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Success factors for Participatory Farming Systems projects - field notes from the north

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Lawrence, D.N., Carberry, P., Cawley, S.T., Doughton, J. A. and Herridge, D. (2001) Success factors for Participatory Farming Systems projects - field notes from the north. Science and Technology: Delivering Results for Agriculture? Proceedings of the 10th Agronomy Conference Hobart, Tasmania .



This paper documents three participatory farming systems project teams‟ perceptions of the key success factors for good participatory RD&E projects. The relative importance of each factor is scored and the current level of achievement benchmarked. The factors of most importance were participation, communication and leadership. The factors of lesser importance were project focus and outcomes, evaluation and philosophies of RD&E. Reasons for the importance and achievement scores are explored and may provide insights to other farming systems projects on where to focus their efforts.

Item Type:Article
Subjects:Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Agricultural education > Research. Experimentation
Live Archive:11 Jan 2024 04:15
Last Modified:11 Jan 2024 04:15

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