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Stock assessment of Australian east coast Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson)

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Tanimoto, M., Fox, A. R., O'Neill, M. F. and Langstreth, J. C. (2021) Stock assessment of Australian east coast Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson). Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane.

PDF (Spanish mackerel EC stock assessment report 2021)
PDF (External review EC Spanish mackerel stock assessment 2021)
PDF (Response to external review of EC Spanish mackerel stock assessment 2021)


Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus commerson, are large offshore pelagic fish. On the east coast of Australia, Spanish mackerel form a single genetic stock between Cape York Peninsula in north Queensland and Newcastle on the New South Wales mid-coast.

This stock assessment used an annual time-step, two-sex, age-structured population model. The model incorporated data from 1911 to 2020, including estimated commercial, charter and recreational harvest for Queensland and New South Wales, Queensland commercial standardised catch rates, fish age-length frequencies, and key long-term fishery information on fishing power changes and catch rates. Eight model scenarios were run, covering a range of modelling assumptions and fixed parameters. The stock assessment estimates the spawning biomass of east coast Spanish mackerel in 2020 was between 14 and 27% of unfished levels in 1911. The base case model estimate was most likely at 17% of unfished biomass in 2019–2020. This report provides estimates of sustainable harvests for all sectors—commercial, charter and recreational across Queensland and New South Wales—and supports the harvest strategy defined in the Queensland’s Sustainable Fisheries Strategy 2017–2027 (Department of Agriculture and Fisheries 2017).

Item Type:Monograph (Technical Report)
Corporate Creators:Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland
Business groups:Fisheries Queensland
Keywords:Spanish mackerel, stock assessment, Australia, east coast, fisheries, biomass
Subjects:Science > Statistics > Statistical data analysis
Science > Statistics > Mathematical statistics
Science > Statistics > Simulation modelling
Aquaculture and Fisheries > Fisheries
Aquaculture and Fisheries > Fisheries > Fishery resources
Aquaculture and Fisheries > Fisheries > Fishery for individual species
Live Archive:13 Dec 2021 05:56
Last Modified:19 Nov 2024 04:11

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