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Number of items at this level: 321.


Bowen, M. K. (2024) Agrivoltaic grazing systems in Queensland The potential, challenges, and opportunities for the coexistence of grazing and solar power plants in Queensland. Project Report. State of Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

Connolly, C., Renouf, M. A., Nothard, B., Milbank, H. and Poggio, M. J. (2024) Profitability and environmental implications of innovative practice changes and irrigation improvements. Sugar Industry International, 149 (12). pp. 817-823. ISSN 1713880253

De Faveri, S. G., Vijaysegaran, S. and Cheesman, J. (2024) Area-wide management of methyl eugenol attracted fruit flies in mango: a systems approach. Manual. ACIAR.

Halpin, N. V., Granshaw, T., Linton, A., Skocaj, D.M., Connolly, C. and Anderson, A. E. (2024) Soybean and peanut rotations benefit sugarcane production in the Burdekin. In: 45th Annual Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ASSCT 2022), 16-19 April 2024, Townsville, Australia.

Halpin, N. V., Marshall, A.C., Rehbein, W. E., Bird, K. and Cameron, T. (2024) The ‘best’ legume rotation for southern cane growers. In: 45th Annual Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ASSCT 2022), 16-19 April 2024, Townsville, Australia.

Hutchison, W. J., Keyes, T. J., Crowell, H. L., Serizay, J., Soneson, C., Davis, E. S., Sato, N., Moses, L., Tarlinton, B., Nahid, A. A., Kosmac, M., Clayssen, Q., Yuan, V., Mu, W., Park, J.-E., Mamede, I., Ryu, M. H., Axisa, P.-P., Paiz, P., Poon, C.-L., Tang, M., Gottardo, R., Morgan, M., Lee, S., Lawrence, M., Hicks, S. C., Nolan, G. P., Davis, K. L., Papenfuss, A. T., Love, M. I. and Mangiola, S. (2024) The tidyomics ecosystem: Enhancing omic data analyses. bioRxiv . 2023.09.10.557072.

Hutchison, W. J., Keyes, T. J., Crowell, H. L., Serizay, J., Soneson, C., Davis, E. S., Sato, N., Moses, L., Tarlinton, B. and The tidyomics, C. (2024) The tidyomics ecosystem: enhancing omic data analyses. Nature Methods, 21 (7). pp. 1166-1170. ISSN 1548-7105

Johnston, W. L. (2024) Applied economics within pearl farming value chains supporting community livelihoods in Fiji and Tonga. PhD thesis, University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, 260 pages.

Kiloes, A. M., Joyce, D. C. and Abdul Aziz, A. (2024) Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities of Mango Export from Indonesia: Insights from Stakeholder Interviews. The Qualitative Report, 29 (3). pp. 811-830. ISSN 1052-0147

Mayberry, D., Reichelt, N., Evans, J. and Amidy, M. (2024) NEXUS project: exploring profitable, sustainable livestock businesses in an increasingly variable climate. Project Report. Meat & Livestock Australia.

Okemo, P., Wijesundra, U., Nakandala, U., Dillon, N. L., Chandora, R., Campbell, B., Smith, M., Hardner, C., Cadorna, C. A., Martin, G., Yahiaoui, N., Garsmeur, O., Pompidor, N., D’Hont, A. and Henry, R. J. (2024) Crop Domestication in the Asia Pacific Region: A review. Agriculture Communications . p. 100032. ISSN 2949-7981

Osunkoya, O. O., Shi, B. and Dhileepan, K. (2024) The economic cost of managing Navua sedge (Cyperus aromaticus) - a monocot weed of tropical Queensland, Australia. In: 23rd Australasian Weeds Conference; Breaking the cycle: Towards sustainable weed management, 25-29 August 2024, Brisbane, Qld..

Patane, P., Nothard, B., Thompson, M., Olayemi, M. and Stringer, J. (2024) Development of the decision-support tool ‘Harvest Mate’: agronomic algorithms. Zuckerindustrie, 149 (7-8). pp. 516-525.


