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A Practitioner-Oriented Decision Support Process for Forestry Pest Management

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Miah, S.J., Debuse, J.C.W., Kerr, D. and Debuse, V.J. (2010) A Practitioner-Oriented Decision Support Process for Forestry Pest Management. 21st Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 1-3 Dec 2010, Brisbane .


Organisation URL: http://conferenceit.com.au/acis2010/proceedings.htm


The article discusses a new decision support process for forestry pest management. Over the past few years, DSS have been introduced for forestry pest management, providing forest growers with advice in areas such as selecting the most suitable pesticide and relevant treatment. Most of the initiatives process knowledge from various domains for providing support for specific decision making problems. However, very few studies have identified the requirements of developing a combined process model in which all relevant practitioners can contribute and share knowledge for effective decision making; such an approach would need to include the decision makers’ perspective along with other relevant attributes such as the problem context and relevant policies. We outline a decision support process for forestry pest management, based on the design science research paradigm, in which a focus group technique has application to acquire both expert and practical knowledge in order to construct the DSS solution.

Item Type:Article
Corporate Creators:DEEDI
Additional Information:Miah, Debuse, Kerr and Debuse © 2010. The authors or authors institutions grant to The Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS) and educational and nonprofit institutions a non-exclusive licence to use this document for personal use and in courses of instruction provided that the article is used in full and this copyright statement is reproduced. The authors also grant a non-exclusive licence to ACIS to publish this document in full in the Conference Papers and Proceedings. Those documents may be published on the World Wide Web, CD-ROM, in printed form, and on mirror sites on the World Wide Web. Any other usage is prohibited without the express permission of the authors.
Keywords:Forestry pest management; decision making.
Subjects:Technology > Technology (General)
Science > Zoology > Invertebrates > Insects
Live Archive:01 Mar 2011 03:09
Last Modified:03 Sep 2021 16:48

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