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Number of items at this level: 272.


Barnett, A., Jaine, F. R. A., Simpfendorfer, C. A., Scott-Holland, T., Williams, S. M., Smith, D., Mitchell, J. D. and Campbell, M. J. (2024) From little things big things grow: enhancement of an acoustic telemetry network to monitor broad-scale movements of marine species along Australia’s east coast. Movement Ecology, 12 (1). p. 31. ISSN 2051-3933

Clayton, C. E., McGilvray, J. G. and O'Neill, M. F. (2024) Total allowable commercial catch review for Queensland spanner crab (Ranina ranina), with data to December 2023. Technical Report. State of Queensland.

Cross, M. C., Mitchell, J. D., Dudgeon, C. L., Townsend, K. A., Scott-Holland, T. B. and Holmes, B. J. (2024) Spatial and temporal variation of marine megafauna off coastal beaches of south-eastern Queensland, Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research, 75 (15).

Holden, M. H., Plagányi, E. E., Fulton, E. A., Campbell, A. B., Janes, R., Lovett, R. A., Wickens, M., Adams, M. P., Botelho, L. L., Dichmont, C. M., Erm, P., Helmstedt, K. J., Heneghan, R. F., Mendiolar, M., Richardson, A. J., Rogers, J. G. D., Saunders, K. and Timms, L. (2024) Cost–benefit analysis of ecosystem modeling to support fisheries management. Journal of Fish Biology, 104 (6). pp. 1667-1674. ISSN 0022-1112

Jacobsen, I. and Dedini, E. (2024) East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery Regional Risk Assessments. Species of Conservation Concern. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland.

Louw, N. R., McMillan, M. N., Gardiner, N. M., Daniell, J. and Roberts, E. M. (2024) Habitat partitioning in Moreton Bay bug species to inform fisheries management. Fisheries Research, 273 . p. 106956. ISSN 0165-7836

McMillan, M. N., Brunjes, N. L., Williams, S. M. and Holmes, B. J. (2024) Broad-scale genetic population connectivity in the Moreton Bay Bug (Thenus australiensis) on Australia’s east coast. Hydrobiologia, 851 . pp. 2347-2355. ISSN 1573-5117

Morton, J. and Jacobsen, I. (2024) Marine Aquarium Fish Fishery Species-Specific Vulnerability Assessment. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland.

Robins, J. B., Stratford, N. J., Seghers, S. and Leahy, S. M. (2024) Improving bycatch reduction strategies and escape vents in Queensland crab fisheries. Project Report. FRDC.

Wickens, M. E., Smart, J. J. and Wortmann, J. (2024) Management strategy evaluation of the Queensland east coast sea cucumber fishery, with data to June 2023. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland.


Blamey, L. K., Plagányi, É. E., Robins, J. B., Kenyon, R., Deng, R. A., Hughes, J. and Kim, S. (2023) Altering river flow impacts estuarine species and catches: lessons from giant mud crabs. ICES Journal of Marine Science . ISSN 1054-3139

Campbell, M. J., McLennan, M. F., Krueck, N. C., Morgan, J. A.T., Joiner, J. E., Garland, A., Nicholson, J., Midgley, R. F., Prosser, R. M., Rochester, W. and Pillans, R. (2023) Assessing the spawning characteristics and reproductive biology of Pearl Perch (Glaucosoma scapulare) in Queensland. Project Report. FRDC.

Campbell, M. J., McLennan, M. F., Nicolson, J. R., Garland, A., Prosser, R. M. and Midgley, R. F. (2023) Improving estimates of growth for pearl perch (Glaucosoma scapulare) in Queensland, Australia. Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries, 3 (1). pp. 71-80. ISSN 2693-8847

Campbell, M. J. and Scott-Holland, T. B. (2023) Queensland Shark Control Program: Catch alert drumline trial 2022–2023. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane.

Clayton, C. E., O'Neill, M. F., Trappett, A. G. and Leigh, G. M. (2023) Torres Strait Reef Line Fishery: Coral trout (Plectropomus spp.) catch rate analysis, with data to June 2022. Technical Report. State of Queensland.