Brown, P., Hickes, D., Jovicich, E., O’Mullan, C., Dakuidreketi, A., Hickes, A. F., Mua, M., Tamasese, E. and Carter, J. (2023) Integrating protected cropping systems into high value vegetable value chains in the Pacific and Australia. Project Report. ACIAR.

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland, (2023) Queensland AgTech Roadmap 2023–2028. Technical Report. State of Queensland.

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland, (2023) Queensland Low Emissions Agriculture Roadmap 2022–2032. Technical Report. State of Queensland.

Dillon, N. L., Zhang, D., Nauheimer, L., Toramo, E., Nagalevu, P., Melteras, M.-V., Wallez, S., Finau, K., Nakidakida, S., Lepou, P. and Diczbalis, Y. (2023) Understanding the cocoa genetic resources in the Pacific to assist producers to supply the growing craft market. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science . pp. 1-15. ISSN 0114-0671

Fordyce, G., Shephard, R., Moravek, T. and McGowan, M. R. (2023) Australian cattle herd: a new perspective on structure, performance and production. Animal Production Science, 63 (4). pp. 410-421.

Henry, B. (2023) Potential for soil carbon sequestration in Northern Australian grazing lands: A review of the evidence. Project Report. State of Queensland.

Kern, S., Santos, B., Topp, B., Cave, R., Bignell, G. W., Mulo, S. and Hardner, C. (2023) Value chain stakeholder preferences are misaligned with economic weights derived from the bio-economic model: what is the effect on the ranking of candidates? Acta Horticulturae, 1362 . pp. 529-538. ISSN 2406-6168

Kiloes, A. M., Muflikh, Y. N., Joyce, D. C. and Abdul Aziz, A. (2023) Understanding the complexity of the Indonesian fresh mango industry in delivering quality to markets: A systems thinking approach. Food Policy, 118 . p. 102497. ISSN 0306-9192

Millbank, H. and Nothard, B. (2023) Understanding the economics of horticultural management practices and systems for improving water quality runoff in the Great Barrier Reef catchment areas. Technical Report. State of Queensland.

Ouwerkerk, D., Gilbert, R. A. and Beutel, T. S. (2023) Feeding Leucaena to manage the rumen for maximum beef profit. Project Report. Meat and Livestock Australia, North Sydney, Australia..

Robertson, K. R. and Daniells, J. W. (2023) Tailoring ‘Goldfinger’ for improved market prospects. Acta Horticulturae, 1367 . pp. 277-285.

Shepherd, R. (2023) Design, construction and management of flood refuge mounds. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

Tlusty, M. F., Cawthorn, D.-M., Goodman, O. L. B., Rhyne, A. L. and Roberts, D. L. (2023) Real-time automated species level detection of trade document systems to reduce illegal wildlife trade and improve data quality. Biological Conservation, 281 . p. 110022. ISSN 0006-3207

Whish, G., Holloway, C. H. and Penna, G. L. (2023) DAF Project Report for ‘Inside Edge for graziers to adapt to Queensland’s drought-prone climate – grazing extension tools’. Project Report. State of Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.


Akter Suhi, A., Mia, S., Khanam, S., Hasan Mithu, M., Uddin, M. K., Muktadir, A., Ahmed, S. and Jindo, K. (2022) How Does Maize-Cowpea Intercropping Maximize Land Use and Economic Return? A Field Trial in Bangladesh. Land, 11 (4). ISSN 2073-445X

Battaglia, M., Leith, P., Bruce, J., Ricketts, K., Brodie, S. and Strachan, M. (2022) Low emissions pathways for Queensland agrifood. Final report to the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. Project Report. CSIRO.

Bowen, M. K., Chudleigh, F., Sallur, N. M. and Sommerfield, J. (2022) Opportunities to build resilience of beef cattle properties in the mulga lands of south-western Queensland, Australia. The Rangeland Journal, 44 (2). pp. 115-128.

