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Seed set in sunflower crops on the central Darling Downs, Queensland

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Radford, B.J., Rhodes, J.W. and Nielsen, R.G.H. (1979) Seed set in sunflower crops on the central Darling Downs, Queensland. Queensland Journal of Agricultural and Animal Sciences, 36 (2). pp. 133-139.



In generally fine weather in 1974-75, seed set in heads open to pollination (79-97%) was positively correlated with seed set in bagged heads at the same site (0-48%). Seed set in the open heads was not significantly correlated with percentage commercially usable achenes (40-84%). Seed set in open heads was independent of number of beehives within 3 km and area of crop, indicating that pollinators were adequate. In 1975-6, heads which flowered during 5 wet days had lower seed set than heads which flowered in fine weather. Achene yield/head was also lower. This is attributed to reduced honeybee activity during the wet weather and low self-compatibility in the cv. studied.

Item Type:Article
Corporate Creators:Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland
Keywords:sunflowers; flowers; pollination Field Crops
Subjects:Plant culture > Field crops > Other field crops
Animal culture > Insect culture and beneficial insects > Bee culture
Live Archive:04 Mar 2024 04:57
Last Modified:16 Apr 2024 23:41

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