Dedini, E. and Jacobsen, I. (2023) East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery Scoping Study. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland.

Dedini, E., Jacobsen, I. and Zieth, J. (2023) East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery Ecological Risk Assessment Species of Conservation Concern. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland.

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland, (2023) Marine Aquarium Fish Fishery Scoping Study. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland.

Jacobsen, I. and Walton, L. (2023) Spanner Crab Fishery Level 1 Ecological Risk Assessment. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland.

McMillan, M. N., Leahy, S. M., Daniell, J., Louw, N. and Roberts, E.M. (2023) Determining the spatial distribution and abundance indices for Moreton Bay Bugs, Thenus parindicus and Thenus australiensis in Queensland to improve stock assessment and management. Project Report. FRDC.

Milburn, J. R., Williams, S. M., Townsend, K. A. and Holmes, B. J. (2023) Depredation of spanner crabs (Ranina ranina) by endangered batoids off the east coast of Australia. Fisheries Research, 261 . p. 106619. ISSN 0165-7836

Morton, J. and Jacobsen, I. (2023) Marine Aquarium Fish Fishery Level 1 Ecological Risk Assessment. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland.

Norris, A., Hutchison, M., Nixon, D., Shiau, J. and Kaus, A. (2023) A synthesis of the efficacy of fisheries enhancement methods for integration into the fisheries management toolbox. Project Report. FRDC.

Ogier, E. M., Smith, D. C., Breen, S., Gardner, C., Gaughan, D. J., Gorfine, H. K., Hobday, A. J., Moltschaniwskyj, N., Murphy, R., Saunders, T., Steer, M. and Woodhams, J. (2023) Initial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Australian fisheries production, research organisations and assessment: shocks, responses and implications for decision support and resilience. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 33 (2). pp. 513-534. ISSN 1573-5184

Plagányi, É., Kenyon, R., Blamey, L., Robins, J. B., Burford, M., Pillans, R., Hutton, T., Hughes, J., Kim, S., Deng, R. A., Cannard, T., Jarrett, A., Laird, A., Lawrence, E., Miller, M. and Moeseneder, C. (2023) Integrated assessment of river development on downstream marine fisheries and ecosystems. Nature Sustainability, 7 . pp. 31-44. ISSN 2398-9629

Rundle-Thiele, S., Roemer, C., Mackay, M. and Williams, S. M. (2023) Swimming against the stream: A systems approach to rebuilding fishing stocks. Journal of Environmental Management, 325 . p. 116439. ISSN 0301-4797

Williams, S. M., Mitchell, J. D., Barnett, A. and Leahy, S. M. (2023) Assessing the population biology of Black Jewfish (Protonibea diacanthus) in Queensland. Project Report. FRDC.


Campbell, M. J. (2022) Assessing ecological risk posed to common rays by prawn trawling. PhD thesis, James Cook University, 154 pages.

Exley, P., Poole, S., Paulo, C., Wedding, B. B., Grauf, S., Pavich, L., George, J., Edwards, D., Pun, S., Liu, D., Williams, D., Moller, S., Pramanik, I., Paterson, B. D. and Wright, C. L. (2022) Harvest and slaughter methods for farmed Barramundi to minimise fish stress and achieve premium market quality and improved fish welfare outcomes. Project Report. FRDC.

Leahy, S. M., Jerry, D. R., Wedding, B. B., Robins, J. B., Wright, C. L., Sadekov, A., Boyle, S., Jones, D. B., Williams, S. M., McCulloch, M. T., Grauf, S., Pavich, L., McLennan, M. F., Sellin, M. J., Goldsbury, J. A. and Saunders, R. J. (2022) Barramundi origins : Determining the contribution of stocking to the barramundi catch on Queensland’s east coast. Project Report. FRDC.

Lovett, R. A., Northrop, A. R. and Stewart, J. (2022) Stock assessment of Australian pearl perch (Glaucosoma scapulare) with data to December 2019. Technical Report. State of Queensland.

