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Items where Subject is "Aquaculture"

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Number of items at this level: 72.


Andersen, L. E., Norton, J.H. and Levy, N. H. (2000) A new shell disease in the mud crab Scylla serrata from Port Curtis, Queensland (Australia). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 43 . pp. 233-239. ISSN 0177-5103

Bowater, R.O. and Burren, B. (2007) Lateral muscular myopathy associated with vitamin E deficiency in farmed barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Bloch). Journal of Fish Diseases, 30 (2). pp. 117-121.

Brady, P., Elizur, A., Williams, R., Cummins, S.F. and Knibb, W. (2012) Gene Expression Profiling of the Cephalothorax and Eyestalk in Penaeus Monodon during Ovarian Maturation. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 8 (3). pp. 328-343.

Bubb, K. A. and Croton, J. T. (2002) Effects on catchment water balance from the management of Pinus plantations on the coastal lowlands of South-East Queensland, Australia. Hydrological Processes, 16 (1). pp. 105-117. ISSN 1099-1085

Campbell, S.J., Kerville, S.P., Coles, R.G. and Short, F. (2008) Photosynthetic responses of subtidal seagrasses to a daily light cycle in Torres Strait: A comparative study. Continental Shelf Research, 28 (16). pp. 2275-2281.

Campbell, S.J., McKenzie, L.J. and Kerville, S.P. (2006) Photosynthetic responses of seven tropical seagrasses to elevated seawater temperature. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 330 (2). pp. 455-468.

Campbell, S.J., McKenzie, L.J., Kerville, S.P. and Bite, J.S. (2007) Patterns in tropical seagrass photosynthesis in relation to light, depth and habitat. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 73 (3-4). pp. 551-562.

Dyer, A.R., Barlow, C.G., Bransden, M.P., Carter, C.G., Glencross, B.D., Richardson, N., Thomas, P.M., Williams, K.C. and Carragher, J.F. (2004) Correlation of plasma IGF-I concentrations and growth rate in aquacultured finfish: a tool for assessing the potential of new diets. Aquaculture, 236 (1-4). pp. 583-592.

Frank, D., Poole, S., Kirchhoff, S. and Forde, C. (2009) Investigation of sensory and volatile characteristics of farmed and wild barramundi (Lates calcarifer) using gas chromatography - olfactometry mass spectrometry and descriptive sensory analysis. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57 (21). pp. 10302-10312.

Hair, C., Warren, R., Tewaki, A., Haro, C. and Phillips, W. (2004) Catching and rearing postlarval cleaner shrimp for the aquarium trade: results from a WorldFish Center project in Solomon Islands. NAGA, WorldFish Center Quarterly, 27 (1-2). pp. 42-48. ISSN 0116-290X

Halide, H., Ridd, P. V., Peterson, E. L. and Foster, D. (2003) Assessing sediment removal capacity of vegetated and non-vegetated settling ponds in prawn farms. Aquacultural Engineering, 27 (4). pp. 295-314.

Herbert, B.W., Graham, P.A. and Foster, S.D. (2003) Effects of added shelter and stocking density on growth of sleepy cod Oxyeleotris lineolatus in ponds. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 34 (4). pp. 433-440.

Hofstra, D., Schoelynck, J., Ferrell, J., Coetzee, J., de Winton, M., Bickel, T. O., Champion, P., Madsen, J., Bakker, E. S., Hilt, S., Matheson, F., Netherland, M. and Gross, E. M. (2020) On the move: New insights on the ecology and management of native and alien macrophytes. Aquatic Botany, 162 . p. 103190. ISSN 0304-3770

Holme, M. H., Brock, I., Southgate, P. C. and Zeng, C. (2009) Effects of starvation and feeding on lipid class and fatty acid profile of late stage mud crab, scylla serrata, larvae. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 40 (4). pp. 493-504.

Hoskin, M.L., Hutchison, M., Barnes, A.C., Ovenden, J.R. and Pope, L.C. (2015) Parental contribution to progeny during experimental spawning of jungle perch, Kuhlia rupestris. Marine and Freshwater Research, 66 (4). p. 375. ISSN 1323-1650

Johnston, M.D., Johnston, D.J. and Jones, C.M. (2008) Evaluation of partial replacement of live and fresh feeds with a formulated diet and the influence of weaning Panulirus ornatus phyllosomata onto a formulated diet during early ontogeny. Aquaculture International, 16 (1). pp. 33-47.

Kawasaki, M., Delamare-Deboutteville, J., Bowater, R. O., Walker, M. J., Beatson, S., Ben Zakour, N. L. and Barnes, A. C. (2018) Microevolution of Streptococcus agalactiae ST-261 from Australia indicates dissemination via imported tilapia and ongoing adaptation to marine hosts or environment. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 84 (16), e00859-18. ISSN 00992240 (ISSN)

Kenway, M., Macbeth, M., Salmon, M., McPhee, C. and Benzie, J. (2008) Commentary on “Heritability and genetic correlations of growth and survival in black tiger prawn Penaeus monodon reared in tanks” [Aquaculture 259 (2006) 138–145]. Aquaculture, 282 (1-4). pp. 147-148.

