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Abdulsada, R. R., Thompson, M., Peitton, L., Kelly, A. M. and Percy, C. D. (2023) Fusarium pseudograminearum infected wheat lines vary in disease severity and gas exchange response under different watering regimes. Plant Pathology, 73 (3). pp. 602-612. ISSN 0032-0862

Afful, E., Elliott, B., Nayak, M. K. and Phillips, T. W. (2018) Phosphine Resistance in North American Field Populations of the Lesser Grain Borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae). Journal of Economic Entomology, 111 (1). pp. 463-469. ISSN 0022-0493

Afful, E., Tadesse, T. M., Nayak, M. K. and Phillips, T. W. (2020) High Dose Strategies for Managing Phosphine-Resistant Populations of Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae). Pest Management Science, 76 (5). pp. 1683-1690. ISSN 1526-498X

Ahmad, F., Daglish, G. J., Ridley, A. W. and Walter, G. H. (2012) Responses of tribolium castaneum to olfactory cues from cotton seeds, the fungi associated with cotton seeds, and cereals. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 145 (3). pp. 272-281. ISSN 00138703 (ISSN)

Ahmed, S. and Chauhan, B. S. (2015) Efficacy and phytotoxicity of different rates of oxadiargyl and pendimethalin in dry-seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Bangladesh. Crop Protection, 72 . p. 169. ISSN 02612194

Aisthorpe, D. (2020) Pros and cons of an integrated weed management farming system - findings from the central Qld farming systems trial. GRDC Update .

Alam, M. M., Mace, E. S., van Oosterom, E. J., Cruickshank, A. W., Hunt, C. H., Hammer, G. L. and Jordan, D. R. (2014) QTL analysis in multiple sorghum populations facilitates the dissection of the genetic and physiological control of tillering. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 127 (10). pp. 2253-2266. ISSN 0040-5752

Ali, M., Widderick, M., Williams, A. and Adkins, S. (2019) Impact of Soil Water Stress at Seed Development Stage on Phenology, Fecundity and Seed Dormancy of Avena sterilis ssp. ludoviciana. Proceedings, 36 (1). p. 1.

Ali, M., Williams, A., Widderick, M. J. and Adkins, S. (2023) Elevated Temperature Affects Avena sterilis ssp. ludoviciana Reproductive Biology. Agronomy, 13 (2). p. 474. ISSN 2073-4395

Awan, T. H., Sta Cruz, P. C. and Chauhan, B. S. (2015) Agronomic indices, growth, yield-contributing traits, and yield of dry-seeded rice under varying herbicides. Field Crops Research, 177 . p. 15. ISSN 03784290

Barloy, D., Etienne, C., Lemoine, J., Saint Ouen, Y., Jahier, J., Banks, P.M. and Trottet, M. (2003) Comparison of TAF46 and Zhong 5 resistances to barley yellow dwarf virus from Thinopyrum intermedium in wheat. Euphytica, 129 (3). pp. 361-369.

Bartlett, J. S. and Szito, A. (2013) Opetiopalpus scutellaris Panzer (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Korynetinae) established in the Western Australian wheatbelt. Australian Entomologist, 40 (Part 2). pp. 65-66. ISSN 13206133 (ISSN)

Bell, M., Seymour, N. P., Stirling, G.R., Stirling, A.M., Van Zwieten, L., Vancov, T., Sutton, G. and Moody, P. (2006) Impacts of management on soil biota in Vertosols supporting the broadacre grains industry in northern Australia. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 44 (4). pp. 433-451.

Bell, M. J., Moody, P. W., Harch, G. R., Compton, B. and Want, P. S. (2009) Fate of potassium fertilisers applied to clay soils under rainfed grain cropping in south-east Queensland, Australia. Soil Research, 47 (1). pp. 60-73.

Bell, M. J., Stirling, G. R. and Pankhurst, C. E. (2007) Management impacts on health of soils supporting Australian grain and sugarcane industries. Soil and Tillage Research, 97 (2). pp. 256-271. ISSN 0167-1987

Bell, M., Raymond, N., Kopittke, P., Janke, C. and Lester, D. W. (2022) P dynamics in vertosols-factors influencing fertiliser P availability over time and the implications for rate, application method and residual value. Grains Research Update . p. 51.

Blaney, B.J., Bloomfield, R.C. and Moore, C.J. (1984) Zearalenone intoxication of pigs. Australian Veterinary Journal., 61 (1). pp. 24-27.

