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Capturing episodic impacts of environmental signals

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Mendiolar, M., Filar, J. A., Yang, W. H., Leahy, S. M. and Courtney, A. J. (2023) Capturing episodic impacts of environmental signals. Environmental Modelling & Software, 170 . p. 105837. ISSN 1364-8152


Article Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2023.105837

Publisher URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1364815223002232


Environmental scientists frequently rely on time series of explanatory variables to explain their impact on an important response variable. However, sometimes, researchers are less interested in raw observations of an explanatory variable than in derived indices induced by episodes embedded in its time series. Often these episodes are intermittent, occur within a specific limited memory, persist for varying durations, at varying levels of intensity, and overlap important periods with respect to the response variable. We develop a generic, parametrised, family of weighted indices extracted from an environmental signal called IMPIT indices. To facilitate their construction and calibration, we developed a user-friendly app in Shiny R referred to as IMPIT−a. We construct examples of IMPIT indices extracted from the Southern Oscillation Index and sea surface temperature signals. We illustrate their applications to two fished species in Queensland waters (i.e., snapper and saucer scallop) and wheat yield in New South Wales.

Item Type:Article
Corporate Creators:Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland
Business groups:Animal Science
Keywords:Episodes Intermittence Intensity Persistence Marine heatwaves Southern oscillation index
Subjects:Science > Statistics > Simulation modelling
Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Agriculture and the environment
Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Agricultural meteorology. Crops and climate
Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Conservation of natural resources
Live Archive:27 Oct 2023 05:38
Last Modified:27 Oct 2023 05:40

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