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A review of Taenaris Hubner (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Amathusiinae) in Queensland, together with first Australian records for T. myops kirschi Staudinger and Elymnias agondas melanippe Grose-Smith (Satyrinae).

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Lambkin, T.A. (2010) A review of Taenaris Hubner (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Amathusiinae) in Queensland, together with first Australian records for T. myops kirschi Staudinger and Elymnias agondas melanippe Grose-Smith (Satyrinae). Australian Entomologist, 37 (3). pp. 77-92.

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Organisation URL: http://www.esq.org.au/entomologist.html


Species of the amathusiine genus Taenaris Hubner known to occur in Australia, predominantly from Torres Strait, are reviewed and illustrated. T. myops kirschi Staudinger is recorded for the first time in Australia from four male specimens collected on Dauan Island, Torres Strait. A female specimen of the satyrine Elymnias agondas melanippe Grose-Smith also collected from Dauan Island represents the first record of this taxon from Australia. The high degree of variation observed in the external facies of Taenaris from Torres Strait and reliable taxonomic separation of female specimens are discussed. Taenaris-like forms of the papilionid, Papilio aegeus ormenus Guerin-Meneville and E. a. melanippe from Torres Strait and Dauan Island respectively are illustrated and reviewed. The form of P. a. ormenus from Torres Strait that is most similar to Taenaris spp. is identified as form ormenus Guerin-Meneville variety onesimus Hewitson.

Item Type:Article
Corporate Creators:DEEDI
Additional Information:© Entomological Society of Queensland.
Keywords:Geographical distribution; new geographic records; taxonomic revisions; taxonomy; Taenaris; butterflies; insects; invertebrates; Australia; Queensland.
Subjects:Science > Zoology > Invertebrates > Insects
Live Archive:07 Dec 2010 07:01
Last Modified:03 Sep 2021 16:48

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