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Differentiation of Solenopsis invicta social forms using high resolution melt PCR.

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Oakey, J., Harris, E., Pease, B., Jennings, C. and McCubbin, K. (2011) Differentiation of Solenopsis invicta social forms using high resolution melt PCR. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 101 (5). pp. 581-589.

PDF (Differentiation of Solenopsis invicta social forms using high resolution melt PCR.)

Article Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0007485311000204

Publisher URL: http://journals.cambridge.org


Solenopsis invicta Buren (red imported fire ant) are invasive pests that have the capability of major destructive impacts on lifestyle, ecology and economy. Control of this species is dependent, in part, upon ability to estimate the potential spread from newly discovered nests. The potential for spread and the spread characteristics differ between monogyne and polygyne social forms. Prior to this study, differentiation of the two social forms in laboratory test samples commonly used a method involving restriction endonuclease digestion of an amplified Gp-9 fragment. Success of this assay is limited by the quality of DNA, which in the field-collected insects may be affected by temporary storage in unfavourable conditions. Here, we describe an alternative and highly objective assay based upon a high resolution melt technique following preamplification of a significantly shorter Gp-9 fragment than that required for restriction endonuclease digestion. We demonstrate the application of this assay to a S. invicta incursion in Queensland, Australia, using field samples from which DNA may be partially degraded. The reductions in hands-on requirements and overall duration of the assay underpin its suitability for high-throughput testing.

Item Type:Article
Business groups:Biosecurity Queensland
Additional Information:© Cambridge University Press 2011.
Keywords:Solenopsis invicta; Gp-9; HRM; monogyne; polygyne; invasive pests; red imported fire ant; DNA; genes; alkaloid venom; anaphylaxis; humans; livestock; domestic pets; wildlife animals.
Subjects:Agriculture > Agriculture (General)
Science > Invasive Species > Animals
Science > Biology > Genetics
Live Archive:29 Nov 2011 07:34
Last Modified:29 Nov 2024 01:51

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