Borrell, A., Hammer, G. and Van Oosterom, E. (2001) Stay-green: A consequence of the balance between supply and demand for nitrogen during grain filling? Annals of Applied Biology, 138 (1). pp. 91-95. ISSN 0003-4746

Borrell, A. K., Christopher, J. T., Kelly, A. M., Collins, B. and Chenu, K. (2023) Balancing pre- and post-anthesis growth to maximise water-limited yield in cereals. Field Crops Research, 296 . p. 108919. ISSN 0378-4290

Bottomley, P., Sutherland, M. W., Wilson, B. A. L., Rognoni, B., Kelly, A. M. and Percy, C. D. (2024) Soil solarisation delivers near zero levels of Fusarium pseudograminearum in cereal crown rot reference sites. Crop Protection, 185 . p. 106887. ISSN 0261-2194

Brier, H., Murray, D.A.H., Wilson, L.J., Nicholas, A.H., Miles, M., Grundy, P. R. and McLennan, A.J. (2008) An overview of integrated pest management (IPM) in north-eastern Australian grain farming systems: Past, present and future prospects. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 48 (12). pp. 1574-1593.

Broster, J. C., Jalaludin, A., Widderick, M. J., Chambers, A. J. and Walsh, M. J. (2023) Herbicide Resistance in Summer Annual Weeds of Australia's Northern Grains Region. Agronomy, 13 (7). p. 1862. ISSN 2073-4395

Burrill, P. (2013) Grain storage - pest control options and storage systems on Australian farms 2013-2014. International Pest Control, 55 (5). pp. 254-257. ISSN 00208256

Burrill, P. (2016) Super cool results – achieving great aeration results. GRDC Grains Research Update .

Campbell, B. C., Gilding, E. K., Mace, E. S., Tai, S., Tao, Y., Prentis, P. J., Thomelin, P., Jordan, D. R. and Godwin, I. D. (2016) Domestication and the storage starch biosynthesis pathway: signatures of selection from a whole sorghum genome sequencing strategy. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 14 (12). pp. 2240-2253. ISSN 1467-7652

Cato, A. J., Elliott, B., Nayak, M. K. and Phillips, T. W. (2017) Geographic Variation in Phosphine Resistance Among North American Populations of the Red Flour Beetle (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). J Econ Entomol, 110 (3). pp. 1359-1356. ISSN 0022-0493

Cato, A., Afful, E., Nayak, M. K. and Phillips, T. W. (2019) Evaluation of Knockdown Bioassay Methods to Assess Phosphine Resistance in the Red Flour Beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Insects, 10 (5). p. 140. ISSN 2075-4450

Celestina, C., Hunt, J., Kuchel, H., Harris, F., Porker, K., Biddulph, B., Bloomfield, M., McCallum, M., Graham, R., Matthews, P., Aisthorpe, D., Al-Yaseri, G., Hyles, J., Trevaskis, B., Wang, E., Zhao, Z., Zheng, B., Huth, N. and Brown, H. (2023) A cultivar phenology classification scheme for wheat and barley. European Journal of Agronomy, 143 . p. 126732. ISSN 1161-0301

Chapman, S., Cooper, M., Podlich, D. and Hammer, G. (2003) Evaluating plant breeding strategies by simulating gene action and dryland environment effects. Agronomy Journal, 95 (1). pp. 99-113.

Chen, Z., Schlipalius, D., Opit, G., Subramanyam, B. and Phillips, T. W. (2015) Diagnostic Molecular Markers for Phosphine Resistance in U.S. Populations of Tribolium castaneum and Rhyzopertha dominica. PLoS ONE, 10 (3). e0121343.

Chenu, K., Van Oosterom, E. J., McLean, G., Deifel, K. S., Fletcher, A., Geetika, G., Tirfessa, A., Mace, E. S., Jordan, D. R., Sulman, R. and Hammer, G. L. (2018) Integrating modelling and phenotyping approaches to identify and screen complex traits: transpiration efficiency in cereals. Journal of Experimental Botany, 69 (13). pp. 3181-3194. ISSN 0022-0957

Chilcott, C.R., Dalal, R.C., Parton, W.J., Carter, J.O. and King, A.J. (2007) Long-term trends in fertility of soils under continuous cultivation and cereal cropping in southern Queensland. IX. Simulation of soil carbon and nitrogen pools using CENTURY model. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 45 (3). pp. 206-217.

