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Items where Author is "Pattison, Anthony B."

Group by: Item Type | Date
Number of items: 59.


Kurniasari, I., Wibowo, A., Subandiyah, S. and Pattison, A. B. (2024) Association of soil bacterial diversity and composition with Fusarium wilt disease of bananas in Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia. Biodiversitas, 25 (5). pp. 2264-2275.

Pattison, A. B., McBeath, A. V., Masters, B. and Dennis, P. G. (2024) Direct and indirect effects of Basta®, a glufosinate-based herbicide, on banana plantation soil microbial diversity and function. Applied Soil Ecology, 195 . p. 105225. ISSN 0929-1393

Clarke, A.-B. C., Lapis-Gaza, H. R., Irvine-Brown, S., Lyons, R., Sun, J., Pattison, A. B. and Dennis, P. G. (2024) Moderate Phosphorus Addition to Field-Grown Bananas Enhanced Soil Microbial Enzyme Activities but Had Negligible Impacts on Bacterial, Fungal, and Nematode Diversity. Applied Microbiology, 4 (4). pp. 1582-1599. ISSN 2673-8007

Birt, H. W. G., Pattison, A. B., Carrillo, Y., Lieske, S. N., Lyons, R., Lapis-Gaza, H. R., Sun, J. and Dennis, P. G. (2024) Relative to rainforests and grasslands, banana and sugarcane soils have half the microbial biomass and highly distinct bacterial and fungal communities. Applied Soil Ecology, 204 . p. 105750. ISSN 0929-1393

Orr, R., Northfield, T. D., Pattison, A. B. and Nelson, P. N. (2023) Soil physicochemical characteristics and leaf nutrient contents on banana farms of North Queensland, Australia. Crop and Pasture Science, 74 (5). pp. 483-493.

Dennis, P. G., Kukulies, T., Forstner, C., Plisson, F., Eaglesham, G. and Pattison, A. B. (2023) The Effects of Atrazine, Diuron, Fluazifop-P-butyl, Haloxyfop-P-methyl, and Pendimethalin on Soil Microbial Activity and Diversity. Applied Microbiology, 3 (1). pp. 79-89. ISSN 2673-8007

Orr, R., Dennis, P. G., Wong, Y., Browne, D. J., Cooper, M., Birt, H. W. G., Lapis-Gaza, H. R., Pattison, A. B. and Nelson, P. N. (2022) Nitrogen fertilizer rate but not form affects the severity of Fusarium wilt in banana. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13 , 907819.

Birt, H. W. G., Pattison, A. B., Skarshewski, A., Daniells, J. W., Raghavendra, A. and Dennis, P. G. (2022) The core bacterial microbiome of banana (Musa spp.). Environmental Microbiome, 17 (1). p. 46. ISSN 2524-6372

Orr, R., Pattison, A. B., Northfield, T. and Nelson, P. N. (2021) Iron chelates have little to no effect on the severity of Fusarium wilt of bananas in soils of the humid tropics. Journal of Plant Pathology, 103 (2). pp. 595-604. ISSN 2239-7264

Dita, M., Teixeira, L. A. J., O’Neill, W. T., Pattison, A. B., Weinert, M. P., Li, C. Y., Zheng, S. J., Staver, C., Thangavelu, R. and Viljoen, A. (2020) Current state of Fusarium wilt of banana in the subtropics. Acta Horticulturae, 1272 . pp. 45-56. ISSN 05677572 (ISSN)

Orr, R., Hocking, R. K., Pattison, A. B. and Nelson, P. N. (2020) Extraction of metals from mildly acidic tropical soils: Interactions between chelating ligand, pH and soil type. Chemosphere, 248 . p. 126060. ISSN 0045-6535

Cobon, J. A., Pattison, A. B., Penrose, L. D. J., Chandra, K. A., O’Neill, W. T. and Smith, M. K. (2019) Comparison of the reproduction and pathogenicity of isolates of Radopholus similis (burrowing nematode) from Australia and Fiji on ginger (Zingiber officinale) and banana (Musa spp.). Australasian Plant Pathology, 48 (5). pp. 529-539. ISSN 1448-6032

Orr, R., Pattison, A. B., East, D. J., Warman, N., O’Neill, W. T., Czislowski, E. and Nelson, P. N. (2019) Image-based quantification of Fusarium wilt severity in banana. Australasian Plant Disease Notes, 14 (1). p. 14. ISSN 1833-928X

Dickinson, G. R., O'Farrell, P. J., Ridgway, K. J., Bally, I. S.E., Masters, B., Nelson, P. N. and Pattison, A. B. (2019) Nitrogen and carbon management in Australian mango orchards to improve productivity and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Acta Horticulturae, 1244 . pp. 49-60. ISSN 2406-6168

Bowen, A., Orr, R., McBeath, A. V., Pattison, A. B. and Nelson, P. N. (2019) Suppressiveness or conduciveness to Fusarium wilt of bananas differs between key Australian soils. Soil Research, 57 (2). pp. 158-165.

