Items where Subject is "Individual or types of plants or trees"
Number of items at this level: 244. 2021Jones, L. M., Pease, B., Perkins, S. L., Constable, F. E., Kinoti, W. M., Warmington, D., Allgood, B., Powell, S., Taylor, P., Pearce, C. A. and Davis, R. I. (2021) 'Candidatus Phytoplasma dypsidis', a novel taxon associated with a lethal wilt disease of palms in Australia. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 71 (5). ISSN 1466-5034 2020Chudleigh, P., Hardaker, T. and Clarke, M. (2020) Economic assessment of six research, development and extension investments by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (Queensland). Project Report. Agtrans Research. Gambley, C., Cremer, J. E., Campbell, P. R., Roach, R. L. and Abdel-Salam, A. M. (2020) New host records for cotton leaf curl Gezira virus: capsicum and melon in Egypt. Australasian Plant Disease Notes, 15 (1). p. 3. ISSN 1833-928X Stewart, J. E., Kim, M. S., Ota, Y., Sahashi, N., Hanna, J. W., Akiba, M., Ata, J. P., Atibalentja, N., Brooks, F., Chung, C. L., Dann, E. K., Mohd Farid, A., Hattori, T., Lee, S. S., Otto, K., Pegg, G. S., Schlub, R. L., Shuey, L. S., Tang, A. M. C., Tsai, J. N., Cannon, P. G. and Klopfenstein, N. B. (2020) Phylogenetic and population genetic analyses reveal three distinct lineages of the invasive brown root-rot pathogen, Phellinus noxius, and bioclimatic modeling predicts differences in associated climate niches. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 156 (3). pp. 751-766. ISSN 1573-8469 2019Lindsay, K. R., Zalucki, M. P., Newton, I. R. and Furlong, M. J. (2019) Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of the Native Banana-Spotting Bug, Amblypelta lutescens lutescens (Hemiptera: Coreidae), in Avocado Crops in North Queensland, Australia. Journal of Economic Entomology, 112 (4). pp. 1812-1820. ISSN 0022-0493 Perkins, M. L., Joyce, D. C. and Coates, L. M. (2019) Possible contribution of impact injury at harvest to anthracnose expression in ripening avocado: A review. Scientia Horticulturae, 246 . pp. 785-790. ISSN 0304-4238 2016Fraser-Smith, S., Czislowski, E., Daly, A., Meldrum, R., Hamill, S. D., Smith, M. K. and Aitken, E. A. B. (2016) Single gene resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Race 4 in the wild banana Musa acuminata subsp. malaccensis. Acta Horticulturae, 1114 . pp. 95-100. 2015Duff, J. D., Church, C. E., Healey, M. A. and Senior, L. J. (2015) Thrips incidence in green beans and the degree of damage caused. Acta Horticulturae, 1105 . pp. 19-26. 2013Geering, A. (2013) Biosecurity capacity building for the Australian avocado industry: Laurel Wilt. Project Report. Horticulture Australia. 2012Bhasabutra, T., Seemadua, S. and Shivas, R. G. (2012) First record of Prospodium appendiculatum on Tecoma stans in Thailand. Australasian Plant Disease Notes, 7 . pp. 123-124. ISSN 1833-928X 2011Geering, A. (2011) Investigation of the distribution and incidence of Avocado sunblotch in Australia. Project Report. Horticulture Australia, Sydney, Australia. Hargreaves, J. N.G. and Nimmo, P. (2011) Alternative fruit fly management for market access for apples. Project Report. HAL/HIA. Miyata, S., Kato, H., Davis, R., Smith, M. W., Weinert, M. and Iwanami, T. (2011) Asian-common strains of 'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus' are distributed in Northeast India, Papua New Guinea and Timor-Leste. Journal of General Plant Pathology, 77 (1). pp. 43-47. Smith, L., Dann, E. K., Pegg, K. G., Whiley, A.W., Giblin, F. R., Doogan, V.J. and Kopittke, R. (2011) Field assessment of avocado rootstock selections for resistance to Phytophthora root rot. Australasian Plant Pathology, 40 (1). pp. 39-47. Sommano, S., Joyce, D. C., Dinh, S. Q. and D'Arcy, B. (2011) Alternaria alternata causes pre-harvest discolouration in Backhousia myrtifolia leaf. Australasian Plant Disease Notes, 6 (1). pp. 64-66. 