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Timing of weaning and processing: effects on liveweight changes of weaner cattle

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Petherick, J.C., Holroyd, R.G., Casey, V.J. and Cooper, N.J. (1998) Timing of weaning and processing: effects on liveweight changes of weaner cattle. In: Animal Production in Australia: The Australian Society of Animal Production. Twenty-second Biennial Conference.


Publisher URL: http://www.asap.asn.au/index.php


To reduce the number of musters and handling costs, calves in extensive cattle herds in northern Australia are processed (vaccinated, ear-marked, de-horned, branded and males castrated) shortly after they are weaned. As stress has adverse effects on health and growth, and weaning is a stressful time for calves, this experiment asked if calf health, welfare and performance were improved when calves had a period with their mothers post-processing, before they were weaned.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Additional Information:Reproduced with permission Australian Society of Animal Production [ASAP]. © Australian Society of Animal Production, ASAP. 22nd Biennial Conference.
Keywords:Weaner Cattle; Liveweight.
Subjects:Animal culture > Cattle > Meat production
Animal culture > Feeds and feeding. Animal nutrition
Live Archive:23 Jan 2006
Last Modified:03 Sep 2021 16:47

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