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Management of total grazing pressure: Managing for biodiversity in the rangelands

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Fisher, A., Hunt, L., James, C., Landsberg, J., Phelps, D. G., Smyth, A. and Watson, I. (2005) Management of total grazing pressure: Managing for biodiversity in the rangelands. Commonwealth of Australia, 23 pages. ISBN 0642551243


Article Link: https://www.makingmorefromsheep.com.au/_literature...


Improved management of total grazing pressure will ensure the sustainable capacity of rangelands are not exceeded as well as help maintain the proper functioning of ecosystems and survival of native species.
By total grazing pressure, we mean the combined grazing pressure exerted by all stock – domestic and wild, native and feral – on the vegetation, soil and water resources of rangeland landscapes.
This information has been prepared to provide an overview of guidelines, knowledge gaps and opportunities for managing total grazing pressure across the Australian rangelands. It was collated from the experience and knowledge of an expert panel drawn from the Desert Knowledge and Tropical Savannas Management Cooperative Research Centres. These experts reviewed present and past research projects relating to total grazing pressure and biodiversity conservation in the rangelands that were funded by Natural Heritage Trust, as well as drawing on other published and unpublished information.
We used biophysical characteristics, land uses, land modification and stocking characteristics to create a framework for organising rangelands into ten regions, having similar total grazing pressure and biodiversity characteristics – termed grazing land management zones (GLMZs).
Based on the review of scientific and resource management literature and past research projects, we described the major issues for management of total grazing pressure and biodiversity conservation in these 10 zones. We also identified major knowledge gaps and suggested priorities and opportunities for future investment and management action.
This summary is part of a series of related reports on Managing for Biodiversity in the Rangelands intended to provide government agencies, land managers and others with relevant information on protecting biodiversity in the rangelands.

Item Type:Book
Subjects:Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Farm economics. Farm management. Agricultural mathematics
Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Agriculture and the environment
Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Conservation of natural resources
Live Archive:13 Feb 2024 02:25
Last Modified:04 Dec 2024 05:00

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