2010Atagazli, L., Greenhill, A. R., Melrose, W., Pue, A. G. and Warner, J. M. (2010) Is Penicillium citrinum implicated in sago hemolytic disease? Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 41 (3). pp. 641-646. ISSN 0125-1562 Chauhan, Y. S., Wright, G.C., Rachaputi, R.C.N., Holzworth, D., Broome, A., Krosch, S. and Robertson, M.J. (2010) Application of a model to assess aflatoxin risk in peanuts. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 148 (3). pp. 341-351. Gu, H. (2010) Alternative fruit fly treatment for interstate market access for strawberries. Project Report. Horticulture Australia. Kay, I.R. and Herron, G.A. (2010) Evaluation of existing and new insecticides including spirotetramat and pyridalyl to control Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on peppers in Queensland. Australian Journal of Entomology, 49 (2). pp. 175-181. Male, M.F. and Vawdrey, L.L. (2010) Efficacy of fungicides against damping-off in papaya seedlings caused by Pythium aphanidermatum. Australasian Plant Disease Notes, 5 (1). pp. 103-104. Nadel, R.L., Slippers, B., Scholes, M.C., Lawson, S.A., Noack, A.E., Wilcken, C.F., Bouvet, J.P. and Wingfield, M.J. (2010) DNA bar-coding reveals source and patterns of Thaumastocoris peregrinus invasions in South Africa and South America. Biological Invasions, 12 (5). pp. 1067-1077. Nayak, M. K. (2010) Potential of piperonyl butoxide-synergised pyrethrins against psocids (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae) for stored-grain protection. Pest Management Science, 66 (3). pp. 295-300. Paine, T.D., Steinbauer, M.J. and Lawson, S.A. (2010) Native and exotic pests of Eucalyptus: A worldwide perspective. Annual Review of Entomology, 56 . pp. 181-201. Thomas, J.E., Parry, J.N., Schwinghamer, M.W. and Dann, E.K. (2010) Two novel mastreviruses from chickpea (Cicer arietinum) in Australia. Archives of Virology, 155 (11). pp. 1777-1788. 2009Cooke, T., Persley, D. M. and House, S. (2009) Diseases of fruit crops in Australia. CSIRO Publishing., 288 pages. Gambley, C., Miles, A. K., Ramsden, M., Doogan, V.J., Thomas, J. E., Parmenter, K. S. and Whittle, P.J.L. (2009) The distribution and spread of citrus canker in Emerald, Australia. Australasian Plant Pathology, 38 (6). pp. 547-557. Kay, I. R. and Brown, J. D. (2009) Evaluating the efficacy of insecticides to control Sceliodes cordalis (Doubleday) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in eggplant. Australian Journal of Entomology, 48 (2). pp. 177-181. Kay, I. R. (2009) Refining integrated pest management of eggfruit caterpillar. Project Report. Horticulture Australia Limited. Le Lagadec, M.D. (2009) Kernel brown centres in macadamia: A review. Crop and Pasture Science, 60 (12). pp. 1117-1123. ISSN 1836-0947 Lee, D. J., Huth, J. R., Brawner, J. T. and Dickinson, G. R. (2009) Comparative performance of Corymbia hybrids and parental species in subtropical Queensland and implications for breeding and deployment. Silvae Genetica, 58 (5-6). pp. 202-212. Miles, A.K., Akinsanmi, O.A., Sutherland, P.W., Aitken, E.A.B. and Drenth, A. (2009) Infection, colonisation and sporulation by Pseudocercospora macadamiae on macadamia fruit. Australasian Plant Pathology, 38 (1). pp. 36-43. Nahrung, H.F. and Waugh, R. (2009) Local dispersion and damage of Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata (Myrtaceae) regrowth by eriophyid mites (Acari: Eriophyoidea). Systematic and Applied Acarology, 14 (1). pp. 19-29. Nahrung, H.F., Waugh, R. and Hayes, R.A. (2009) Species and Hybrids: Chemical and Physical Foliar Attributes and Implications for Herbivory. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 35 (9). pp. 1043-1053. Pegg, G. S., Carnegie, A. J., Wingfield, M.J. and Drenth, A. (2009) Quambalaria species: increasing threat to eucalypt plantations in Australia. Southern Forests. a Journal of Forest Science, 71 (2). pp. 111-114. Pegg, K. G. and Anderson, J. (2009) Pineapple. In: Diseases of fruit crops in Australia. CSIRO Publishing., 288 pages. ISBN 9780643069718 Pegg, K. G., Coates, L. M. and Dann, E. K. (2009) Avocado. In: Diseases of fruit crops in Australia. CSIRO Publishing., 288 pages. ISBN 9780643069718 Qureshi, M.S., Midmore, D.J., Syeda, S.S. and Reid, D. J. (2009) Pyriproxyfen controls silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), biotype B (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) (SLW) better than buprofezin in bitter melons Momordica charantia L. (Cucurbitaceae). Australian Journal of Entomology, 48 (1). pp. 60-64. Royer, J. (2009) Spread of red-banded mango caterpillar, Deanolis sublmbalis Snellen (lepidoptera: Pyralidae), in Cape York Peninsula, Australia. Australian Entomologist, 36 (3). pp. 119-130. ISSN 1320-6133 Sequeira, R. V., Shields, A., Moore, A. and De Barro, P. (2009) Inter-seasonal population dynamics and pest status of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biotype B in an Australian cropping system. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 99 (4). pp. 325-335. Stirling, G.R., Turaganivalu, U., Stirling, A.M., Lomavatu, M.F. and Smith, M.K. (2009) Rhizome rot of ginger (Zingiber officinale) caused by Pythium myriotylum in Fiji and Australia. Australasian Plant Pathology, 38 . pp. 453-460. ISSN 1448-6032 Thornby, D.F. and Walker, S.R. (2009) Simulating the evolution of glyphosate resistance in grains farming in northern Australia. Annals of Botany, 104 (4). pp. 747-756. Tree, D. J. and Walter, G.H. (2009) Diversity of host plant relationships and leaf galling behaviours within a small genus of thrips - Gynaikothrips and Ficus in south east Queensland, Australia. Australian Journal of Entomology, 48 (4). pp. 269-275. ISSN 1326-6756 2008Akinsanmi, O.A., Miles, A.K. and Drenth, A. (2008) Alternative fungicides for controlling husk spot caused by Pseudocercospora macadamiae in macadamia. Australasian Plant Pathology, 37 (2). pp. 141-147. Al-Sa'di, A.M., Drenth, A., Deadman, M.L., De Cock, A.W.A.M., Al-Said, F.A. and Aitken, E.A.B. (2008) Genetic diversity, aggressiveness and metalaxyl sensitivity of Pythium spinosum infecting cucumber in Oman. Journal of Phytopathology, 156 (1). pp. 29-35. Al-Sa'di, A.M., Deadman, M.L., Al-Said, F.A., Khan, I., Al-Azri, M., Drenth, A. and Aitken, E. A. B. (2008) First report of pythium splendens associated with severe wilt of muskmelon (Cucumis melo) in Oman. Plant Disease, 92 (2). p. 313. ISSN 0191-2917 Al-Sa'di, A.M., Drenth, A., Deadman, M.L. and Aitken, E.A.B. (2008) Genetic diversity, aggressiveness and metalaxyl sensitivity of Pythium aphanidermatum populations infecting cucumber in Oman. Plant Pathology, 57 (1). pp. 45-56. Al-Sa'di, A.M., Drenth, A., Deadman, M.L., Al-Said, F.A., Khan, I. and Aitken, E. A. B. (2008) Potential sources of pythium inoculum into greenhouse soils with no previous history of cultivation. Journal of Phytopathology, 156 (7-8). pp. 502-505. ISSN 0931-1785 Brier, H., Murray, D.A.H., Wilson, L.J., Nicholas, A.H., Miles, M., Grundy, P. R. and McLennan, A.J. (2008) An overview of integrated pest management (IPM) in north-eastern Australian grain farming systems: Past, present and future prospects. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 48 (12). pp. 1574-1593. Daglish, G.J. (2008) Impact of resistance on the efficacy of binary combinations of spinosad, chlorpyrifos-methyl and s-methoprene against five stored-grain beetles. Journal of Stored Products Research, 44 (1). pp. 71-76. Duffy, M.P., Nahrung, H.F., Lawson, S.A. and Clarke, A.R. (2008) Direct and indirect effects of egg parasitism by Neopolycystus Girault sp. (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) on Paropsis atomaria Olivier (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Australian Journal of Entomology, 47 (3). pp. 195-202. Edwards, O.R., Franzmann, B., Thackray, D. and Micic, S. (2008) Insecticide resistance and implications for future aphid management in Australian grains and pastures: A review. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 48 (12). pp. 1523-1530. 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(2008) Abundance and mortality of overwintering pupae of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on the Darling Downs, Queensland, Australia. Australian Journal of Entomology, 47 (4). pp. 297-306. Lowe, K.F., Bowdler, T.M., Hume, D.E., Casey, N.D. and Tapper, B.A. (2008) The effect of endophyte on the performance of irrigated perennial ryegrasses in subtropical Australia. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 59 (6). pp. 567-577. McTaggart, A. R. and Shivas, R. G. (2008) The rusts on Proteaceae, including Puccinia grevilleae sp. nov. from northern Australia. Australasian Plant Pathology, 37 (4). pp. 344-346. Nahrung, H.F., Duffy, M.P., Lawson, S.A. and Clarke, A.R. (2008) Natural enemies of Paropsis atomaria Olivier (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in south-eastern Queensland eucalypt plantations. Australian Journal of Entomology, 47 (3). pp. 188-194. Pegg, G. S., O'Dwyer, C., Carnegie, A. J., Burgess, T.I., Wingfield, M.J. and Drenth, A. 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Australian Journal of Entomology, 46 (4). pp. 313-319. Sharma, H.C., Gowda, C.L.L., Stevenson, P.C., Ridsdill-Smith, T.J., Clement, S.L., Rao, G.V.R., Romeis, J., Miles, M. and El-Bouhssini, M. (2007) Host plant resistance and insect pest management in chickpea. In: Chickpea Breeding and Management. CABI Publishing. ISBN 978-1-84593-213-8 Zhou, X., Wilhelm de Beer, Z., Xie, Y., Pegg, G. S. and Wingfield, M.J. (2007) DNA-based identification of Quambalaria pitereka causing severe leaf blight of Corymbia citriodora in China. Fungal Diversity, 25 . pp. 245-254. van Wyk, M., Pegg, G. S., Lawson, S.A. and Wingfield, M.J. (2007) Ceratocystis atrox sp. nov. associated with Phoracantha acanthocera infestations on Eucalyptus grandis in Australia. Australasian Plant Pathology, 36 (5). pp. 407-417. 2006Akem, C.N. (2006) Mango anthracnose disease: Present status and future research priorities. Plant Pathology Journal, 5 (3). pp. 266-273. Anitha, V., Rogers, D.J., Wightman, J. and Ward, A. 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