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Review of macadamia orchard nutrition

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Smith, T. E. (2017) Review of macadamia orchard nutrition. Project Report. Horticulture Innovation Australia.


Article Link: https://www.horticulture.com.au/growers/help-your-...


The AMS and Hort Innovation commissioned the current project to conduct a review of Macadamia orchard nutrition management and provide an initial presentation of the findings to the Annual Macadamia Consultants Workshop in Brisbane on the 8th June 2016. Various topics relating to soil and plant nutrition of Macadamias were discussed at length with the industry consultants. The comprehensive presentation covered: soil types; soil moisture; organic matter; soil health; soil pH; soil cation exchange capacity; soil cation ratios; Macadamia characteristics; root physiology; root uptake; tree nutrition; nutrient mobility; nutrient disorder symptoms; nutrient interactions; nutrient-disease interaction; boron, phosphorus, nitrogen and calcium nutrition; soil and leaf sampling for analysis; analytical methods; and average nutrient levels across industry. The success and complexity of this presentation highlighted the need for a series of regional workshops to provide further insights into nutritional management of Macadamias, provide a forum for more questions and answer time for greater understanding, and address specific nutritional constraints by region.

A series of six regional workshops were conducted from Bundaberg to the north and Macksville in the south. A draft report was provided to Macadamia nutrition consultants at the regional workshops to provide a process of review and assist in the clarification of nutritional issues. Comments and feedback were considered and relevant adjustments were made to the review report. The final version of the “Review of Macadamia orchard nutrition” is submitted as part of this final report to Hort Innovation.

The AMS and Macadamia consultants have requested further work on nutrition management for the Macadamia industry and this will be the subject of future funding submissions.

Item Type:Monograph (Project Report)
Business groups:Horticulture and Forestry Science
Keywords:Final report Review, Nutrition, Macadamia, Integrated Orchard Nutrition, Integrated Orchard Management
Subjects:Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Soils. Soil science > Soil chemistry
Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Methods and systems of culture. Cropping systems
Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Fertilisers
Plant culture > Food crops
Plant culture > Fruit and fruit culture > Nuts
Live Archive:19 Feb 2019 04:36
Last Modified:03 Sep 2021 16:44

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