Buck, S. R., Hopkins, K., Brazier, N., Thomas, K., Moravek, T., Landsberg, L., Fletcher, J., Stockwell, P. and Jones, P. (2022) Grazier engagement to increase knowledge, skills and ability to combat pasture dieback. Project Report. Meat and Livestock Australia, North Sydney, Australia..

Carey, D., Deuter, P., Chen, Y. and White, N. (2022) Identifying and Reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions in Horticulture (HortCarbon Info). Technical Report. State of Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

Cawthorn, D.-M., Hoffmann, L. C. and Mariani, S. (2022) Imposter fish: Uncovering fraud and obscure trade in global seafood supply chains. In: TropAg 2022 International Agriculture Conference, 31 October - 2 November 2022, Brisbane, Australia.

Chauhan, Y. S., Marshall, A., Bird, K., Rehbein, W. E., Krosch, S., O'Connor, D. and Halpin, N. V. (2022) Peanut agronomy experiments with five varieties in the Bundaberg and Kingaroy regions in the 2021-22 season. State of Queensland, 28 pages.

Connellan, J., Thompson, M., Salter, B. and Olayemi, M. (2022) Evaluation of enhanced-efficiency fertilisers in Queensland sugarcane. In: 43rd Annual Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ASSCT 2022), 19 to 22 April 2022, Mackay, Australia.

Connellan, J., Thompson, M., Salter, B., Panitz, J.H. and Olayemi, M. (2022) Support of cane farmer trials of enhanced efficiency fertiliser in the catchments of the Great Barrier Reef. Project Report. Sugar Research Australia, Brisbane.

Connolly, C., Renouf, M., Nothard, B., Bakir, H. and Poggio, M. (2022) Profitability and environmental implications of practice changes driven by soil health in Central and Northern Queensland. In: 43rd Annual Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ASSCT 2022), 19 to 22 April 2022, Mackay, Australia.

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland, (2022) Macadamia benchmarking 2019-2021. Technical Report. State of Queensland.

Durrington, G., Brider, J., Holzworth, D., Hammer, G. L. and Wu, A. (2022) CropGen: A novel tool for optimising sorghum crop design. In: TropAg 2022 International Agriculture Conference, 31 October - 2 November 2022, Brisbane, Australia.

Eyre, J., Mumford, M. H., Broad, I. J., Serafin, L., Aisthorpe, D. and Rodriguez, D. (2022) Transformational agronomy by growing summer crops in winter: Crop establishment in cold soils. In: Proceedings of the 20th Agronomy Australia Conference, 2022, 6 - 10 February 2022, Toowoomba Qld.

George-Jaeggli, B., Zhi, X., Massey-Reed, S. R., Potgieter, A. B., Hunt, C. H., Watson, J., Chapman, S. C., Laws, K., Borrell, A., Tao, Y., Mace, E. S., Jordan, D. R., Van Oosterom, E. J., Hammer, G. L. and Wu, A. (2022) Deriving radiation use efficiency from hyperspectral sensing for enhanced sorghum production. In: TropAg 2022 International Agriculture Conference, 31 October - 2 November 2022, Brisbane, Australia.

Goswami, S. (2022) Using data to create value: Interactive market intelligence for export growth. In: TropAg 2022 International Agriculture Conference, 31 October - 2 November 2022, Brisbane, Australia.

Hardaker, T. (2022) Impact assessment of six research, development and extension investments by the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries 2022 : Aggregate Analysis Summary Report. Project Report. Agtrans Research.

Hoffmann, L. C., Cozzolino, D. and Cawthorn, D.-M. (2022) Provenance of food proteins. In: TropAg 2022 International Agriculture Conference, 31 October - 2 November 2022, Brisbane, Australia.

Jovicich, E., Lane, V., Wiggenhauser, H., Perkins, M. L. and Mugamba, E. (2022) Opportunities for developing protected cropping in Australia — National RD&E Strategy overview. In: TropAg 2022 International Agriculture Conference, 31 October - 2 November 2022, Brisbane, Australia.

Larard, A. E. (2022) Better Business Management and Succession Planning in North Queensland Extensive Family Beef Businesses. Project Report. Nuffield Australia.