Collins, P. J., Falk, M. G., Nayak, M. K., Emery, R. N. and Holloway, J. C. (2017) Monitoring resistance to phosphine in the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica, in Australia: A national analysis of trends, storage types and geography in relation to resistance detections. Journal of Stored Products Research, 70 . pp. 25-36. ISSN 0022-474X

Constantin, M., Jagadeesan, R., Chandra, K. A., Ebert, P. and Nayak, M. K. (2020) Synergism Between Phosphine (PH3) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2): Implications for Managing PH3 Resistance in Rusty Grain Beetle (Laemophloeidae: Coleoptera). Journal of Economic Entomology, 113 (4). pp. 1999-2006. ISSN 0022-0493

Cox, H.W., Kelly, R.M. and Strong, W.M. (2010) Pulse crops in rotation with cereals can be a profitable alternative to nitrogen fertiliser in central Queensland. Crop & Pasture Science, 61 (9). pp. 752-762. ISSN 1836-5795

Cox, H. (2018) Calculating how much N is needed in pulse‐cereal rotations. GRDC Advisor Update .

Cremer, J. E., Liu, L., Bean, S. R., Ohm, J.‐B., Tilley, M., Wilson, J. D., Kaufman, R. C., Vu, T. H., Gilding, E. K., Godwin, I. D. and Wang, D. (2014) Impacts of Kafirin Allelic Diversity, Starch Content, and Protein Digestibility on Ethanol Conversion Efficiency in Grain Sorghum. Cereal Chemistry, 91 (3). pp. 218-227. ISSN 0009-0352

Daglish, G.J. (2008) Impact of resistance on the efficacy of binary combinations of spinosad, chlorpyrifos-methyl and s-methoprene against five stored-grain beetles. Journal of Stored Products Research, 44 (1). pp. 71-76.

Daglish, G. J., Jagadeesan, R., Burrill, P. R., May, P. D., Wade, A. J. and Nayak, M. K. (2024) Potential of flavesone as a grain protectant: Long-term efficacy and residues for controlling the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (F.), in stored wheat. Journal of Stored Products Research, 109 . p. 102467. ISSN 0022-474X

Daglish, G. J. and Nayak, M. K. (2018) Prevalence of resistance to deltamethrin in Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) in eastern Australia. Journal of Stored Products Research, 78 . pp. 45-49. ISSN 0022-474X

Daglish, G. J. and Nayak, M. K. (2005) Spinosad is an effective grain protectant against resistant strains of Rhyzopertha dominica (F.). International Pest Control, 47 (3). pp. 130-132. ISSN 0020-8256

Daglish, G. J., Nayak, M. K., Pavic, H. and Smith, L. W. (2015) Prevalence and potential fitness cost of weak phosphine resistance in Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) in eastern Australia. Journal of Stored Products Research, 61 . pp. 54-58.

Daglish, G. J., Ridley, A. W., Reid, R. and Walter, G. H. (2017) Testing the consistency of spatio-temporal patterns of flight activity in the stored grain beetles Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) and Rhyzopertha dominica (F.). Journal of Stored Products Research, 72 . pp. 68-74. ISSN 0022-474X

Daglish, G. J., Singarayan, V. T., Jagadeesan, R., Reid, R., Ebert, P. R. and Nayak, M. K. (2024) Seasonal flight activity and associated frequency of rph2 phosphine resistance allele in Rhyzopertha dominica at bulk storage facilities in southern Queensland, Australia. Journal of Stored Products Research, 109 . p. 102447. ISSN 0022-474X

Dalal, R.C., Lawrence, P., Doughton, J.A., Walker, J., Shaw, R.J., Lawrence, G., Yule, D., Bourne, A., Duivenvoorden, L., Choy, S., Moloney, D., Turner, L., King, C. and Dale, A. (1999) A framework to monitor sustainability in the grains industry. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 39 (5). pp. 605-620.

Dalal, R.C. and Mayer, R. J. (1987) Long term trends in fertility of soils under continuous cultivation and cereal cropping in southern Queensland .VI. Loss of total nitrogen from different particle size and density fractions. Soil Research, 25 (1). pp. 83-93.

Dalal, R.C. and Mayer, R. J. (1987) Long term trends in fertility of soils under continuous cultivation and cereal cropping in southern Queensland .VII. Dynamics of nitrogen mineralization potentials and microbial biomass. Soil Research, 25 (4). pp. 461-472.

