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Yield and plant characteristics of 21 banana cultivars in north Queensland

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Daniells, J.W. and O’Farrell, P.J. (1988) Yield and plant characteristics of 21 banana cultivars in north Queensland. Queensland Journal of Agricultural and Animal Sciences, 45 (2). pp. 139-143.



Data on the yield and plant characteristics of 21 banana cultivars were collected over three crop cycles, plant crop and two ratoons, at South Johnstone, north Queensland. (Lat 17° 38' S). The cultivars were from the genomic groups AA, AAA, AAB and ABB. Bunch weights of the Cavendish subgroup of cultivars were about twice those of the other cultivars. Productivity per unit height ('Harvest Index') as indicated by bunch weight:pseudostem height was also much higher. High yields of the Cavendish subgroup were a function of both high finger number per bunch and long fingers. None of the cultivars outside of the Cavendish subgroup was a satisfactory substitute for the commercial cultivar, Williams, because of low yields. Of the non-Cavendish cultivars, Pacific Plantain (dual dessert-cooking) and Lady Finger (dessert) have the best prospects for development to satisfy alternative consumer use.

Item Type:Article
Corporate Creators:Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland
Subjects:Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Methods and systems of culture. Cropping systems
Plant culture > Fruit and fruit culture > Culture of individual fruits or types of fruit > Bananas
Live Archive:16 Apr 2024 03:08
Last Modified:16 Apr 2024 03:08

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