Leach, P. L. (2022) A history of phytosanitary market access research enabling export of Australian mangoes. In: TropAg 2022 International Agriculture Conference, 31 October - 2 November 2022, Brisbane, Australia.

Lemin, C. (2022) Demonstrating the productivity and profitability of cattle grazing Redlands leucaena in northern Queensland. Project Report. Meat and Livestock Australia, North Sydney, Australia..

Macnish, A. J. (2022) Ensuring product quality through export supply chains: A case study in citrus. In: TropAg 2022 International Agriculture Conference, 31 October - 2 November 2022, Brisbane, Australia.

Matthews, G. and Grundy, P. R. (2022) Cotton growing in Australia. In: Pest management in cotton: a global perspective. CABI, Wallingford. ISBN 9781800620216

Newett, S. (2022) Avocado industry development and extension. Project Report. Hort Innovation.

O'Sullivan, D. (2022) Pasture management for the Burnett catchment. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

O'Sullivan, D. and Lord, B. (2022) Pasture management for South East Queensland catchments. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

Pfumayaramba, T., Nothard, B., Anderson, A. E., White, B., Moore, A., Zahmel, M., McHardle, R. and Poggio, M. (2022) Refining nitrogen management under different conditions: economic results from preliminary grower-demonstration trials. In: 43rd Annual Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ASSCT 2022), 19 to 22 April 2022, Mackay, Australia.

Potgieter, A. B., Schepen, A., Brider, J. and Hammer, G. L. (2022) Lead time and skill of Australian wheat yield forecasts based on ENSO-analogue or GCM-derived seasonal climate forecasts – A comparative analysis. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 324 . p. 109116. ISSN 0168-1923

Sangha, K. K., Ahammad, R., Mazahar, M. S., Hall, M., Owens, G., Kruss, L., Verrall, G., Moro, J. and Dickinson, G. R. (2022) An Integrated Assessment of the Horticulture Sector in Northern Australia to Inform Future Development. Sustainability, 14 (18). p. 11647. ISSN 2071-1050

Thorburn, P. J., Biggs, J. S., McCosker, K. and Northey, A. (2022) Assessing water quality for cropping management practices: A new approach for dissolved inorganic nitrogen discharged to the Great Barrier Reef. Journal of Environmental Management, 321 . p. 115932. ISSN 0301-4797

Zull, A. F., De Voil, P., Thomas, L., Eyre, J., Serafin, L., Aisthorpe, D., Wilkus, E. and Rodriguez, D. (2022) Transformational agronomy by growing summer crops in winter: The cropping system and farm profits. In: Proceedings of the 20th Agronomy Australia Conference, 2022, 6 - 10 February 2022, Toowoomba Qld.


Bowen, M. K. and Chudleigh, F. (2021) An economic framework to evaluate alternative management strategies for beef enterprises in northern Australia. Animal Production Science, 61 (3). pp. 271-281.

Bowen, M. K. and Chudleigh, F. (2021) Can a return to small ruminants increase profitability and drought resilience in the semiarid rangelands of northern Australia? Animal Production Science, 62 (11). pp. 975-982.

Bowen, M. K. and Chudleigh, F. (2021) Mulga Lands production systems Preparing for, responding to, and recovering from drought. Project Report. State of Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

Bowen, M. K. and Chudleigh, F. (2021) Rangelands of central-western Queensland. Building resilient and diverse livestock production systems. Project Report. State of Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

Bowen, M. K., Chudleigh, F. and Phelps, D. G. (2021) Bio-economic evaluation of grazing-management options for beef cattle enterprises during drought episodes in semiarid grasslands of northern Australia. Animal Production Science, 61 (1). pp. 72-83.

Chudleigh, F. (2021) Meat sheep, meat goats and wool sheep in Queensland - Overview and prospects. Project Report. State of Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

Chudleigh, P., Hardaker, T. and Clarke, M. (2021) Economic assessment of six research, development and extension investments by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (Queensland). Project Report. Agtrans Research.

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland, (2021) Queensland Grains Research 2020-21 Regional agronomy (research). State of Queensland, 110 pages.