Dalal, R.C. and Mayer, R. J. (1990) Long term trends in fertility of soils under continuous cultivation and cereal cropping in southern Queensland .VIII. Available nitrogen indexes and their relationships to crop yield and N uptake. Soil Research, 28 (4). pp. 563-575.

Dalal, R.C. and Mayer, R. J. (1986) Long term trends in fertility of soils under continuous cultivation and cereal cropping in southern Queensland. IV. Loss of organic carbon from different density functions. Soil Research, 24 (2). pp. 301-309.

De Antoni Migliorati, M., Parton, W. J., Del Grosso, S. J., Grace, P. R., Bell, M. J., Strazzabosco, A., Rowlings, D. W., Scheer, C. and Harch, G. (2015) Legumes or nitrification inhibitors to reduce N2O emissions from subtropical cereal cropping systems in Oxisols? Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 213 . pp. 228-240. ISSN 0167-8809

Douglas, C. A. and Lawrence, P.K. (2004) Evaluation of new grain pearl millet hybrids in Australia. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter, 45 . pp. 47-50. ISSN 1023-487X

Dreccer, F., Macdonald, B., Condon, A. G., Rebetzke, G. J., McIntyre, C. L., Paccapelo, V., Peake, A. S. and Forrest, K. (2020) Better wheat germplasm for good seasons and high inputs. GRDC Update .

Eames, H. and Collins, R. (2017) Grains best management practices: Delivering productivity and sustainability outcomes for the central Queensland grains industry. Rural Extension and Innovation Systems Journal, 13 (2). pp. 121-126.

Edwards, O.R., Franzmann, B., Thackray, D. and Micic, S. (2008) Insecticide resistance and implications for future aphid management in Australian grains and pastures: A review. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 48 (12). pp. 1523-1530.

Erbacher, A., Gentry, J., Bell, L. W., Lawrence, D., Baird, J., Dunn, M., Aisthorpe, D. and Brooke, G. (2020) Nitrogen and water dynamics in farming systems – multi-year impact of crop sequences. GRDC Update .

Falade, T. D.O., Syed MohdHamdan, S. H., Sultanbawa, Y., Fletcher, M. T., Harvey, J. J.W., Chaliha, M. and Fox, G. P. (2016) In vitro experimental environments lacking or containing soil disparately affect competition experiments of Aspergillus flavus and co-occurring fungi in maize grains. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A . ISSN 1944-0049

Fontana, D.C., Potgieter, A.B. and Apan, A. (2007) Assessing the relationship between shire winter crop yield and seasonal variability of the MODIS NDVI and EVI images. Applied GIS, 3 (7). ISSN 1832-5505

Franzmann, B.A. (1973) Food consumption of larvae of the common armyworm (Pseudaletia convecta (Walk.)). Queensland Journal of Agricultural and Animal Sciences, 30 (2). pp. 157-159. ISSN issn:0033-6173

Frederiks, T. M., Christopher, J., Harvey, G. L., Sutherland, M. W. and Borrell, A. K. (2012) Current and emerging screening methods to identify post-head-emergence frost adaptation in wheat and barley. Journal of Experimental Botany, 63 (15). pp. 5405-5416. ISSN 0022-0957

Freebairn, D. M., Wockner, G. H., Hamilton, N. A. and Rowland, P. (2009) Impact of soil conditions on hydrology and water quality for a brown clay in the north-eastern cereal zone of Australia. Soil Research, 47 (4). pp. 389-402. ISSN 1838675X (ISSN)

Furbank, R. T., Jimenez-Berni, J. A., George-Jaeggli, B., Potgieter, A. B. and Deery, D. M. (2019) Field crop phenomics: enabling breeding for radiation use efficiency and biomass in cereal crops. New Phytologist (ja). ISSN 0028-646X

Galyuon, I. K., Madhusudhana, R., Borrell, A. K., Hash, T. C. and Howarth, C. J. (2016) Genetic diversity of stay-green sorghums and their derivatives revealed by microsatellites. African Journal of Biotechnology, 15 (25). pp. 1363-1374. ISSN 1684-5315

Gentry, J., Cox, H., Zull, A. F., Brider, J. and Hagan, J. (2017) Developing and testing an analysis framework for long-term fertiliser decisions: Deep-P Calculator. Rural Extension and Innovation Systems Journal, 13 (2). p. 147.

