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The Asia-Pacific Grouper Network

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Rimmer, M.A., Phillips, M.J. and Sim, S.Y. (2004) The Asia-Pacific Grouper Network. In: Advances in grouper aquaculture. ACIAR.


Publisher URL: https://www.aciar.gov.au/publication/books-and-manuals/advances-grouper-aquaculture


The Asia-Pacific Marine Finfish Aquaculture Network, which was established (as the Asia-Pacific Grouper Network) in 1998, has grown rapidly. Network activities have contributed to improving the overall progress of developing sustainable grouper aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region by supporting improved communication and providing opportunities for enhanced cooperation between participating agencies. Technology transfer has been a major focus for the network, with innovative use of modern electronic communication strategies and direct technology transfer through technical training. The outcome of these activities has been improved information access for researchers and industry and the development of mechanisms to spread project impacts widely throughout the Asia-Pacific region, beyond the agencies directly involved in projects.

Item Type:Book Section
Subjects:Aquaculture and Fisheries > Aquaculture > Fish culture
Live Archive:11 Feb 2024 23:32
Last Modified:11 Feb 2024 23:32

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