Mitchell, J. D., Scott-Holland, T. B., Argent, J., Emmert, K., Butcher, P. A., Meager, J. J. and Mikitis, M. (2022) Queensland SharkSmart Drone Trial Final Report. Project Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane.

Mitchell, J. D., Scott-Holland, T. B. and Butcher, P. A. (2022) Factors Affecting Shark Detection from Drone Patrols in Southeast Queensland, Eastern Australia. Biology, 11 (11). p. 1552. ISSN 2079-7737

Morton, J. and Jacobsen, I. (2022) Queensland Coral Fishery Scoping Study. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland.

Morton, J., Jacobsen, I. and Dedini, E. (2022) Queensland Coral Fishery Ecological Risk Assessment Update : Phase 1. Technical Report. State of Queensland.

O'Neill, M. F., Campbell, A. B. and McGilvray, J. G. (2022) Total allowable commercial catch review for Queensland spanner crab (Ranina ranina), with data to December 2021. Technical Report. State of Queensland.

Plagányi, E., Kenyon, R., Blamey, L., Burford, M., Robins, J. B., Jarrett, A., Laird, A., Hughes, J., Kim, S., Hutton, T., Pillans, R., Deng, R. A., Cannard, T., Lawrence, E., Miller, M. and Moeseneder, C. (2022) Ecological modelling of the impacts of water development in the Gulf of Carpentaria with particular reference to impacts on the Northern Prawn Fishery. Project Report. FRDC.

Smith, A., Songcuan, A., Mitchell, J. D., Haste, M., Schmidt, Z., Sands, G. and Lincoln Smith, M. (2022) Quantifying Catch Rates, Shark Abundance and Depredation Rate at a Spearfishing Competition on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Biology, 11 (10). p. 1524. ISSN 2079-7737

Sumpter, L. I. (2022) Total allowable commercial catch review for Queensland stout whiting (Sillago robusta), with data to December 2021. Technical Report. State of Queensland.

Thoya, P., Kadagi, N. I., Wambiji, N., Williams, S. M., Pepperell, J., Möllmann, C., Schiele, K. S. and Maina, J. (2022) Environmental controls of billfish species in the Indian Ocean and implications for their management and conservation. Diversity and Distributions, 28 (8). pp. 1554-1567. ISSN 1366-9516

Williams, S. M., Holmes, B. J., Barnett, A., Rogers, T., Fetterplace, L., Middleton, H., Mitchell, J. D., Sih, T., Harasti, D., Sheaves, M., Henderson, C. J., Tibbetts, I. R., Mitchell, L., Martin, T. S. H., Pepperell, J. G., Moore, A., Skelton, M., Taylor, M., Gilby, B. L., Chargulaf, C., Cortesi, F., Currey-Randall, L. M., Tracey, S., Rabbitt, S. and Campbell, M. J. (2022) Marine Fishes. In: Wildlife Research in Australia. CSIRO. ISBN 978-1-4863-1345-7

Yang, W.-H., Martin, T. S.H. and Moffitt, D. (2022) Stock assessment of Queensland east coast dusky flathead (Platycephalus fuscus), Australia, with data to December 2020. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane.

Zampatti, B. P., Fanson, B. G., Baumgartner, L. J., Butler, G. L., Brooks, S. G., Crook, D. A., Doyle, K., King, A. J., Koster, W. M., Maas, R., Sadekov, A., Scott, P., Strawbridge, A., Thiem, J. D., Tonkin, Z., Wilson, P. J., Woodhead, J. and Woods, R. (2022) Population demographics of golden perch (Macquaria ambigua) in the Darling River prior to a major fish kill: A guide for rehabilitation. Marine and Freshwater Research, 73 (2). pp. 223-236. ISSN 13231650 (ISSN)


Braccini, M., Denham, A., O'Neill, M. F. and Lai, E. (2021) Spatial and temporal patterns in catch rates from multispecies shark fisheries in Western Australia. Ocean & Coastal Management, 213 . p. 105883. ISSN 0964-5691

Campbell, M. J., O'Neill, M. F., Taggart, K., Khorsandian, A., Krueck, N. C., Dijkstra, B., Brady, P. and Hussain, S. (2021) Development of a user-friendly MSE framework for Queensland’s rocky reef fishery. Project Report. FRDC.

