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Eradication of invasive species: progress and emerging issues in the 21st century

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Parkes, J.P. and Panetta, F.D. (2009) Eradication of invasive species: progress and emerging issues in the 21st century. In: Invasive species management: a handbook of principles and techniques. Techniques in Ecology and Conservation Series. Chapter 4 . Oxford University Press, Oxford.

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Publisher URL: http://www.oup.co.uk/
Publisher URL: http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780199216338.do


At an international conference on the eradication of invasive species, held in 2001, Simberloff (2002) noted some past successes in eradication—from the
global eradication of smallpox (Fenner et al. 1988) to the many successful eradications of populations (mostly mammals) from small islands (e.g. Veitch and Bell 1990; Burbidge and Morris 2002). However, he cautioned that we needed to be more ambitious and aim higher if we are to prevent and reverse the growing threat of the homogenization of global biodiversity. In this chapter we review how the management strategy of eradication—the permanent removal of entire discrete populations—has contributed to the stretch in goals advocated by Simberloff. We also discuss impediments to eradication success, and summarize how some of the lessons learnt during this process have contributed to the other strategies (prevention and sustained control) that are required to manage the wider threat posed by invasive alien species. We concentrate on terrestrial vertebrates and weeds (our areas of expertise), but touch on terrestrial invertebrates and marine and freshwater species in the discussion on emerging issues, to illustrate some of the different constraints these taxa and habitats impose on the feasibility of eradication.

Item Type:Book Section
Corporate Creators:QPIF
Additional Information:© Oxford University Press.
Keywords:Eradication; invasive species; weeds; terrestrial vertebrates; eradication success.
Subjects:Science > Invasive Species > Plants > Eradication and containment
Science > Invasive Species > Animals > Animal control and ecology
Live Archive:06 Oct 2009 02:59
Last Modified:03 Sep 2021 16:48

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