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Plant Growth Regulators Improving the Productivity of Queensland Vegetable Producers: Broccoli as a proof of concept crop

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McGrath, C. (2016) Plant Growth Regulators Improving the Productivity of Queensland Vegetable Producers: Broccoli as a proof of concept crop. Project Report. State of Queensland.

PDF (Plant Growth Regulators Improving the Productivity of Queensland Vegetable Producers: Broccoli as a proof of concept crop)


Broccoli is a significant contributor to Queensland vegetable production and exports. A major problem faced by growers is irregular and non-uniform harvests, resulting in high labour costs and variable yield and supply volumes. A series of experiments were conducted to determine if plant growth regulators (PGrs) could be used to improve productivity of broccoli, in particular harvest uniformity and harvest manipulation. Key findings from this project indicate the PGRs prohexidione-CA and uniconazole both could delay broccoli harvest. Prohexidione-Ca when applied one day prior to anticipated first harvest, and then harvest delayed for 7 days, resulted in 95% of heads in marketable size range. Further investigations and research are planned to follow up on these key findings.

Item Type:Monograph (Project Report)
Corporate Creators:Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Business groups:Horticulture and Forestry Science
Keywords:Final report ; Agri-Science Queensland Innovation Opportunity
Subjects:Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Methods and systems of culture. Cropping systems
Plant culture > Growth regulators
Plant culture > Vegetables
Live Archive:24 Nov 2016 05:19
Last Modified:03 Sep 2021 16:44

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