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Novel vaccination approaches to improve the growth rate of cattle

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Department of Primary Industries, Queensland, (2005) Novel vaccination approaches to improve the growth rate of cattle. Project Report. Meat & Livestock Australia Limited.

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Article Link: https://www.mla.com.au/research-and-development/se...


This project aimed to develop a vaccine alternative to clenbuterol, which could be used to increase muscle growth, reduce fat deposition and improve feed efficiency in cattle.
However, unlike the B-agonist drug, the vaccine would be convenient for use in grazing livestock, and acceptable to the consumer because there would be no risk of harmful tissue residues. It has already been shown that the vaccine causes cattle to produce antibodies which have a 'clenbuterol-like' effect, when they are purified and
tested on muscle samples in the laboratory. Unfortunately, the present work showed that such antibodies are not produced in sufficient strength in the live animal, to have a detectable influence on its growth or metabolism. Thus, without further investigations, there will be no immediate or long-term benefit of this work to the industry.

Item Type:Monograph (Project Report)
Corporate Creators:CSIRO Division of Tropical Animal Production, Department of Primary Industries, Queensland, Central Queensland University
Keywords:Final report
Subjects:Animal culture > Cattle > Meat production
Live Archive:25 Jul 2017 04:50
Last Modified:03 Sep 2021 16:51

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