Carmody, H., Langlois, T., Mitchell, J. D., Navarro, M., Bosch, N., McLean, D., Monk, J., Lewis, P. and Jackson, G. (2021) Shark depredation in a commercial trolling fishery in sub-tropical Australia. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 676 . pp. 19-35.

Courtney, A. J., Daniell, J., French, S., Leigh, G. M., Yang, W.-H., Campbell, M. J., McLennan, M. F., Baker, K., Sweetland, T., Woof, E., Robinson, R., Mizukami, I. and Mulroy, E. (2021) Improving mortality rate estimates for management of the Queensland saucer scallop fishery. Project Report. FRDC.

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland, (2021) Monitoring of Queensland’s shark catch for the net fisheries : summary report. Project Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane.

Dichmont, C. M., Dowling, N. A., Pascoe, S., Cannard, T., Pears, R. J., Breen, S., Roberts, T., Leigh, G. M. and Mangel, M. (2021) Operationalizing triple bottom line harvest strategies. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 78 (2). pp. 731-742. ISSN 1054-3139

Ferrette, B. L. d. S., Mourato, B., Hazin, F. H. V., Arocha, F., Williams, S. M., Rodrigues Junior, C. E., Porto-Foresti, F., de Amorim, A. F., Rotundo, M. M., Coelho, R., Hoolihan, J. P., Sow, F. N., Diaha, N.’g. C., Romanov, E. V., Domingues, R. R., Oliveira, C., Foresti, F. and Mendonça, F. F. (2021) Global phylogeography of sailfish: deep evolutionary lineages with implications for fisheries management. Hydrobiologia, 848 (17). pp. 3883-3904. ISSN 1573-5117

Filar, J. A., Courtney, A. J., Gibson, L.J., Jemison, R., Leahy, S. M., Lei, Y., Mendiolar, M., Mitchell, J. D., Robson, B., Steinberg, C., Williams, S. M., Yang, W.-H. and Ye, N. (2021) Modelling environmental changes and effects on wild-caught species in Queensland. Environmental drivers. Project Report. FRDC.

French, S. M., Courtney, A. J. and Yang, W.-H. (2021) Quantitative Analysis of the Fishery-Independent Queensland Saucer Scallop (Ylistrum balloti) Trawl Survey. Journal of Shellfish Research, 40 (2). 297-309, 13.

Goulden, E. F., Dutney, L., Cherrie, B., Dickson, R., Borchert, T., Gallagher, T., Thaggard, H., Brady, P. and Zipf, S. (2021) Transitioning cobia aquaculture research and development in Queensland to industry. Project Report. FRDC, Canberra.

Jacobsen, I., Pidd, A. and Walton, L. (2021) Ocean Beach Fishery Level 2 Ecological Risk Assessment. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland.

Jacobsen, I., Pidd, A. and Walton, L. (2021) Tunnel Net Fishery Level 2 Ecological Risk Assessment. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland.

Jacobsen, I., Walton, L. and Lawson, A. (2021) East Coast Inshore Large Mesh Net Fishery Level 2 Ecological Risk Assessment [Species of Conservation Concern]. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland.

Jacobsen, I., Walton, L. and Lawson, A. (2021) Gulf of Carpentaria Inshore Fishery Level 2 Ecological Risk Assessment [Species of Conservation Concern]. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland.

Mayne, B., Espinoza, T., Roberts, D., Butler, G. L., Brooks, S. G., Korbie, D. and Jarman, S. (2021) Nonlethal age estimation of three threatened fish species using DNA methylation: Australian lungfish, Murray cod and Mary River cod. Molecular Ecology Resources, 21 (7). pp. 2324-2332. ISSN 1755-098X

McMillan, M. N., Semmens, J. M., Huveneers, C., Sims, D. W., Stehfest, K. M. and Gillanders, B. M. (2021) Grow or go? Energetic constraints on shark pup dispersal from pupping areas. Conservation Physiology, 9 (1). ISSN 2051-1434

Norris, A., Hutchison, M., Nixon, D., Shiau, J. and Kaus, A. (2021) Fish attractors in impoundment fisheries : A best practice guideline. Project Report. FRDC.

