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Comparison of odour emission rates measured from various sources using two sampling devices

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Hudson, N., Ayoko, G.A., Dunlop, M. W., Duperouzel, D., Burrell, D., Bell, K. L., Gallagher, E., Nicholas, P. and Heinrich, N. (2009) Comparison of odour emission rates measured from various sources using two sampling devices. Bioresource Technology, 100 (1). pp. 118-124.

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Article Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2008.05.043


Two commonly used sampling devices (a wind tunnel and the US EPA dynamic emission chamber), were used to collect paired samples of odorous air from a number of agricultural odour sources. The odour samples were assessed using triangular, forced-choice dynamic olfactometry. The odour concentration data was combined with the flushing rate data to calculate odour emission rates for both devices on all sources. Odour concentrations were consistently higher in samples collected with a flux chamber (ratio ranging from 10:7 to 5:1, relative to wind tunnel samples), whereas odour emission rates were consistently larger when derived from wind tunnels (ratio ranging from 60:1 to 240:1, relative to flux chamber values). A complex relationship existed between emission rate estimates derived from each device, apparently influenced by the nature of the emitting surface. These results have great significance for users of odour dispersion models, for which an odour emission rate is a key input parameter.

Item Type:Article
Business groups:Crop and Food Science, Animal Science
Keywords:Device; emission rate; odour; sampling.
Subjects:Science > Science (General)
Technology > Technology (General)
Live Archive:11 Feb 2009 04:36
Last Modified:17 Feb 2022 01:44

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