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Nitrogen fertiliser residues for wheat cropping in subtropical Australia

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Strong, W.M., Dalal, R.C., Weston, E.J., Cooper, J.E., Lehane, K.J. and King, A.J. (1996) Nitrogen fertiliser residues for wheat cropping in subtropical Australia. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 47 (5). pp. 695-703. ISSN 1836-0947


Article Link: https://doi.org/10.1071/AR9960695


Applied nitrogen (N) recovered by fertilised wheat and by successive wheat crops in a 4-crop sequence (1987-90) was studied by applying 15N-depleted ammonium nitrate (0, 2.5, and 7.5 g/m2) to a Vertisol in the summer-dominant rainfall region of northern Australia. Recoveries of applied N by each of the 4 crops in order of cropping sequence were 60.3¦ 4.2, 4.4 ¦ 2.3, 1 . 3 ¦ 0.49, and 0- 8 ¦ 0.56%, there being no effect of 2 tillage treatments, conventional tillage (CT) and no till (NT), on uptake of applied N. There was very low recovery of residual fertiliser N after the first wheat crop was harvested; usually <lo% of the applied N was recovered. There was evidence of a substantial N carryover benefit where fertiliser N (7.5 g/m2) was applied in 1987, but not when applied at the same rate in 1988 or 1989. Carryover effect was shown only when fertiliser N was applied after a long fallow when antecedent NOT-N was already high (100-150 v. 30-55 kg/ha with a normal summer fallow). Carryover of subsoil NO3 -N from a single N fertiliser application to the crop, as occurred with application in 1987, will provide useful buffer for declining N supplies of soil N in seasons of good crop response. Routine application of N at moderate rates (<75 kg/ha) provides an effective means of supplementing declining soil N reserves for winter cereals in this region of unreliable rainfall.

Item Type:Article
Keywords:Vertisol, 15N-depleted fertiliser, monoculture, no till
Subjects:Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Methods and systems of culture. Cropping systems
Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Fertilisers
Plant culture > Field crops > Wheat
Live Archive:05 Apr 2024 00:13
Last Modified:05 Apr 2024 00:14

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