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Fish stocking programs: assessing the benefits against long term impacts

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Russell, D.J., Jerry, D.R., Thuesen, P.A., Thomson, F.E., Power, T. N. and Smith-Keune, C. (2009) Fish stocking programs: assessing the benefits against long term impacts. Project Report. FRDC.

PDF (Fish stocking programs: assessing the benefits against long term impacts)

Article Link: https://www.frdc.com.au/sites/default/files/produc...


1. Assess movements and ecological impacts of stocked barramundi in a model river and impoundment
2. Determine if barramundi stocking has any discernable adverse genetic impacts on wild populations in a previously stocked river system

Item Type:Monograph (Project Report)
Business groups:Animal Science
Keywords:Freshwater fish stocking, sustainability, environmental impacts, barramundi, Wet Tropics Bioregion Final report
Subjects:Aquaculture and Fisheries > Aquaculture > Fish culture
Aquaculture and Fisheries > Fisheries > Fishery conservation
Live Archive:11 Nov 2011 04:19
Last Modified:05 Dec 2022 01:50

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