Duong, H., Macnish, A. J., Wright, C. L. and Wedding, B. B. (2021) Hyperspectral imaging to non-destructively predict citrus chilling injury. Project Report. State of Queensland.

Ginns, S. P., Kent, G.A., Johnston, W. L., Panitz, J.H. and Robotham, B.G. (2021) Economic evaluation of post-harvest cane cleaning. In: Proceedings of the 42nd Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists Conference ASSCT 2021, 20 April 2021 - 23 April 2021, Bundaberg West, Australia.

Halpin, N. V. (2021) Southern Sugar Solutions. Project Report. Sugar Research Australia, Brisbane.

King, N. (2021) Banana Best Management Practices : Environmental Guidelines for the Australian Banana Industry - V3. State of Queensland, 149 pages.

Saliem, H. P., Ariningsih, E., Suhaeti, R. N., Septanti, K. S., Maulana, M., De Faveri, S. G., Johnson, P. and Shanmugam, V. (2021) Gedong Gincu mango farmer’s perceptions toward the advantages and obstacles of the modern market. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Sallur, N. M., Black, E., Corbett, E., English, B. H., O'Sullivan, D., Perry, L., Rolfe, J. W., Sneath, R. J. and Sullivan, M. T. (2021) Dry season management of a beef business : A guide to planning, managing and supplementary feeding. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld., 82 pages.

Schons, R. M. T., Laca, E. A., Savian, J. V., Mezzalira, J. C., Schneider, E. A. N., Caetano, L. A. M., Zubieta, A. S., Benvenutti, M. A. and Carvalho, P. C. d. F. (2021) ‘Rotatinuous’ stocking: An innovation in grazing management to foster both herbage and animal production. Livestock Science, 245 . p. 104406. ISSN 1871-1413

Shelton, M., Dalzell, S., Tomkins, N. and Buck, S. R. (2021) Leucaena - The productive and sustainable forage legume. Meat and Livestock Australia, North Sydney, Australia., 93 pages.

Shukr, H. H., Pembleton, K. G., Zull, A. F. and Cockfield, G. J. (2021) Impacts of Effects of Deficit Irrigation Strategy on Water Use Efficiency and Yield in Cotton under Different Irrigation Systems. Agronomy, 11 (2). ISSN 2073-4395

Stone, G., Zhang, B., Carter, J., Fraser, G., Whish, G., Paton, C. and McKeon, G. (2021) An online system for calculating and delivering long-term carrying capacity information for Queensland grazing properties. Part 1: background and development. The Rangeland Journal, 43 (3). pp. 143-157.

Suhaeti, R.N., Saliem, H.P., Ariningsih, E., Septanti, K.S., Maulana, M., De Faveri, S. G., Johnson, P. and Shanmugam, V. (2021) Impact of area-wide management for fruit flies on the role of women in mango farming. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Trotter, M., Bally, D., Wade, C. and Hardwick, L. A. (2021) Spatially Resilient Grazing Systems: Measuring and optimising landscape utilisation in rangeland sheep and goats. Project Report. Meat and Livestock Australia, North Sydney, Australia..

Walker, L. K., Peck, G. A., Mace, G. and Buck, S. R. (2021) Stylos in Queensland: an identification and suitability guide for graziers and advisers. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld., 27 pages.

Zhang, B., Fraser, G., Carter, J., Stone, G., Irvine, S., Whish, G., Willcocks, J. and McKeon, G. (2021) An online system for calculating and delivering long-term carrying capacity information for Queensland grazing properties. Part 2: modelling and outputs. The Rangeland Journal, 43 (3). pp. 159-172.


Barber, D. G., Bauer, M. and Sullivan, M. L. (2020) Scoping the development of high value beef production from dairy bulls using forage-based systems. Project Report. Meat & Livestock Australia Limited.

Bell, L., Anderson, B., Aisthorpe, D., Verrell, A., Baird, J., Erbacher, A., Gentry, J. and Lawrence, D. (2020) Summer crops: relative water use efficiencies and legacy impacts in farming systems. GRDC Update .