Pattison, A. B., East, D. J., Ferro, K. and Dickinson, G. R. (2018) Agronomic consequences of vegetative groundcovers and reduced nitrogen applications for banana production systems. Acta Horticulturae, 1196 . pp. 155-162. ISSN 0567-7572

Pattison, A. B., Molina, A. B., Chao, C. P., Viljoen, A. and Lindsay, S. J. (2018) Integrating management practices to support banana production in the presence of Fusarium wilt. Acta Horticulturae, 1196 . pp. 129-136. ISSN 05677572 (ISSN); 9789462611924 (ISBN)

McBeath, A. V., East, D. J., Wright, C. L. and Pattison, A. B. (2018) Monitoring microbial functional and structural diversity for management of disease-suppressive soils. Acta Horticulturae, 1196 . pp. 121-128. ISSN 2406-6168

Rames, E. K., Pattison, A. B., Czislowski, E. and Smith, M. K. (2018) Soil microbial community changes associated with ground cover management in cultivation of Ducasse banana (Musa sp. ABB, Pisang Awak subgroup) and suppression of Fusarium oxysporum. Australasian Plant Pathology, 47 (4). pp. 449-462. ISSN 1448-6032

Dennis, P. G., Kukulies, T., Forstner, C., Orton, T. G. and Pattison, A. B. (2018) The effects of glyphosate, glufosinate, paraquat and paraquat-diquat on soil microbial activity and bacterial, archaeal and nematode diversity. Scientific Reports, 8 (1). p. 2119. ISSN 2045-2322

Jovicich, E., Pattison, A. B., Wiggenhauser, H. and Kukulies, T. (2016) Evaluating the use of permanent beds for growing vegetables in North Queensland. Acta Horticulturae, 1123 . pp. 131-135.

Pattison, A. B., Kukulies, T., Forsyth, L. and Geense, P. (2014) Can soil nematode community structure be used to indicate soil carbon dynamics in horticultural systems? Acta Horticulturae (1018). pp. 425-433. ISSN 0567-7572

Pattison, A. B., Wright, C. L., Kukulies, T. and Molina, A. (2014) Ground cover management alters development of Fusarium wilt symptoms in Ducasse bananas. Australasian Plant Pathology, 43 . pp. 465-476. ISSN 0815-3191

Kukulies, T., Pattison, A. B., Forsyth, L. and Nelson, P. N. (2014) Integrating organic matter into banana plantation in North Queensland: the effects on soil properties. Acta Horticulturae (1018). pp. 441-447. ISSN 0567-7572978-94-62610-04-0

Wibowo, A., Utami, S. N. H., Subandiyah, S., Somala, M. U. A., Pattison, A. B., Forsyth, L. and Molina, A. (2014) The Effect of Silica and Manure Addition into Suppressive and Conducive Soil on the Incidence of Fusarium Wilt Disease of Banana. Acta Horticulturae, 1026 . pp. 55-60. ISSN 0567-7572

Pattison, A. B., Badcock, K. and Sikora, R.A. (2011) Influence of soil organic amendments on suppression of the burrowing nematode, Radopholus similis, on the growth of bananas. Australasian Plant Pathology, 40 (4). pp. 385-396.

O'Neill, W. T., Pattison, A. B., Daniells, J., Hermanto, C. and Molina, A. B. (2011) Vegetative compatibility group analysis of Indonesian Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense isolates. Acta Horticulturae, 897 . pp. 345-351. ISSN 0567-7572978-90-66051-38-6

Cabrera, J.A., Pocasangre, L.E., Pattison, A. B. and Sikora, R.A. (2010) Terbufos biodegradability and efficacy against Radopholus similis in soils from banana cultivation having different histories of nematicide use, and the effect of terbufos on plant growth of in vitro-propagated Musa AAA cv. Grande Naine. International Journal of Pest Management, 56 (1). pp. 61-67. ISSN 0967-0874

Heisswolf, S., Wright, R., Moody, P. and Pattison, A. B. (2010) Vegetable production in the dry tropics - Nutrient and soil management strategies from Queensland Australia. Acta Horticulturae, 852 . pp. 97-106.