Harris, F., Kanaley, H., Graham, R., Morphett, S., Matthews, P., Roberts, P., Burch, D., Moody, N., Brooke, G., Xing, H. and Mumford, M. H. (2021) Phenology is FUNdamental – applying key project learnings to optimise grain yield. GRDC Update .

Harris, F., Xing, H., Burch, D., Brooke, G., Aisthorpe, D., Matthews, P. and Graham, R. (2020) Yield stability across sowing dates – how to pick a winner in variable seasons? GRDC Update .

Herde, D.J., Ryley, M.J., Foster, S.D., Galea, V.J., Henzell, R.G. and Jordan, D.R. (2006) Use of optical density as a measure of Claviceps africana conidial suspension concentration. Australasian Plant Pathology, 35 (1). pp. 77-80.

Herron, G.A., Clift, A.D., White, G.G. and Greening, H.G. (1996) Relationships between insecticide use, grain hygiene and insecticide resistance in Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.) (coleoptera: silvanidae) on grain-producing farms. Journal of Stored Products Research, 32 (2). pp. 131-136. ISSN 0022-474X

Hickey, L. T., Dieters, M. J., DeLacy, I. H., Kravchuk, O. Y., Mares, D. J. and Banks, P. M. (2009) Grain dormancy in fixed lines of white-grained wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown under controlled environmental conditions. Euphytica, 168 (3). pp. 303-310.

Holloway, J. C., Daglish, G. J. and Mayer, D. G. (2020) Spatial Distribution and Flight Patterns of Two Grain Storage Insect Pests, Rhyzopertha dominica (Bostrichidae) and Tribolium castaneum (Tenebrionidae): Implications for Pest Management. Insects, 11 (10). ISSN 2075-4450 (Print)2075-4450

Holloway, J. C., Mayer, D. G. and Daglish, G. J. (2018) Flight activity of Cryptolestes ferrugineus in southern New South Wales, Australia. Journal of Pest Science, 91 (4). pp. 1353-1362. ISSN 1612-4758

Hwaidi, M. I., Sissons, M., Pleming, D. and Collins, P. J. (2016) Does fumigation of durum wheat and semolina with sulfuryl fluoride affect quality of the grain, semolina, and derived spaghetti and bread? Cereal Chemistry, 93 (5). pp. 482-486.

Irmak, S., Mutibwa, D. and Payero, J.O. (2010) Net radiation dynamics: performance of 20 daily net radiation models as related to model structure and intricacy in two climates. Transactions of the ASABE, 53 (4). pp. 1059-1076.

Jagadeesan, R., Collins, P. J., Nayak, M. K., Schlipalius, D. I. and Ebert, P. R. (2016) Genetic characterization of field-evolved resistance to phosphine in the rusty grain beetle, Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Laemophloeidae: Coleoptera). Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 127 . pp. 67-75. ISSN 0048-3575

Jagadeesan, R. and Nayak, M. K. (2023) A two-step approach to monitoring changes in susceptibility to sulfuryl fluoride in red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) and its implication for the industry. Journal of Stored Products Research, 104 . p. 102181. ISSN 0022-474X

Jagadeesan, R. and Nayak, M. K. (2016) Phosphine resistance does not confer cross resistance to sulfuryl fluoride in four major stored grain insect pests. Pest Management Science, 73 (7). pp. 1391-1401. ISSN 1526-4998

Jagadeesan, R., Schlipalius, D. I., Singarayan, V. T., Nath, N. S., Nayak, M. K. and Ebert, P. R. (2021) Unique genetic variants in dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (dld) gene confer strong resistance to phosphine in the rusty grain beetle, Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens). Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 171 . p. 104717. ISSN 0048-3575

Jagadeesan, R., Singarayan, V. T. and Nayak, M. K. (2021) A co-fumigation strategy utilizing reduced rates of phosphine (PH3) and sulfuryl fluoride (SF) to control strongly resistant rusty grain beetle, Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens) (Coleoptera: Laemophloeidae). Pest Management Science, n/a (n/a). ISSN 1526-498X

Jalaludin, A., Widderick, M., Broster, J., Chambers, A. J. and Walsh, M. (2020) Herbicide resistance survey results of the Northern cropping region. GRDC Update .

Jensen, T., Apan, A., Young, F. and Zeller, L. (2007) Detecting the attributes of a wheat crop using digital imagery acquired from a low-altitude platform. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 59 (1-2). pp. 66-77.

