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Evaluation of partial replacement of live and fresh feeds with a formulated diet and the influence of weaning Panulirus ornatus phyllosomata onto a formulated diet during early ontogeny

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Johnston, M.D., Johnston, D.J. and Jones, C.M. (2008) Evaluation of partial replacement of live and fresh feeds with a formulated diet and the influence of weaning Panulirus ornatus phyllosomata onto a formulated diet during early ontogeny. Aquaculture International, 16 (1). pp. 33-47.

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Article Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10499-007-9121-2

Publisher URL: http://www.springerlink.com


We have evaluated the potential of a formulated diet as a replacement for live and fresh feeds for 7-day post-hatch Panulirus ornatus phyllosomata and also investigated the effect of conditioning phyllosomata for 14-21 days on live feeds prior to weaning onto a 100% formulated diet. In the first trial, the highest survival (>55%) was consistently shown by phyllosomata fed a diet consisting of a 50% combination of Artemia nauplii and 50% Greenshell mussel, followed by phyllosomata fed 50% Artemia nauplii and 50% formulated diet and, thirdly, by those receiving 100% Artemia nauplii. The second trial assessed the replacement of on-grown Artemia with proportions of formulated diet and Greenshell mussel that differed from those used in trial 1. Phyllosomata fed a 75% combination of formulated diet and 25% on-grown Artemia and 50% on-grown Artemia and 50% Greenshell mussel consistently showed the highest survival (>75%). Combinations of Greenshell mussel and formulated diet resulted in significantly (P < 0.05) reduced survival. In trial 3, phyllosomata were conditioned for 14, 18 or 21 days on Artemia nauplii prior to weaning onto a 100% formulated diet, which resulted in survival rates that were negatively related to the duration of feeding Artemia nauplii. In the final trial, phyllosomata were conditioned for 14 days on live on-grown Artemia prior to weaning onto one of three formulated diets (one diet with 44% CP and two diets with 50%). Phyllosomata fed a 44% CP diet consistently showed the highest survival (>35%) among all treatments, while those fed a 50%-squid CP diet showed a significant (P < 0.05) increase in mortality at day 24. The results of these trials demonstrate that hatcheries can potentially replace 75% of live on-grown Artemia with a formulated diet 7 days after hatch. The poor performance associated with feeding combinations of Greenshell mussel and formulated diet, and 100% formulated diet as well as conditioning phyllosomata for 14-21 days on live feeds prior to weaning onto a formulated diet highlights the importance of providing Artemia to stimulate feeding.

Item Type:Article
Corporate Creators:Animal Science
Additional Information:© Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Keywords:Formulated diets; ornate spiny lobster; Panulirus ornatus; partial replacement; weaning.
Subjects:Aquaculture and Fisheries > Aquaculture
Aquaculture and Fisheries > Fisheries > Shellfish fisheries
Animal culture > Feeds and feeding. Animal nutrition
Live Archive:05 Feb 2009 05:10
Last Modified:03 Sep 2021 16:47

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