Norris, A., Hutchison, M., Nixon, D., Shiau, J. and Kaus, A. (2021) Freshwater fish attracting structures (FAS) : Evaluating a new tool to improve fishing quality and access to fisheries resources in Australian impoundments. Project Report. FRDC.

Pidd, A. and Jacobsen, I. (2021) Queensland Sea Cucumber Fishery (East Coast) Level 1 Ecological Risk Assessment. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland.

Pidd, A. and Jacobsen, I. (2021) Queensland Sea Cucumber Fishery (East Coast) Scoping Study. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland.

Pidd, A., Jacobsen, I., Walton, L. and Lawson, A. (2021) East Coast Inshore Large Mesh Net Fishery Level 2 Ecological Risk Assessment [Target & Byproduct Species]. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland.

Robins, J. B., Leahy, S. M., Sellin, M. J., Woodhead, J. and Maas, S. (2021) Contribution of three rivers to floodplain and coastal productivity in the Gulf of Carpentaria: Finfish catch and growth. Project Report. State of Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Brisbane, Queensland.

Smith, D. C., Haddon, M., Punt, A. E., Gardner, C., Little, L. R., Mayfield, S., O’Neill, M. F., Saunders, T., Stewart, J., Wise, B., Fulton, E. A. and Conron, S. (2021) Evaluating the potential for an increased and sustainable commercial fisheries production across multiple jurisdictions and diverse fisheries. Marine Policy, 124 . p. 104353. ISSN 0308-597X

Vardon, J. L., Williams, S. M., Bucher, D. J. and Morgan, J. A. T. (2021) Identifying shark species responsible for fisheries depredation off Southeast Queensland, Australia. Molecular Biology Reports, 48 . pp. 4961-4965. ISSN 1573-4978

Walton, L. and Jacobsen, I. (2021) Rocky Reef Fishery Level 2 Ecological Risk Assessment. Technical Report. State of Queensland.

Walton, L., Jacobsen, I. and Larkin, J. (2021) Reef Line Fishery Level 2 Ecological Risk Assessment: 2021 Update. Technical Report. State of Queensland.

Walton, L., Jacobsen, I. and Lawson, A. (2021) Reef Line Fishery Level 2 Ecological Risk Assessment. Technical Report. State of Queensland.

Walton, L., Jacobsen, I., Pidd, A. and Lawson, A. (2021) Gulf of Carpentaria Inshore Fishery Level 2 Ecological Risk Assessment [Target & Byproduct Species]. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland.


Cherrie, B., Zipf, S., Knuckey, R., Lee, P., Borchert, T. and Nixon, D. (2020) Evaluation of two species, Cobia and Giant Grouper, as alternative species to farm in the WSSV affected areas of South East Queensland. Project Report. FRDC, Canberra.

Dowling, N. A., Dichmont, C. M., Leigh, G. M., Pascoe, S., Pears, R. J., Roberts, T., Breen, S., Cannard, T., Mamula, A. and Mangel, M. (2020) Optimising harvest strategies over multiple objectives and stakeholder preferences. Ecological Modelling, 435 . p. 109243. ISSN 0304-3800

Gilby, B. L., Olds, A. D., Hardcastle, F. E., Henderson, C. J., Connolly, R. M., Martin, T. S. H., Jones, T. R., Maxwell, P. S. and Schlacher, T. A. (2020) Urbanisation and Fishing Alter the Body Size and Functional Traits of a Key Fisheries Species. Estuaries and Coasts . ISSN 1559-2731

Hutchison, M., Norris, A. and Nixon, D. (2020) Habitat preferences and habitat restoration options for small bodied and juvenile fish in the northern Murray-Darling Basin. Ecological Management and Restoration, 21 (1). pp. 51-57.

