The wood properties of subtropical and tropical hardwood plantation timber grown for high-value products in AustraliaExport / Share Harding, K., Hopewell, G., Davies, M. and Zbonak, A. (2012) The wood properties of subtropical and tropical hardwood plantation timber grown for high-value products in Australia. Technical Report. Cooperative Research Centre for Forestry, Sandy Bay, Tasmania.
Article URL: AbstractWood quality and properties of plantation grown trees differ from those from mature, natural grown trees and this has implications for processing, manufacturing and product performance. The wood properties of genetically improved and syliculturally managed plantation trees are affected by their faster growth rates younger harvest age. This report summarises the key wood properties of species that are the primary candidates for plantation forestry in the subtropical to tropical region of eastern Australia. The planned end uses for these trees vary from short-rotation pulp to high-value products such as poles, sawn timber for appearance products and engineered wood products including structural plywood and laminated veneer lumber
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