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Soils of Rosebank Research Station, Longreach, Queensland [1st. ed.]

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Miles, R.L. (1989) Soils of Rosebank Research Station, Longreach, Queensland [1st. ed.]. Technical Report. State of Queensland. Department of Primary Industries, Queensland.

[thumbnail of Soils of Rosebank Research Station Longreach Queensland - R.L. Miles - Land Resourses Branch - Research Establishments Publications QR89 - 1.pdf]


The soils of Rosebank Research Station, Longreach are described and mapped at 1: 25 000 scale. The report draws together information on the climate, landform, geology and vegetation of the region. The morhpology and distribution of the soil is discussed with reference to the usage and management considerations. The survey has shown the property to comprise of 70% rolling downs with minor gidgee and boree communities. The remaining portions are associated with the drainage lines of Elibank and Wellshot creeks. Soils of the rolling downs are moderately deep cracking clays with strongly selfmulching surfaces. Colluvial soils adjoin the
stream channels. The channel benches, backplains and braided drainage depressions are a complex of cracking and non cracking clays and duplex soils. The soils generally are alkaline and calcareous.

Item Type:Monograph (Technical Report)
Subjects:Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > History
Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Agriculture and the environment
Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Soils. Soil science
Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Conservation of natural resources
Plant culture
Animal culture > Rangelands. Range management. Grazing
Agriculture > By region or country > Australia > Queensland
Live Archive:25 Feb 2022 03:07
Last Modified:25 Feb 2022 03:07

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