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Dryland and irrigated winter-sown sorghum

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Eyre, J., Wilkus, E., Rodriguez, D., Serafin, L., Hellyer, M., Bishop, A., Broad, I. J., Aisthorpe, D. and Auer, J. (2019) Dryland and irrigated winter-sown sorghum. GRDC Update .

Full text not currently attached. Access may be available via the Publisher's website or OpenAccess link.

Article Link: https://grdc.com.au/resources-and-publications/grd...


Take home messages
Winter sowing sorghum didn’t penalise yields in eight trials sites from Liverpool plains to Central Queensland and across two seasons
In dryland cropping, winter sown sorghum provides additional sowing opportunities, reduces the chances of heat stress, and increases the chances of double cropping a winter crop
In irrigated cropping, ratooned winter sown sorghum can compete with cotton on profits and is less risky
Commercially available hybrids can successfully germinate and emerge in cooler soils than previously recommended, though the seed must be tested for vigour at low temperatures
Sorghum seedlings can withstand mild frost, though so far, we haven’t been able to frost kill a crop, meaning that frost risk is unknown.

Item Type:Article
Business groups:Crop and Food Science
Subjects:Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Agricultural meteorology. Crops and climate
Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Methods and systems of culture. Cropping systems
Plant culture > Field crops
Plant culture > Field crops > Sorghum
Live Archive:04 Feb 2020 05:49
Last Modified:22 Dec 2021 05:29

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