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Population dynamics and economic threshold of the nematodes Radopholus similis and pratylenchus goodeyi on banana in Australia

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Pattison, A. B., Stanton, J. M., Cobon, J. A. and Doogan, V.J. (2002) Population dynamics and economic threshold of the nematodes Radopholus similis and pratylenchus goodeyi on banana in Australia. International Journal of Pest Management, 48 (2). pp. 107-111. ISSN 0967-0874

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Article Link: https://doi.org/10.1080/09670870110095737


To help banana growers to decide when to apply nematicide, economic thresholds were determined for tropical north Queensland, subtropical south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales, Australia. This was done by monitoring nematode populations, root damage and growth parameters of bunching pseudostems in several commercial crops for several years. There was no significant consistent change in the disease index in consecutive years in any of the regions, although there was great variation between crops. However, on two crops in the tropics, the disease index of roots increased. To reduce the risk of not applying nematicide when required, the economic threshold was adjusted down to allow for this increase on some crops. In the tropics with a crop value of $25 000 ha−1 year−1, the economic threshold occurred at a root disease index = 9.2-15.6. In the subtropics with a crop value of $10 000-15 000, the economic threshold occurred at a root disease index = 20.5-35.5. In the subtropics, Radopholus similis (burrowing nematode) was as pathogenic as Pratylenchus goodeyi (lesion nematode) as measured by root necrosis. However, both nematodes were less pathogenic in the subtropics than was R. similis in the tropics. In the subtropics, R. similis tended to be more numerous in warmer months and P. goodeyi in cooler months.

Item Type:Article
Subjects:Plant pests and diseases > Individual or types of plants or trees > Bananas
Plant pests and diseases > Pest control and treatment of diseases. Plant protection > Pesticides
Live Archive:16 Jan 2024 02:26
Last Modified:16 Jan 2024 02:26

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