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Increasing seedstock production of domesticated giant tiger prawns

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Coman, G., Paterson, B. D., Arnold, S., Chong, R., Mann, D., Cowley, J. and Wood, A. (2008) Increasing seedstock production of domesticated giant tiger prawns. Project Report. Australian Seafood Co-operative Research Centre.

PDF (Increasing seedstock production of domesticated giant tiger prawns)

Article Link: http://www.seafoodcrc.com/components/com_virtuemar...


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of P. monodon broodstock, this project aimed to determine
whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production. The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found
comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore,none of the environmental ‘stressors’ and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment. Given the typically lower costs of constructing and managing broodstock in large-scale pond
systems, as compared to smaller raceway and tank systems, the incorporation of a pond-rearing phase in broodstock production could clearly increase cost-effectiveness
of broodstock production at a commercial scale.

Item Type:Monograph (Project Report)
Subjects:Aquaculture and Fisheries > Aquaculture > Shellfish culture
Live Archive:27 Feb 2012 22:08
Last Modified:03 Sep 2021 16:48

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