Rasiah, V., Armour, J. D., Moody, P. W., Pattison, A. B., Lindsay, S. J. and Florentine, S. (2009) Characterising and improving the deteriorating trends in soil physical quality under banana. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 47 (6). pp. 574-584. ISSN 00049573 (ISSN)

Pattison, A. B., Moody, P.W., Badcock, K.A., Smith, L., Armour, J.A., Rasiah, V., Cobon, J. A., Gulino, L.-M. and Mayer, R. J. (2008) Development of key soil health indicators for the Australian banana industry. Applied Soil Ecology, 40 (1). pp. 155-164.

Stirling, G.R. and Pattison, A. B. (2008) Beyond chemical dependency for managing plant-parasitic nematodes: Examples from the banana, pineapple and vegetable industries of tropical and subtropical Australia. Australasian Plant Pathology, 37 (3). pp. 254-267.

Pattison, A. B., Versteeg, C., Akiew, S. and Kirkegaard, J. (2006) Resistance of Brassicaceae plants to root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) in northern Australia. International Journal of Pest Management, 52 (1). pp. 53-62.

Cobon, J. A., Pattison, A. B., Stephenson, R., Cox, J. and Van Zwieten, L. (2005) Soil nematodes indicate soil health in macadamia orchards. Acta Horticulturae, 694 . pp. 207-211. ISSN 0567-7572

Lindsay, S. J., Pattison, A. B., Bagshaw, J. S., Heisswolf, S. and Wright, R. (2005) Where science meets sustainable production: A banana case study from tropical Queensland. Acta Horticulturae, 694 . pp. 179-184. ISSN 05677572 (ISSN); 9789066051270 (ISBN)

Pattison, A. B., Stanton, J. M., Cobon, J. A. and Doogan, V.J. (2002) Population dynamics and economic threshold of the nematodes Radopholus similis and pratylenchus goodeyi on banana in Australia. International Journal of Pest Management, 48 (2). pp. 107-111. ISSN 0967-0874

Stanton, J. M., Pattison, A. B. and Kopittke, R.A. (2001) A sampling strategy to assess banana crops for damage by Radopholus similis and Pratylenchus goodeyi. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 41 (5). pp. 675-679. ISSN 0816-1089

Pattison, A. B., Stanton, J. M. and Cobon, J. A. (2000) Bioassay for enhanced biodegradation of nematicides in soil. Australasian Plant Pathology, 29 . pp. 52-58. ISSN 1448-6032

Burgess, L.W., Backhouse, D., Summerell, B.A., Pattison, A. B., Klein, T.A., Esdaile, R.J. and Ticehurst, G. (1993) Long-term effects of stubble management on the incidence of infection of wheat by Fusarium graminearum Schw. Group 1. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 33 (4). p. 451. ISSN 0816-1089

Book Section

Lapis-Gaza, H. R. and Pattison, A. B. (2021) Functional Soil Biological Measurements to Support Healthy Soils. In: The Plant Microbiome: Methods and Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology book series (MIMB, ) (V.2232). Springer US, New York, NY. ISBN 978-1-0716-1040-4

Birt, H. W. G., Pattison, A. B. and Dennis, P. G. (2021) Sampling Microbiomes Associated with Different Plant Compartments. In: The Plant Microbiome: Methods and Protocols. Springer US, New York, NY. ISBN 978-1-0716-1040-4


Molina, A. B., Hermanto, C., Pattison, A. B., Subandiyah, S., Winarno and Sukarman (2019) Integrated crop production of bananas in Indonesia and Australia. Project Report. ACIAR.

Pattison, A. B., Limbaga, C., Gervacio, T., Notarte, A., Juruena, M., Dennis, P. G., Lindsay, S. J. and Molina, A. (2019) Integrated management of Fusarium wilt of bananas in the Philippines and Australia. Project Report. ACIAR.

Pattison, A. B. (2016) Scoping herbicide impacts on banana production and soil health. Project Report. Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited.

