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Characterisation and assessment of the role of barley malt endoproteases during malting and mashing

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Osman, A. M., Coverdale, S.M., Cole, N., Hamilton, S.E., De Jersey, J. and Inkerman, P.A. (2002) Characterisation and assessment of the role of barley malt endoproteases during malting and mashing. Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 108 (1). pp. 62-67. ISSN 0046-9750


Article Link: https://doi.org/10.1002/j.2050-0416.2002.tb00125.x


Barley malt endoproteases (EC.3.4.21) develop as multiple isoforms mainly during grain germination and pass through kilning almost intact. Thermostability, under simulated mashing conditions, varied from low to high depending on the substrate used in the assay. This suggests that individual enzymes respond differently to heat exposure and to protein substrates. The optimal pH with haemoglobin was pH 3.5, with hordein pH 4 and with glutelin pH 5. The optimal temperature with hordein was 40°C, with glutelin 50°C and with haemoglobin 60°C. These differences suggest that it is not possible to comprehensively characterise all malt endoproteases under one set of assay conditions. In brewing, most of the barley protein degradation (> 70 %) occurs during malting. But some proteinases remain active during mashing and contribute to wort soluble proteins and free amino nitrogen. Their contribution to all malt EBC mash total free amino nitrogen was 25 % in Schooner (Australian) and 30 % in Morex (USA). The importance of proteolytic activity during mashing and the possibility that the levels may not be adequate, at high solid adjunct ratios, are acknowledged.

Item Type:Article
Subjects:Science > Biology
Plant culture > Field crops > Barley
Live Archive:16 Jan 2024 23:57
Last Modified:16 Jan 2024 23:57

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