Spanner Crab Fishery Scoping StudyExport / Share Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland (2023) Spanner Crab Fishery Scoping Study. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
AbstractThe Queensland Ecological Risk Assessment Guideline (the Guideline) was released in March 2018 as part of the Queensland Sustainable Fisheries Strategy 2017–2027. This Guideline provides an overview of strategy being employed to develop Ecological Risk Assessments (ERAs) for Queensland’s fisheries. The Guideline describes a four-stage framework consisting of a Scoping Study; a Level 1, whole of fishery qualitative assessment; a Level 2, species-specific semi-quantitative or low-data quantitative assessment and; a Level 3 quantitative assessment (if applicable). The Scoping Study establishes a baseline of information on the key characteristics of the Spanner Crab Fishery. It includes information on the broader management regime, key species, gear configurations and catch and effort trends. Information contained in the Spanner Crab Fishery scoping study will inform subsequent assessments including the whole of fishery (Level 1) ERA and, if applicable, a species-specific (Level 2) ERA.
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