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Speed breeding for multiple disease resistance in barley

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Hickey, L. T., Germán, S. E., Pereyra, S. A., Diaz, J. E., Ziems, L. A., Fowler, R. A., Platz, G. J., Franckowiak, J. D. and Dieters, M. J. (2017) Speed breeding for multiple disease resistance in barley. Euphytica, 213 (3). p. 64. ISSN 1573-5060

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Article Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10681-016-1803-2

Publisher URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10681-016-1803-2


To respond faster to the changing climate, evolving pathogens and to feed a global population of 9–10 billion by 2050, plant breeders are exploring more efficient crop improvement strategies. In this study, we applied novel methodology for rapid trait introgression to the European two-rowed barley cultivar Scarlett. Scarlett is widely-grown in Argentina and is preferred for malting and brewing, yet lacks adequate disease resistance. We used four donor lines combining multiple disease resistance (i.e. leaf rust, net and spot forms of net blotch and spot blotch) in a modified backcross strategy, which incorporated both multi-trait phenotypic screens and the rapid generation advance technology ‘speed breeding’, to develop 87 BC1F3:4 Scarlett introgression lines (ILs) within two years. Phenotyping this set of lines in disease nurseries located in Australia and Uruguay revealed the ILs had high levels of multiple disease resistance. Preliminary yield testing of the 12 most promising ILs in Argentina identified three ILs that were significantly higher yielding than Scarlett at Balcarce, whereas all 12 ILs displayed yield equivalent to Scarlett at Tres Arroyos. We propose that this approach is useful to rapidly transfer genes for multiple target traits into adapted cereal cultivars or pyramiding desirable traits in elite breeding material.

Item Type:Article
Business groups:Crop and Food Science
Subjects:Science > Botany > Genetics
Plant culture
Plant culture > Field crops > Barley
Live Archive:03 Aug 2017 01:45
Last Modified:03 Sep 2021 16:51

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