Items where Subject is "Meat production"
Number of items at this level: 125. ArticleAlexander, G.I. and Beattie, A.W. (1968) Studies on factors in beef cattle production in a subtropical environment. 3. Growth from weaning to yearling. Queensland Journal of Agricultural and Animal Sciences, 25 (1). pp. 7-17. ISSN R1339 Beames, R.M. and O'Bryan, M.S. (1962) Effect of hormone implantation on growth rate and carcass composition of cattle grazing paspalum-dominant pasture. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (4). pp. 485-491. Bewg, W.P., Plasto, A.W. and Daly, J.J. (1969) Studies on reproductive performance of beef cattle in a subtropical environment. 1. Conception rate, length of oestrous cycle and length of gestation. Queensland Journal of Agricultural and Animal Sciences, 26 (4). pp. 629-637. Black, P., Pitt, D., Johnson, S., Ward, M., Cronin, J., Mackenzie, S. and Baldock, C. (1997) Implementation of an active surveillance program in the beef industry of Queensland, Australia. Epidémiologie et Santé Animale, 31-32 . 07.09.1-07.09.3. ISSN 0754-2186 Blaney, B.J., McKenzie, R.A., Josey, B.J., Ryley, M.J. and Downing, J.A. (2000) Effect of grazing sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) infected with ergot (Claviceps africana) on beef cattle. Australian Veterinary Journal, 78 (2). p. 125. ISSN 1751-0813 Bray, S. G., Walsh, D., Phelps, D. G., Rolfe, J. W., Broad, K. C., Whish, G. and Quirk, M. (2016) Climate Clever Beef: options to improve business performance and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in northern Australia. The Rangeland Journal, 38 (3). pp. 207-218. Broad, K. C., Sneath, R. J. and Emery, T. M.J. (2016) Use of business analysis in beef businesses to direct management practice change for climate adaptation outcomes. The Rangeland Journal, 38 (3). pp. 273-282. Burns, B. M., Herring, A. D., Allen, J. M., McGowan, M. R., Holland, M., Braithwaite, I. and Fordyce, G. (2011) Genetic strategies for improved beef production in challenging environments such as Northern Australia. The Australian Cattle Veterinarian, 60 . pp. 14-19. ISSN 1328-4789 Burns, B. M., Gazzola, C., Holroyd, R. G., Crisp, J. and McGowan, M. R. (2011) Male Reproductive Traits and Their Relationship to Reproductive Traits in Their Female Progeny: A Systematic Review. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 46 (3). pp. 534-553. ISSN 0936-6768 Burns, M.A. and Sutherland, D.N. (1960) Use of synthetic oestrogens for promoting weight gains in beef steers grazing on native pastures. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 17 (1). pp. 39-42. Burrow, H.M. and Dillon, R.D. (1997) Relationships between temperament and growth in a feedlot and commercial carcass traits of Bos indicus crossbreds. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 37 (4). pp. 407-411. ISSN 0816-1089 Burrows, W.H., Orr, D.M., Hendricksen, R.E., Rutherford, M.T., Myles, D.J., Back, P.V. and Gowen, R. (2010) Impacts of grazing management options on pasture and animal productivity in a Heteropogon contortus (black speargrass) pasture in central Queensland. 4. Animal production. Animal Production Science, 50 (4). pp. 284-292. Butler, S. A. A., Phillips, N. J., Boe-Hansen, G. B., Bo, G. A., Burns, B. M., Dawson, K. and McGowan, M. R. (2012) Animal-Level Factors Affecting Ovarian Function in Bos indicus Heifers Treated to Synchronize Ovulation with Intravaginal Progesterone-Releasing Devices and Oestradiol Benzoate. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 47 (3). pp. 463-471. ISSN 0936-6768 Butler, S. A. A., Atkinson, P. C., Boe-Hansen, G. B., Burns, B. M., Dawson, K., Bo, G. A. and McGowan, M. R. (2011) Pregnancy rates after fixed-time artificial insemination of Brahman heifers treated to synchronize ovulation with low-dose intravaginal progesterone releasing devices, with or without eCG. Theriogenology, 76 (8). pp. 1416-1423. ISSN 0093-691X Butler, S. A. A., Phillips, N. J., Boe-Hansen, G. B., Bo, G. A., Burns, B. M., Dawson, K. and McGowan, M. R. (2011) Ovarian responses in Bos indicus heifers treated to synchronise ovulation with intravaginal progesterone releasing devices, oestradiol benzoate, prostaglandin F2α and equine chorionic gonadotrophin. Animal Reproduction Science, 129 (3-4). pp. 118-126. Cavaye, J., Knight, J., Tierney, T. and Kelly, A. M. (1992) Growth and carcass characteristics of three-way Africander multiply Simmental multiply Hereford crossbreds in south-western Queensland. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 32 (6). pp. 675-681. Coates, D.B., Miller, C.P., Hendricksen, R.E. and Jones, R.J. (1997) Stability and productivity of Stylosanthes pastures in Australia. II. Animal production from Stylosanthes pastures. Tropical Grasslands, 31 (5). pp. 494-502. ISSN 0049-4763 Colditz, I.G., Ferguson, D.M., Greenwood, P.L., Doogan, V.J., Petherick, J.C. and Kilgour, R.J. (2007) Regrouping unfamiliar animals in the weeks prior to slaughter has few effects on physiology and meat quality in Bos taurus feedlot steers. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 47 (7). pp. 763-769. Cottle, D. J., Eckard, R.J., Bray, S. G. and Sullivan, M. T. (2016) An evaluation of carbon offset supplementation options for beef production systems on coastal speargrass in central Queensland, Australia. Animal Production Science, 56 (3). pp. 385-392. Cullen, B. R., Eckard, R. J., Timms, M. and Phelps, D. G. (2016) The effect of earlier mating and improving fertility on greenhouse gas emissions intensity of beef production in northern Australian herds. The Rangeland Journal, 38 (3). pp. 283-290. Cullen, B. R., MacLeod, N. D., Scanlan, J. C. and Doran-Browne, N. (2016) Influence of climate variability and stocking strategies on greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE), production and profit of a northern Queensland beef cattle herd. Animal Production Science, 58 (6). pp. 990-997. De Faveri, J., Verbyla, A. P., Lee, S. J. and Pitchford, W. S. (2018) Maternal body composition in seedstock herds. 3. Multivariate analysis using factor analytic models and cluster analysis. Animal Production Science, 58 (1). pp. 135-144. Dixon, R. M., Playford, C. and Coates, D. B. (2011) Nutrition of beef breeder cows in the dry tropics. 1. Effects of nitrogen supplementation and weaning on breeder performance. Animal Production Science, 51 (6). pp. 515-528. Dixon, R. M., Playford, C. and Coates, D. B. (2011) Nutrition of beef breeder cows in the dry tropics. 2. Effects of time of weaning and diet quality on breeder performance. Animal Production Science, 51 (6). pp. 529-540. Dodt, R.M. and O'Rourke, P.K. (1988) Dentition in beef cattle in northern Australia. Queensland Journal of Agricultural and Animal Sciences, 45 (1). pp. 53-56. Drinkwater, R.D., Lenane, Y.L.,I., Davis, G.P., Shorthose, R., Harrison, B.E., Richardson, K., Ferguson, D., Stevenson, R., Renaud, J., Loxton, I., Hawken, R.J., Thomas, M.B., Newman, S., Hetzel, D.J.S. and Barendse, W. (2006) Detecting quantitative trait loci affecting beef tenderness on bovine chromosome 7 near calpastatin and lysyl oxidase. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 46 (2). pp. 159-164. Edmonston, V., Nolan, T., Bertram, J., Burns, B.M., McIntosh, F., Shorter, J. and Sneath, R. (2004) A feedback system to promote integration, sharing of information and profitability and sustainability of all beef supply chain sectors. Animal Production in Australia, 1 (1). pp. 53-56. ISSN 0728-5965 Engle, B. N., Corbet, N. J., Allen, J. M., Laing, A. R., Fordyce, G., McGowan, M. R., Burns, B. M., Lyons, R. E. and Hayes, B. J. (2018) Multivariate genomic predictions for age at puberty in tropically adapted beef heifers. Journal of Animal Science, 97 (1). pp. 90-100. 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(2009) A systems evaluation of high-input management using fortified molasses for beef production in Australia's dry tropics. Animal Production Science, 49 (3). pp. 177-191. Fordyce, G., Shephard, R., Moravek, T. and McGowan, M. R. (2023) Australian cattle herd: a new perspective on structure, performance and production. Animal Production Science, 63 (4). pp. 410-421. Gaffney, J. (1997) FEEDMAN a feed-to-dollars beef management package. Tropical Grasslands, 31 (6). pp. 605-607. ISSN 0049-4763 Gartner, R.J.W. and Ryley, J.W. (1962) Relationship between nyctalopia and plasma vitamin A levels and the effect of vitamin A supplementation in beef calves. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (3). pp. 363-372. Gazzola, C. and Hunter, R.A. (1999) Reducing metabolic rate by immunoneutralisation of catecholamines. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 50 (4). pp. 441-446. ISSN 1836-0947 Gazzola, C., Jeffery, M.R., White, D.H., Hill, R.A. and Reid, D. J. (2001) Effect of age of castration, oestradiol treatment and genotype on the fat colour of beef cattle raised at pasture. Animal Science, 73 (2). pp. 261-266. ISSN 1357-7298 Gazzola, C., O'Neill, C.J. and Frisch, J.E. (1999) Comparative evaluation of the meat quality of beef cattle breeds of Indian, African and European origins. Animal Science, 69 (1). pp. 135-142. ISSN 1357-7298 Gazzola, C., O'Neill, C.J. and Frisch, J.E. (1998) Identification of a Brahman sire whose progeny have high marbling scores and high intramuscular fat content. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 38 (8). pp. 785-788. ISSN 0816-1089 Gibbs, S.J., Coates, D.B., Poppi, D. P., McLennan, S. R. and Dixon, R. M. (2002) The use of faecal near infra-red spectroscopy to predict dietary digestibility and crude protein content of cattle fed supplements. Animal Production in Australia, 25 . p. 247. Godwin, R. M., Mayer, D. G., Brown, G. W., Leemon, D. M. and James, P. J. (2018) Predicting nuisance fly outbreaks on cattle feedlots in subtropical Australia. Animal Production Science, 58 (2). pp. 343-349. Graham, T.W.G., Cheffins, R., Emmery, P., Esdale, C., Chudleigh, F. and Burns, B. (2000) Options analysis improves beef enterprise performance, profitability and technology adoption in central Queensland. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 13 . pp. 317-320. ISSN 1976-5517 Hasker, P.J.S. and Bassingthwaighte, J. (1995) Implanting electronic identification transponders under the scutifon cartilage of beef cattle is inappropriate under Australian conditions. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 35 (1). pp. 15-18. ISSN 0816-1089 Hasker, P.J.S. and Bassingthwaite, J. (1996) Evaluation of electronic identification transponders implanted in the rumen of cattle. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 36 (1). pp. 19-22. ISSN 0816-1089 Hayes, B. J., Corbet, N. J., Allen, J. M., Laing, A. R., Fordyce, G., Lyons, R., McGowan, M. R. and Burns, B. M. (2018) Towards multi-breed genomic evaluations for female fertility of tropical beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 97 (1). pp. 55-62. ISSN 0021-8812 Hill, J.O., Coates, D.B., Whitbread, A.M., Clem, R.L., Robertson, M.J. and Penegelly, B.C. (2009) Seasonal changes in pasture quality and diet selection and their relationship with liveweight gain of steers grazing tropical grass and grass-legume pastures in northern Australia. Animal Production Science, 49 (11). pp. 983-993. Hill, R.A., Hunter, R.A., Lindsay, D.B. and Owens, P.C. (1999) Action of Long(R3)-insulin-like growth factor-1 on protein metabolism in beef heifers. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 16 (4). pp. 219-229. ISSN 0739-7240 Horwood, P. F. and Mahony, T. J. (2011) Multiplex real-time RT-PCR detection of three viruses associated with the bovine respiratory disease complex. Journal of Virological Methods, 171 (2). pp. 360-363. ISSN 0166-0934 Jeffery, M., Loxton, I., Van der Mark, S., Bell, K., James, T., Shorthose, R. and D'Occhio, M. (1997) Liveweight gains, and carcass and meat characteristics of entire, surgically spayed or immunologically spayed beef heifers. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 37 (7). pp. 719-726. ISSN 0816-1089 Koufariotis, L., Hayes, B. J., Kelly, M., Burns, B. M., Lyons, R., Stothard, P., Chamberlain, A. J. and Moore, S. (2018) Sequencing the mosaic genome of Brahman cattle identifies historic and recent introgression including polled. Scientific Reports, 8 (1). p. 17761. ISSN 2045-2322 Lawrence, R.W., Doyle, J., Elliott, R., Loxton, I., McMeniman, J.P., Norton, B.W., Reid, D. J. and Tume, R.W. (2006) The efficacy of a vitamin D3 metabolite for improving the myofibrillar tenderness of meat from Bos indicus cattle. Meat Science, 72 (1). pp. 69-78. Mawson, W.F., Beattie, A.W. and Sutherland, D.N. (1962) Effect of synthetic hormone implants on grazing steers in Queensland. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (4). pp. 467-484. Mayer, D. G., Walmsley, B. J., McPhee, M. J., Oddy, V. H., Wilkins, J. F., Kinghorn, B. P., Dobos, R. C. and McKiernan, W. A. (2013) Integrating stochasticity into the objective function avoids Monte Carlo computation in the optimisation of beef feedlots. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 91 . pp. 30-34. ISSN 0168-1699 McDonnell, C. K., Fitzgerald, A. G., Burt, P., Hughes, J., Mellor, G. E., Barlow, R. S., Sikes, A. L., Li, Y. and Tobin, A. B. (2021) The effect of electro-hydrodynamic shockwaves on the quality of striploin and brisket beef muscles during long-term storage. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 68 . p. 102627. ISSN 1466-8564 McLaughlin, J. E. (1968) Studies in pesticide residues. 3. Ronnel residues in the perirenal and omental fat of cattle following dermal application. Queensland Journal of Agricultural and Animal Sciences, 25 (1). pp. 1-5. 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(2020) Northern Downs beef production systems : Preparing for, responding to, and recovering from drought. Project Report. State of Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. Bowen, M. K., Chudleigh, F., Rolfe, J. W. and English, B. H. (2019) Northern Gulf beef production systems : Preparing for, responding to, and recovering from drought. Project Report. State of Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. Buck, S. R. (2017) Pasture dieback: Past activities and current situation across Queensland (2017). Project Report. State of Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. Chudleigh, F., Oxley, T. and Bowen, M. K. (2019) Improving the performance of beef enterprises in northern Australia. Project Report. State of Queensland. Department of Primary Industries, Queensland, (2005) Novel vaccination approaches to improve the growth rate of cattle. Project Report. Meat & Livestock Australia Limited. 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