Koehn, J. D., Raymond, S. M., Stuart, I., Todd, C. R., Balcombe, S. R., Zampatti, B. P., Bamford, H., Ingram, B. A., Bice, C. M., Burndred, K., Butler, G., Baumgartner, L., Clunie, P., Ellis, I., Forbes, J. P., Hutchison, M., Koster, W. M., Lintermans, M., Lyon, J. P., Mallen-Cooper, M., McLellan, M., Pearce, L., Ryall, J., Sharpe, C., Stoessel, D. J., Thiem, J. D., Tonkin, Z., Townsend, A. and Ye, Q. (2020) A compendium of ecological knowledge for restoration of freshwater fishes in Australia’s Murray–Darling Basin. Marine and Freshwater Research, 71 (11). pp. 1391-1463.

Mitchell, J. D., Schifiliti, M., Birt, M. J., Bond, T., McLean, D. L., Barnes, P. B. and Langlois, T. J. (2020) A novel experimental approach to investigate the potential for behavioural change in sharks in the context of depredation. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 530-53 . p. 151440. ISSN 0022-0981

Norris, A., Nixon, D. and Hutchison, M. (2020) Kinchant Dam fish habitat enhancement project. Project Report. State of Queensland.

O'Neill, M. F., Lovett, R. A., Bessell-Browne, P., Streipert, S., Leigh, G. M., Campbell, A. B., Northrop, A. R., Wortmann, J., Helidoniotis, F., Yang, W.H., Holden, M. and French, S. (2020) Custom training and technical support for the fishery stock assessment software ‘stock synthesis’. Manual. FRDC, Deakin, ACT.

O'Neill, M. F., Yang, W.H., Wortmann, J., Courtney, A. J., Leigh, G. M., Campbell, M. J. and Filar, J. (2020) Stock predictions and population indicators for Australia's east coast saucer scallop fishery. Project Report. FRDC.

Walton, L. and Jacobsen, I. (2020) Crab Fishery Level 2 Ecological Risk Assessment. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland.

Wang, N., Courtney, A. J., Campbell, M. J. and Yang, W.-H. (2020) Quantifying long-term discards from Queensland’s (Australia) east Coast otter trawl fishery. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 77 (2). pp. 680-691. ISSN 1054-3139

Webley, J. and Probst, T. (2020) Allocation of fisheries management costs to Queensland’s commercial fisheries for the 2017-18 and 2018-19 financial years: The process of allocation. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane.

Wortmann, J. (2020) Queensland commercial stout whiting (Sillago robusta) fishery: recommended total allowable catch for 2021. Technical Report. State of Queensland.

Wright, D. W., Zampatti, B. P., Baumgartner, L. J., Brooks, S. G., Butler, G. L., Crook, D. A., Fanson, B. G., Koster, W., Lyon, J., Strawbridge, A., Tonkin, Z. and Thiem, J. D. (2020) Size, growth and mortality of riverine golden perch (Macquaria ambigua) across a latitudinal gradient. Marine and Freshwater Research, 71 (12).


Cohen, A., Spooner, D. and Williams, S. M. (2019) Marine transport infrastructure development in Moreton Bay: Dredging, monitoring and future directions. In: Moreton Bay Quandamooka & Catchment: Past, present, and future. The Moreton Bay Foundation, Brisbane. ISBN 978-0-6486690-0-5

Gillanders, B. M. and Heupel, M. R. (2019) Women in marine science in Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research, 70 . i-iii.

Hutton, T., O'Neill, M. F., Leigh, G. M., Holden, M., Deng, R. A. and Plaganyi, E. (2019) Harvest Strategies for the Torres Strait Finfish fishery. Project Report. Australian Government, Australian Fisheries Management Authority.

Jacobsen, I., Dawson, A. and Walton, L. (2019) Rocky Reef Fin Fish Fishery Level 1 Ecological Risk Assessment. Technical Report. State of Queensland.

Jacobsen, I., Dawson, A. and Walton, L. (2019) Coral Reef Fin Fish Fishery Level 1 Ecological Risk Assessment. Technical Report. State of Queensland.

