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Direct seeding of Alphitonia petriei (Rhamnaceae) for gully revegetation in tropical northern Australia

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Sun, D., Dickinson, G. R. and Bragg, A. L. (1995) Direct seeding of Alphitonia petriei (Rhamnaceae) for gully revegetation in tropical northern Australia. Forest Ecology and Management, 73 (1-3). pp. 249-257. ISSN 03781127 (ISSN)

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Article Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/0378-1127(94)03479-G


A study on the direct seeding of a pioneer rainforest species Alphitonia petriei on a gully area was carried out in the wet tropical region of north-eastern Australia. The effect of seed coating, soil condition and weed competition on seed germination and early growth of germinated seedlings of A. petriei were examined in both glasshouse and field conditions. Uncoated seeds had a higher germination percentage than the seeds coated with fertiliser, fungicide and insecticide in both the glasshouse and field experiments. Soil condition (degree of compaction and fertility) and weed competition did not affect the rate of germination of A. petriei seeds, but they significantly influenced survival and growth of germinated seedlings. Compacted and infertile soils, and weed competition are detrimental to the survival and growth of A. petriei seedlings. In wet tropical conditions, little effort is needed to germinate A. petriei seeds in the field, once the best technique to break seed dormancy has been identified. Seed coating is not recommended for A. petriei. More attention should be paid to post germination weed control and soil nutrition improvement. © 1995.

Item Type:Article
Business groups:Horticulture and Forestry Science
Keywords:Germination Rainforest Seed coating Soil condition Survival Alphitonia petriei Rhamnaceae gully revegetation soil compaction soil fertility Australia, Queensland
Subjects:Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Agriculture and the environment
Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Conservation of natural resources
Forestry > Research. Experimentation
Forestry > Conservation and protection
Agriculture > By region or country > Australia > Queensland
Live Archive:03 Nov 2022 01:50
Last Modified:03 Nov 2022 01:50

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