Pattison, A. B., Donovan, N., Jovicich, E. and Eldridge, S. (2013) Vegetable soil health systems for overcoming limitations causing soil borne diseases. Project Report. Horticulture Australia Limited.

Pattison, A. B. and Lindsay, S. J. (2006) Banana root and soil health user’s manual: FR02023 Soil and root health for sustainable banana production. Manual. Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, Queensland.

Broadley, R. H., Chay-Prove, P., Rigden, P., Daniells, J., Treverrow, N., Akehurst, A., Newley, P., Harris, D., Pattison, A. B., McCarthy, P., Gall, E. and Campbell, B. (2004) Subtropical Banana Information Kit. Agrilink, your growing guide to better farming guide. Manual. Agrilink Series QI04011. Department of Primary Industries, Queensland Horticulture Institute, Brisbane, Queensland.

Pattison, A. B. (2003) Integrated systems for managing nematodes on bananas. Project Report. Horticulture Australia Limited.

Lindsay, S. J., Lemin, C., Campagnolo, D., Pattison, A. B., Daniells, J. W., Peterson, R., Evans, D., Pinese, B., Goebel, R., Wharton, D., Gunther, M. and Kernot, I. (1998) Tropical Banana Information Kit. Agrilink, your growing guide to better farming guide. Manual. Agrilink Series QAL9807. Department of Primary Industries, Queensland Horticulture Institute. Brisbane, Queensland.

Conference or Workshop Item

Pattison, A. B. (2021) Banana microbiomes and Fusarium wilt: A programmed approach. In: Australian Banana Industry Congress, 12-14 May 2021, Cairns, Queensland.

Pattison, A. B., Lapis-Gaza, H. R., East, D. J., O'Neill, W. T., Cobon, J. A., Daniells, J., Lindsay, S. J., Hamill, S. D. and et, a. (2019) An integrated approach to manage Fusarium wilt on bananas. In: Australasian Plant Pathology Society Conference APPS 2019 Strong Foundations, Future Innovations, 25-28 November 2019, Melbourne, Australia.

Cobon, J. A., Pattison, A. B., Penrose, L., Chandra, K. A., O'Neill, W. T. and Smith, M. K. (2019) Comparison of the reproduction and pathogenicity of isolates of Radopholus similis (burrowing nematode) from Australia and Fiji on ginger (Zingiber officinale) and banana (Musa spp.). In: Australasian Plant Pathology Society Conference APPS 2019 Strong Foundations, Future Innovations, 25-28 November 2019, Melbourne, Australia.

Dennis, P. G., Birt, H., Liew, E., Summerell, B., McTaggart, A. R., Shivas, R. G. and Pattison, A. B. (2019) Towards sub-species resolution profiling of plant and soil microbiomes. In: Australasian Plant Pathology Society Conference APPS 2019 Strong Foundations, Future Innovations, 25-28 November 2019, Melbourne, Australia.

Pattison, A. B., McBeath, A. V. and East, D. J. (2017) Engineering banana cropping systems to suppress soil borne diseases. In: Science Protecting Plant Health, 23-29 September 2017, Brisbane.

Pattison, A. B., Smith, L., Moody, P., Armour, J., Badcock, K., Cobon, J. A., Rasiah, V., Lindsay, S. J. and Gulino, L. (2005) Banana root and soil health project - Australia. In: Banana Root System: towards a better understandingfor its productive management : Proceedings of an international symposium, 3-5 November 2003, San José, Costa Rica,.


Pattison, A. B., Kukulies, T., Smith, M. K. and Sciacca, F. (2018) Soil indicators respond to changes in banana plantation management. International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS), Leuven, Belgium. ISBN 2406-6168

Stirling, G., Hayden, H., Pattison, A. B. and Stirling, M. (2016) Soil Health, Soil Biology, Soilborne Diseases and Sustainable Agriculture. CSIRO Publishing, 280 pages.

Geense, P. F., Forsyth, L. M., Kukulies, T., Pattison, A. B. and Molina, A. B. (2011) Are organic farming soils more disease suppressive? Proceedings of the Sixth Australasian Soilborne Diseases Symposium, Twin Waters, Queensland, Australia, 9-11 August 2010 . Australasian Plant Pathology Society Inc, 47 pages. ISBN 978-0-646-53983-6

Pattison, A. B., Moody, P. and Bagshaw, J. (2010) Vegetable plant and Soil health. State of Queensland, 50 pages.

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