queensland Journal of Agricultural and Animal Sciences, 24 (2). pp. 173-186. Teakle, R.E. (1973) A nuclear-polyhedrosis virus from Heliothis punctigera Wallengren (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Queensland Journal of Agricultural and Animal Sciences, 30 (2). pp. 161-177. Teakle, R.E. (1973) A nuclear-polyhedrosis virus of the painted apple moth (Orgyia anartoides (Walker)). Queensland Journal of Agricultural and Animal Sciences, 30 (2). pp. 179-190. Teakle, R.E. (1969) A virus disease of Pieris rapae (L.) in Queensland. Queensland Journal of Agricultural and Animal Sciences, 26 (2). pp. 283-284. Teakle, R.E. (1973) Records of virus diseases in insects in Queensland. Queensland Journal of Agricultural and Animal Sciences, 30 (2). pp. 191-194. Thomas, J.E., Parry, J.N., Schwinghamer, M.W. and Dann, E.K. (2010) Two novel mastreviruses from chickpea (Cicer arietinum) in Australia. Archives of Virology, 155 (11). pp. 1777-1788. Thomson, D. and Dietzgen, R. G. (1995) Detection of DNA and RNA plant viruses by PCR and RT-PCR using a rapid virus release protocol without tissue homogenization. Journal of Virological Methods, 54 (2-3). pp. 85-95. ISSN 0166-0934 Van Regenmortel, M.H.V., Burke, D.S., Calisher, C.H., Dietzgen, R.G., Fauquet, C.M., Ghabrial, S.A., Jahrling, P.B., Johnson, K.M., Holbrook, M.R., Horzinek, M.C., Keil, G.M., Kuhn, J.H., Mahy, B.W.J., Martelli, G.P., Pringle, C., Rybricki, E.P., Skern, T., Tesh, R.B., Wahl-Jensen, V., Walker, P.J. and Weaver, S.C. (2010) A proposal to change existing virus species names to non-Latinized binomials. Archives of Virology, 155 (11). pp. 1909-1919. Walker, P. J., Dietzgen, R. G., Joubert, D. A. and Blasdell, K. R. (2011) Rhabdovirus accessory genes. Virus Research, 162 (1-2). pp. 110-125. Woods, R., Fitzsimmons, G., Sanders, L., Magee, K., Field, H. and Post, L. (2011) Australian Bat Lyssavirus in Australia - an inter-sectoral "One Health" Approach to Disease Management. Ecohealth, 7 . S48-S48. ISSN 1612-9202 van den Hurk, A.F., Smith, C. S., Field, H., Smith, I.L., Northill, J.A., Taylor, C.T., Jansen, C.C., Smith, G.A. and Mackenzie, J.S. (2009) Transmission of Japanese Encephalitis Virus from the Black Flying Fox, Pteropus alecto, to Culex annulirostris Mosquitoes, Despite the Absence of Detectable Viremia. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 81 (3). pp. 457-462. Book SectionDaszak, P., Plowright, R. K., Epstein, J. H., Pulliam, J., Rahman, S. A., Field, H. E., Jamaluddin, A., Sharifah, S.H., Smith, C. S., Olival, K.J., Luby, S., Halpin, K., Hyatt, A.D. and Cunningham, A.A. (2007) The emergence of Nipah and Hendra virus: Pathogen dynamics across a wildlife-livestock-human continuum. In: Disease Ecology: Community structure and pathogen dynamics. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198567080 Guan, Y., Field, H., Smith, G. J.D. and Chen, H. (2008) SARS coronavirus: An animal reservoir? In: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Blackwell Publishing. ISBN 9781405130318 MacKenzie, J. S., Childs, J. E., Field, H. E., Wang, L.-F. and Breed, A. C. (2008) The role of bats as reservoir hosts of emerging neurological viruses. In: Neurotropic Viral Infections. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780511541728 MonographSharman, M. (2015) Surveillance and monitoring for endemic and exotic virus diseases of cotton. Project Report. Cotton RDC. Sharman, M. (2008) Tobacco Streak Virus (TSV) in Cotton - scoping study. Project Report. Cotton CRC. Thomas, J. (2008) Epidemiology and management of tobacco streak virus in sunflower and pulse crops of the Northern Region. Project Report. Grains Research & Development Corporation. Thomas, J. (2011) Virus identification and development of long-term management strategies for the rhubarb industry. Project Report. HAL/HIA. Conference or Workshop ItemBarrett, J., Barry, R., Lunt, R., Rupprecht, C., Field, H., Smith, G. and Young, P. (2005) Australian Bat Lyssavirus: Observations of Natural and Experimental Infection in Bats. In: Wildlife Disease Association International Conference., 26 June - 1 July, Cairns, Queensland, Australia. ThesisBarrett, J. L. (2004) Australian Bat Lyssavirus. PhD thesis, The University of Queensland, 405 pages. |