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Experiences of using seasonal climate information with farmers in Tamil Nadu

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Huda, A.K.S., Selvaraju, R., Balasubramanian, T.N., Geethalakshmi, V., George, D.A. and Clewett, J.F. (2004) Experiences of using seasonal climate information with farmers in Tamil Nadu. In: Using seasonal climate forecasting in agriculture: a participatory decision-making approach. ACIAR. ISBN 1-86320-475-X



This chapter describes some of our experiences in dealing with the application of participatory decision-making procedures with farmers to manage climate risk/opportunities in the Coimbatore district of Tamil Nadu, India. Climate indicators including the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) were used to estimate the probability of seasonal rainfall ahead of the commencement of the cropping season in southern India. Farmers’ indigenous knowledge, experience and traditional farm practices were considered alongside the alternative management options derived from the climate science and agricultural research.
Agronomic recommendations were derived from process-based models using simulated soil water and crop yields. This process of mutual learning resulted from the inclusion of all participants in the exploration of decisions as a particular season unfolds. This encouraged individual farmers and their communities to take ownership as well as bearing the consequences of their decisions. Benefits arising from the use of seasonal climate information in agricultural management included better crop choice, improved financial returns, more sustainable resource use and enhanced community development. It should be noted however that, despite every endeavour, outcomes were not always positive for every individual, but overall, beneficial outcomes outweighed these negative ones.

Item Type:Book Section
Subjects:Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Agriculture and the environment
Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Agricultural meteorology. Crops and climate
Live Archive:02 Feb 2024 00:26
Last Modified:02 Feb 2024 00:26

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