Bowen, M. K., Chudleigh, F., Dixon, R.M., Sullivan, M. T., Schatz, T. and Oxley, T. (2020) The economics of phosphorus supplementation of beef cattle grazing northern Australian rangelands. Animal Production Science, 60 . pp. 683-693.

Chudleigh, P., Hardaker, T. and Clarke, M. (2020) Economic assessment of six research, development and extension investments by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (Queensland). Project Report. Agtrans Research.

Connolly, N. M. and Pearson, R. G. (2020) Do constrained immigration rates and high β diversity explain contrasting productivity–diversity patterns measured at different scales? Oecologia, 194 . pp. 481-490. ISSN 1432-1939

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland, (2020) Macadamia industry benchmark report - 2009 to 2019 seasons. Technical Report. State of Queensland.

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland, (2020) Queensland Grains Research 2019-20 Regional agronomy (research). State of Queensland, 140 pages.

Ergashev, A. (2020) Analysis of Gross Margins in Queensland Tomatoes. Proceedings, 36 (1). p. 48. ISSN 2504-3900

Ergashev, A. (2020) Money Can’t Buy Me Love, but It Can Buy Apples: An Analysis of Fruit and Vegetable Demand in Uzbekistan. In: 30 Years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall: Turns and Twists in Economies, Politics, and Societies in the Post-Communist Countries. Springer Singapore, Singapore. ISBN 978-981-15-0317-7

Halpin, N. V., Rehbein, W. E. and Bird, K. (2020) Update of new research in peanuts to assist in-field decision making. GRDC Update .

Herrero, M., Thornton, P. K., Mason-D’Croz, D., Palmer, J., Benton, T. G., Bodirsky, B. L., Bogard, J. R., Hall, A., Lee, B., Nyborg, K., Pradhan, P., Bonnett, G. D., Bryan, B. A., Campbell, B. M., Christensen, S., Clark, M., Cook, M. T., de Boer, I. J. M., Downs, C., Dizyee, K., Folberth, C., Godde, C. M., Gerber, J. S., Grundy, M., Havlik, P., Jarvis, A., King, R., Loboguerrero, A. M., Lopes, M. A., McIntyre, C. L., Naylor, R., Navarro, J., Obersteiner, M., Parodi, A., Peoples, M. B., Pikaar, I., Popp, A., Rockström, J., Robertson, M. J., Smith, P., Stehfest, E., Swain, S. M., Valin, H., van Wijk, M., van Zanten, H. H. E., Vermeulen, S., Vervoort, J. and West, P. C. (2020) Innovation can accelerate the transition towards a sustainable food system. Nature Food, 1 (5). pp. 266-272. ISSN 2662-1355

Johnston, W. L., Gordon, S. E., Wingfield, M., Halafihi, T.’i., Hine, D. and Southgate, P. C. (2020) Economic feasibility of small-scale mabé pearl production in Tonga using the winged pearl oyster, Pteria penguin. Aquaculture Reports, 17 . p. 100347. ISSN 2352-5134

Johnston, W. L., Kishore, P., Vuibeqa, G. B., Hine, D. and Southgate, P. C. (2020) Economic assessment of community-based pearl oyster spat collection and mabé pearl production in the western Pacific. Aquaculture, 514 . p. 734505. ISSN 0044-8486

Lewis, T., Menzies, T., Brawner, J. T., Venn, T., Francis, B., Ryan, S., Schulke, B., Cameron, N. and Kelly, A. (2020) Improving productivity of the private native forest resource in southern Queensland and northern New South Wales. Project Report. Forest & Wood Products Australia.

McGavin, R. L., Leggate, W. and Dorries, J. W. (2020) Increasing the Value of Forest Resources through the Development of Advanced Engineered Wood Products. Project Report. Forest & Wood Products Australia.

McLennan, S. R., McLean, I. and Paton, C. (2020) Re-defining the animal unit equivalence (AE) for grazing ruminants and its application for determining forage intake, with particular relevance to the northern Australian grazing industries. Project Report. Meat and Livestock Australia, North Sydney, Australia..