Knuckey, R.M., Brown, M.R., Robert, R. and Frampton, D.M.F. (2006) Production of microalgal concentrates by flocculation and their assessment as aquaculture feeds. Aquacultural Engineering, 35 (3). pp. 300-313.

Macbeth, G. M. and Wang, Y.-G. (2014) Rapid assessment of genotype-by-environment interactions and heritability for growth rate in aquaculture species using in vitro fertilisation and DNA tagging. Aquaculture . ISSN 00448486

Macbeth, M., Kenway, M., Salmon, M., Benzie, J., Knibb, W. and Wilson, K. (2007) Heritability of reproductive traits and genetic correlations with growth in the black tiger prawn Penaeus monodon reared in tanks. Aquaculture, 270 (1-4). pp. 51-56.

Macbeth, G.M. and Palmer, P.J. (2011) A novel breeding programme for improved growth in barramundi Lates calcarifer (Bloch) using foundation stock from progeny-tested parents. Aquaculture, 318 (3/4). pp. 325-334.

Macbeth, M. (2005) Rates of inbreeding using DNA fingerprinting in aquaculture breeding programs at various broodstock fitness levels - A simulation study. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 45 (8). pp. 893-900. ISSN 0816-1089

Mann, D.L., Asakawa, T., Kelly, B., Lindsay, T. and Paterson, B. (2007) Stocking density and artificial habitat influence stock structure and yield from intensive nursery systems for mud crabs Scylla serrata (Forsskål 1775). Aquaculture Research, 38 (14). pp. 1580-1587.

McKinnon, A.D., Duggan, S., Nichols, P.D., Rimmer, M.A., Semmens, G. and Robino, B. (2003) The potential of tropical paracalanid copepods as live feeds in aquaculture. Aquaculture, 223 (1-4). pp. 89-106.

Møller, H., Lee, S.Y., Paterson, B. and Mann, D. (2008) Cannibalism contributes significantly to the diet of cultured sand crabs, Portunus pelagicus (L.): A dual stable isotope study. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 361 (2). pp. 75-82.

Nell, J.A., Smith, I.A. and McPhee, C.P. (1999) The Sydney rock oyster Saccostrea glomerata (Gould 1850) breeding programme: progress and goals. Aquaculture Research, 31 (1). pp. 45-49.

Nicholson, S., Mann, D., Fotedar, R. and Paterson, B. (2008) The effects of holding space on growth and survival of individually reared three-spot crab (Portunus sanguinolentus). Aquacultural Engineering, 39 (1). pp. 30-36.

Norton, J.H., Thomas, A.D. and Barker, J.R. (1994) Fungal infection in the cultured juvenile boring clam Tridacna crocea. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology., 64 (3). pp. 273-275.

Palmer, P.J., Burke, M.J., Palmer, C.J. and Burke, J.B. (2007) Developments in controlled green-water larval culture technologies for estuarine fishes in Queensland, Australia and elsewhere. Aquaculture, 272 (1-4). pp. 1-21.

Richardson, M. A., Nenadic, N., Wingfield, M. and McDougall, C. (2024) The development of multiplex PCR assays for the rapid identification of multiple Saccostrea species, and their practical applications in restoration and aquaculture. BMC Ecology and Evolution, 24 (1). p. 67. ISSN 2730-7182

Slattery, S., Bremner, A. and Williams, D. (1992) An alternative to meta? Australian Fisheries, 51 (11). pp. 30-31.

Tabrett, S., Ramsay, I., Paterson, B. D. and Burford, M. A. (2024) A review of the benefits and limitations of waste nutrient treatment in aquaculture pond facilities. Reviews in Aquaculture, 16 (4). pp. 1766-1786. ISSN 1753-5123

Tuan, V.A., Anderson, A., Luong-Van, J., Shelley, C. and Allan, G. (2006) Apparent digestibility of some nutrient sources by juvenile mud crab, Scylla serrata (Forskal 1775). Aquaculture Research, 37 (4). pp. 359-365.

Williams, K.C., Barlow, C.G., Rodgers, L. and Agcopra, C. (2006) Dietary composition manipulation to enhance the performance of juvenile barramundi (Lates calcarifer Bloch) reared in cool water. Aquaculture Research, 37 (9). pp. 914-927.

Williams, K.C., Barlow, C.G., Rodgers, L.J. and Ruscoe, I. (2003) Potential of meat meal to replace fish meal in extruded dry diets for barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Bloch). I. Growth performance. Aquaculture Research, 34 (1). pp. 23-32.

Williams, K.C., Paterson, B.D., Barlow, C.G., Ford, A. and Roberts, R. (2003) Potential of meat meal to replace fish meal in extruded dry diets for barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Bloch). II. Organoleptic characteristics and fatty acid composition. Aquaculture Research, 34 (1). pp. 33-42.

Book Section

Jones, C.M. (2009) Advances in the culture of lobsters. In: Advances in the culture of lobsters. Woodhead Publishing Limited, 22 pages.


Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, Queensland (2005) Site identification for aquaculture: assessment of chemical contamination in site selection. Project Report. State of Queensland.

