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Effect of feed wastage on piggery manure characteristics and methane potential

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Skerman, A., Willis, S., Tait, S. and Yap, S. D. (2016) Effect of feed wastage on piggery manure characteristics and methane potential. Project Report. Pork CRC.



Feed costs represent 65% of total pork production costs in Australia. On a national scale, a 5% change in feed wastage represents 82,000t feed/yr., with a current annual value of approximately $38 M. In addition to the direct financial implications, feed wastage also influences the characteristics of the effluent discharged from intensive piggery sheds. Reliable estimates of effluent characteristics are essential for effectively designing and operating piggery waste management systems to maximise the economic value of the nutrients and energy potential of the effluent, without causing adverse impacts on the environment or community amenity. Although it is widely recognised that feed wastage is an important issue that can have a major influence on the profitability of pork production, there are currently no simple or practical methods available for directly measuring feed wastage in piggeries.

Item Type:Monograph (Project Report)
Business groups:Animal Science
Keywords:Final report
Subjects:Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Agricultural chemistry. Agricultural chemicals
Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Agriculture and the environment
Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Agricultural structures. Farm buildings
Animal culture > Swine
Live Archive:16 Dec 2021 05:31
Last Modified:16 Dec 2021 05:31

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