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Herbicide Options to Control Naturalised Infestations of Cereus uruguayanus in Rangeland Environments of Australia

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Campbell, S. D., Bajwa, A., Hosking, K., Brazier, D. A., Mellor, V. and Perkins, M. L. (2021) Herbicide Options to Control Naturalised Infestations of Cereus uruguayanus in Rangeland Environments of Australia. Plants, 10 (10). p. 2227. ISSN 2223-7747


Article Link: https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10102227

Publisher URL: https://www.mdpi.com/2223-7747/10/10/2227


While there are many high profile Opuntioid cactus species invading rangeland environments in Australia, Cereus uruguayanus Ritt. ex Kiesl. has also naturalised and formed large and dense infestations at several locations. With no herbicides registered for control of C. uruguayanus in Australia, the primary aim of this study was to identify effective herbicides to control it using a range of techniques. This involved a large screening trial of twelve herbicides and four techniques, followed by a rate refinement trial for cut stump applications and another to test residual herbicides. Despite most treatments (except monosodium methylarsonate (MSMA)) taking a long time to kill plants, at least one effective herbicide was identified for basal bark (triclopyr/picloram), cut stump (aminopyralid/metsulfuron-methyl, glyphosate, metsulfuron-methyl, triclopyr/picloram, triclopyr/picloram/aminopyralid), stem injection (glyphosate, MSMA, triclopyr/picloram/aminopyralid) and foliar applications (aminopyralid/metsulfuron-methyl, MSMA, triclopyr, triclopyr/picloram/aminopyralid) due to their ability to kill both small and large plants. Ground application of residual herbicides was less conclusive with neither hexazinone nor tebuthiuron causing adequate mortality at the rates applied. This study has identified effective herbicides for the control of C. uruguayanus using several techniques, but further research is needed to refine herbicide rates and develop integrated management strategies for a range of situations and infestation sizes and densities.

Item Type:Article
Business groups:Biosecurity Queensland, Crop and Food Science, Horticulture and Forestry Science
Keywords:cactus; chemical control; night-blooming cereus; Willows cactus
Subjects:Science > Invasive Species > Plants > Eradication and containment
Science > Invasive Species > Plants > Effect of herbicides
Science > Invasive Species > Plants > Weed ecology
Plant pests and diseases > Weeds, parasitic plants etc
Animal culture > Rangelands. Range management. Grazing
Live Archive:25 Oct 2021 01:33
Last Modified:25 Oct 2021 01:33

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