Suarez, L. A., Robson, A., McPhee, J., O'Halloran, J. and van Sprang, C. (2020) Accuracy of carrot yield forecasting using proximal hyperspectral and satellite multispectral data. Precision Agriculture, 21 . pp. 1304-1326. ISSN 1573-1618

Vitelli, J. S., Day, M. D., Dhileepan, K., Sathyamurthy, R., Morin, L., Mcconnachie, A., Kwong, R. and Lefoe, G. (2020) New biocontrol solution for sustainable management of weed impacts to agricultural profitability. Project Report. AgriFutures.

Wang, W., Reeves, S., Di Bella, L., Rixon, C., Sluggett, R., Ginns, S. P. and Royle, (2020) Smart Blending of Enhanced Efficiency Fertilisers to Maximise Sugarcane Profitability. Final report to the Rural R&D for Profit Program - More Profit from Nitrogen. Project Report. Cotton RDC.

Woolnough, A. P., Hull, L. A., Reid, M. J., Adams, L. B., Kleinert, H. M. and Alter, T. R. (2020) Community-led approaches can lead to better outcomes for management of European rabbits 'Oryctolagus cuniculus' and other invasive species. Victorian Naturalist, 137 (6). pp. 210-219. ISSN 0042-5184

Zull, A. F., Bell, L., Aisthorpe, D., Brooke, G., Verrell, A., Baird, J., Erbacher, A., Gentry, J. and Lawrence, D. (2020) Farming system profitability and impacts of commodity price risk. GRDC Update .


Adams, L. B., Alter, T. R., Parkes, M. W., Reid, M. J. and Woolnough, A. P. (2019) Political economics, collective action and wicked socio-ecological problems: A practice story from the field. Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement, 12 (1). ISSN 1836-3393

Bailleres, H., Lee, D. J., Kumar, C., Psaltis, S., Hopewell, G. and Brancheriau, L. (2019) Improving returns from southern pine plantations through innovative resource characterisation. Project Report. Forest & Wood Products Australia.

Bally, I. S.E., Dickinson, G. R., Fateh, F. S. and Markham, R. (2019) Integrated crop management practices to enhance value chain outcomes for the mango industry in Pakistan and Australia. Project Report. ACIAR.

Chudleigh, F., Oxley, T. and Bowen, M. K. (2019) Improving the performance of beef enterprises in northern Australia. Project Report. State of Queensland.

Chudleigh, P., Hardaker, T., Abell, J. and Clarke, M. (2019) Economic assessment of six research, development and extension investments by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (Queensland). Project Report. Agtrans Research.

Denny, D.-M. (2019) Assessing the effectiveness of extension methods and engagement using biophysical data. In: 2019 Australasia-Pacific Extension Network Conference - APEN Conference - Extending Horizons, 12 - 13 September, 2019, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland, (2019) The north-west Queensland Monsoon event of 26 January – 9 February 2019: report of a landholder survey into impact and recovery. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

Diczbalis, Y., Borines, L. M., Lauzon, R. D., Galvez, L. A., Dayap, F. T., Lina, D. T., Salamat, E. E., Bulawan, A., Almeroda, B., Mapili, E. K., Loquias, V., Leung, C., Hoult, M. D. and Dillon, N. L. (2019) Tropical tree fruit research and development in the Philippines and northern Australia to increase productivity, resilience and profitability. Project Report. ACIAR.

Erbacher, A., Lawrence, D., Verrell, A., Baird, J., Aisthorpe, D., Zull, A. F., Gentry, J., Brooke, G., Klepper, K. and Bell, L. W. (2019) Impact of crop type and sequence on soil water accumulation and use in farming systems. In: 19th Australian Agronomy Conference, 25-29 August 2019, Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia.

Ergashev, A. (2019) Economic, Environmental, and Social Sustainability Assessment of Queensland Industries. Proceedings, 36 (1). p. 45. ISSN 2504-3900

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