Jacobsen, I., Dawson, A. and Walton, L. (2019) Coral Reef Fin Fish Fishery Scoping Study. Technical Report. State of Queensland.

Jacobsen, I., Dawson, A. and Walton, L. (2019) East Coast Spanish Mackerel Fishery Level 1 Ecological Risk Assessment. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane.

Jacobsen, I., Dawson, A. and Walton, L. (2019) East Coast Spanish Mackerel Fishery Scoping Study. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane.

Jacobsen, I., Dawson, A. and Walton, L. (2019) Gulf of Carpentaria Developmental Fin Fish Trawl Fishery Level 1 Ecological Risk Assessment. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane.

Jacobsen, I., Dawson, A. and Walton, L. (2019) Gulf of Carpentaria Developmental Fin Fish Trawl Fishery Scoping Study. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane.

Jacobsen, I., Dawson, A. and Walton, L. (2019) Rocky Reef Fin Fish Fishery Scoping Study. Technical Report. State of Queensland.

Jacobsen, I., Walton, L. and Zeller, B. (2019) East Coast Inshore Fin Fish Fishery Level 1 ERA – Whole of Fishery Assessment. Technical Report. State of Queensland.

Jacobsen, I., Walton, L. and Zeller, B. (2019) East Coast Inshore Fin Fish Fishery Scoping Study. Technical Report. State of Queensland.

Jacobsen, I., Zeller, B. and Walton, L. (2019) Gulf of Carpentaria Inshore Fin Fish Fishery Level 1 Ecological Risk Assessment. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane.

Jacobsen, I., Zeller, B. and Walton, L. (2019) Gulf of Carpentaria Inshore Fin Fish Fishery Scoping Study. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane.

Johnston, W. L., Hine, D. and Southgate, P. C. (2019) Overview of the Development and Modern Landscape of Marine Pearl Culture in the South Pacific. Journal of Shellfish Research, 38 (3). 499-518, 20.

Martin, T., Wild, S., Webley, J. and Staunton-Smith, J. (2019) Performance of Queensland’s net-free zones. Technical Report. State of Queensland.

Morgan, J. A. T., Sumpton, W. D., Jones, A. T., Campbell, A. B., Stewart, J., Hamer, P. and Ovenden, J. R. (2019) Assessment of genetic structure among Australian east coast populations of snapper Chrysophrys auratus (Sparidae). Marine and Freshwater Research, 70 . pp. 964-976.

Pascoe, S., Cannard, T., Dowling, N. A., Dichmont, C. M., Breen, S., Roberts, T., Pears, R. J. and Leigh, G. M. (2019) Developing harvest strategies to achieve ecological, economic and social sustainability in multi-sector fisheries. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11 (3). ISSN 20711050 (ISSN)

Robins, J. B. (2019) Ageing Outputs in Stock Assessments in Queensland - Focus on Fisheries Concerns Moving the Technology Forward. In: Proceedings of the Research Workshop on the Rapid Estimation of Fish Age Using Fourier Transform Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-NIRS), September 2019, Seattle, USA.

Walton, L. and Jacobsen, I. (2019) Fin Fish (Stout Whiting) Trawl Fishery Level 1 Ecological Risk Assessment. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane.

Walton, L. and Jacobsen, I. (2019) Fin Fish (Stout Whiting) Trawl Fishery Scoping Study. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane.

Walton, L. and Jacobsen, I. (2019) Gulf of Carpentaria Line Fishery Scoping Study. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane.

Walton, L., Jacobsen, I. and Zeller, B. (2019) Gulf of Carpentaria Line Fishery Level 1 Ecological Risk Assessment. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane.

Walton, L., Jacobsen, I. and Zeller, B. (2019) River and Inshore Beam Trawl Fishery Level 1 Ecological Risk Assessment. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane.

Walton, L., Jacobsen, I. and Zeller, B. (2019) River and Inshore Beam Trawl Fishery Scoping Study. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane.


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