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Contributions of soil and crop factors to plant available soil water capacity of annual crops on Black and Grey Vertosols

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Hochman, Z., Dalgliesh, N.P. and Bell, K. L. (2001) Contributions of soil and crop factors to plant available soil water capacity of annual crops on Black and Grey Vertosols. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 52 (10). pp. 955-961. ISSN 1836-0947


Article Link: https://doi.org/10.1071/AR01004


Improved methods for field measurements of plant available soil water capacity (PAWC) of Black and Grey Vertosols in Australia’s north-eastern grain region were employed to characterise 83 soil–crop combinations over 7 depth intervals to 180 cm. Soil sub-order was shown to influence all components of PAWC (means of 224 and 182 mm in Black and Grey Vertosols, respectively) with drained upper limit (DUL), bulk density (BD), and crop lower limits (CLL) showing clear separation between soil sub-orders and a trend with soil depth. In addition to soil sub-order and soil depth effects, CLL showed crop effects such that expected PAWC of various crops when adjusted for soil sub-orders were: cotton 240 mm; wheat 233 mm; sorghum 225 mm; fababean 209 mm; chickpea 197 mm; barley 191 mm; and mungbean 130 mm. A total of 549 measured CLL values were used to develop a predictive model for estimating CLL from the soil sub-order, depth, DUL, and crop by predicting a CLL as a function of DUL and a depth-dependent variable for each crop–soil sub-order. The model CLL = DUL * (a + b * DUL) explained 85% of observed variation in the measured data with no significant bias between observed and predicted data. While properly measured data would be more reliable than estimated data, where specific site accuracy is less critical, this model may be used to estimate PAWC with an acceptable degree of accuracy.

Item Type:Article
Subjects:Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Soils. Soil science
Live Archive:09 Jan 2024 02:03
Last Modified:10 Jan 2024 01:33

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