Goulden, E. F., Dutney, L., Cherrie, B., Dickson, R., Borchert, T., Gallagher, T., Thaggard, H., Brady, P. and Zipf, S. (2021) Transitioning cobia aquaculture research and development in Queensland to industry. Project Report. FRDC, Canberra.

Heidenreich, M. (2013) Aquaculture production summary for Queensland 2011-12. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld.

Heidenreich, M. (2013) Aquaculture production summary for Queensland 2012-13. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld.

Heidenreich, M. (2014) Aquaculture production summary for Queensland 2013-14. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld.

Heidenreich, M. (2015) Aquaculture production summary for Queensland 2014-15. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld.

Heidenreich, M. (2016) Aquaculture production summary for Queensland 2015-16. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld.

Lee, P., Dutney, L., Elizur, A., Poole, S., Forrest, A. J., Moloney, J. and Mitris, M. (2015) Towards the development of an Australian cobia aquaculture industry. Project Report. Australian Seafood Co-operative Research Centre.

Lobegeiger, R. and Wingfield, M. (2006) Aquaculture production survey Queensland 2004-05. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld.

Lobegeiger, R. and Wingfield, M. (2007) Aquaculture production survey Queensland 2005-06. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld.

Lobegeiger, R. and Wingfield, M. (2008) Aquaculture production survey Queensland 2006-07. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld.

Lobegeiger, R. and Wingfield, M. (2009) Aquaculture production survey Queensland 2007-08. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld.

Lobegeiger, R. and Wingfield, M. (2010) Aquaculture production survey Queensland 2008-09. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld.

Manca, F. and Wegscheidl, C. (2024) Monitoring guidelines To quantify nitrogen removal in vegetated water treatment systems (constructed treatment wetlands and vegetated drains). Technical Report. State of Queensland.

Mann, D., Palmer, P. J., Wesche, S. and Gallagher, T. (2021) Water treatment to control influent water biosecurity risk on Australian prawn farms; Effectiveness and impacts on production ponds. Project Report. FRDC.

Palmer, P. J. (2020) Cobia aquaculture under Queensland conditions - a project within the Queensland Aquaculture Development Initiative 2007-2009. Project Report. Queensland. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Brisbane, Qld..

Palmer, P. J., Wang, S., Mann, D. and Nash, W. J. (2018) Polybridge Season 3: Ecosystem effects of polychaete-assisted sand filters. Technical Report. Queensland Government, Brisbane.

Palmer, P. J., Wang, S. and Nash, W. J. (2016) Polybridge Technical Report. Technical Report. Queensland Government, Brisbane.

Pfumayaramba, T., Wegscheidl, C. and Nothard, B. (2020) A preliminary cost-effectiveness analysis of denitrifying bioreactors in the Lower Burdekin. Technical Report. State of Queensland.

Poole, S. and Exley, P. (2015) Prevention of muddy taints in farmed barramundi. Project Report. Australian Seafood Co-operative Research Centre.

Schofield, R. (2018) Aquaculture production summary for Queensland 2016-17. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld.

Schofield, R. (2018) Aquaculture production summary for Queensland 2017-18. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld.

Schofield, R. (2020) Aquaculture production summary for Queensland 2018-19. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld.

Schofield, R. (2020) Aquaculture production summary for Queensland 2019-20. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld.

Schofield, R. (2020) Aquaculture production summary for Queensland 2020-21. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld.

Schofield, R. and Lewis, S. (2022) Aquaculture production summary for Queensland 2021-22. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld.

Schofield, R. and Lewis, S. (2022) Aquaculture production summary for Queensland 2022–23. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld.

Wegscheidl, C., Robinson, R. J. and Manca, F. (2021) Using denitrifying bioreactors to improve water quality on Queensland farms. Manual. State of Queensland.

Willett, D. (2003) Tertiary Treatment of Ayr Municipal Wastewater using Bioremediation: A Pilot-Scale Study. A Report Prepared for the Burdekin Shire Council and the Burdekin Rangeland Reef Initiative. Project Report. Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Bribie Island, Queensland.

Wingfield, M. (2012) Aquaculture production survey Queensland 2010-11. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld.

Wingfield, M. and Willett, D. (2011) Aquaculture production survey Queensland 2009-10. Technical Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld.

Conference or Workshop Item

Macbeth, M. (2007) Optimising between and within family selection for harvest weight in prawns with restricted harvest size. In: Genetic improvement: making it happen. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics. (AAAGB), 23rd - 26th September 2007, Armidale, New South Wales, Australia.

McPhee, C.P. and Jones, C.M. (1997) Selection for weight gain in redclaw crayfish. In: Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 1997, Dubbo, Australia.


Hutchison, M., Lee, P., Norris, A., Nixon, D., Shorten, D., Borchert, T., Wang, S., Chilcott, K., Palmer, P., Marsden, T., Carton, G. and Kowitz, L. (2016) Developing Jungle Perch Fingerling Production to Improve Fishing Opportunities. Project Number: 2012-2013 . FRDC, 169 pages. ISBN 9780734504531

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