Jones, R. A. C., Sharman, M., Trębicki, P., Maina, S. and Congdon, B. S. (2021) Virus Diseases of Cereal and Oilseed Crops in Australia: Current Position and Future Challenges. Viruses, 13 (10). p. 2051. ISSN 1999-4915

Kaur, R., Schlipalius, D. I., Collins, P. J., Swain, A. J. and Ebert, P. R. (2012) Inheritance and relative dominance, expressed as toxicity response and delayed development, of phosphine resistance in immature stages of Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae). Journal of Stored Products Research, 51 . pp. 74-80. ISSN 0022474X (ISSN)

Kaur, R., Daniels, E. V., Nayak, M. K., Ebert, P. R. and Schlipalius, D. I. (2013) Determining changes in the distribution and abundance of a Rhyzopertha dominica phosphine resistance allele in farm grain storages using a DNA marker. Pest Management Science, 69 (6). pp. 685-688. ISSN 1526498X (ISSN)

Kaur, R. and Nayak, M. K. (2015) Developing effective fumigation protocols to manage strongly phosphine-resistant Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens) (Coleoptera: Laemophloeidae). Pest Management Science, 71 (9). pp. 1297-1302. ISSN 1526-4998

Kelly, R.M., Strong, W.M., Jensen, T.A. and Butler, D. (2004) Application of probability analysis to assess nitrogen supply to grain crops in northern Australia. Precision Agriculture: An International Journal on Advances in Precision Agriculture, 5 (2). pp. 95-110.

Kelly, L. A., Tan, Y. P., Ryley, M. J. and Aitken, E. A. B. (2017) Fusarium species associated with stalk rot and head blight of grain sorghum in Queensland and New South Wales. Plant Pathology, 66 (9). pp. 1413-1423. ISSN 1365-3059

Klocke, N.L., Payero, J.O. and Schneekloth, J.P. (2007) Long-term response of corn to limited irrigation and crop rotations. Transactions of the ASABE, 50 (6). pp. 2117-2124.

Knight, N. L., Synman, L., Martin, A., Kiss, L. and Lopez-Ruiz, F. J. (2024) Incidence of decreased sensitivity to fungicides in barley net blotch in Queensland. GRDC Update .

Lakhesar, D.P.S., Backhouse, D. and Kristiansen, P. (2010) Nutritional constraints on displacement of Fusarium pseudograminearum from cereal straw by antagonists. Biological Control, 55 (3). pp. 241-247.

Lakhesar, D.P.S., Backhouse, D. and Kristiansen, P. (2010) Accounting for periods of wetness in displacement of Fusarium pseudograminearum from cereal straw. Annals of Applied Biology, 157 (1). pp. 91-98. ISSN 00034746 (ISSN)

Lau, E., Johnson, S., Stanley, R., Mereddy, R., Mikkelsen, D., Halley, P. and Steadman, K. (2015) Formulation and characterization of drug-loaded microparticles using distiller’s dried grain kafirin. Cereal Chemistry Journal, 92 (3). pp. 246-252. ISSN 0009-0352

Lehmensiek, A., Sutherland, M.W. and McNamara, R.B. (2008) The use of high resolution melting (HRM) to map single nucleotide polymorphism markers linked to a covered smut resistance gene in barley. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 117 (5). pp. 721-728.

Lemerle, D., Luckett, D. J., Wu, H. and Widderick, M. J. (2016) Agronomic interventions for weed management in canola (Brassica napus L.) – A review. Crop Protection, 95 . pp. 69-73. ISSN 0261-2194

Lester, D. W., Birch, C.J. and Dowling, C.W. (2010) Fertiliser N and P application on two Vertosols in north-eastern Australia. 3. Grain N uptake and yield by crop/fallow combination, and cumulative grain N removal and fertiliser N recovery in grain. Crop & Pasture Science, 61 (1). pp. 24-31. ISSN 1836-0947

Li, Y., Stirling, G. R. and Seymour, N. P. (2017) The effect of organic amendment input and crop management practices on the nematode community and suppression of root-lesion nematode (Pratylenchus thornei) in a grain-growing soil. Australasian Plant Pathology, 46 (5). pp. 463-472. ISSN 1448-6032

Lloyd, R.J., Franzmann, B.A. and Zalucki, M.P. (2007) Seasonal incidence of Stenodiplosis sorghicola (Coquillett) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) and its parasitoids on Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. in south-eastern Queensland, Australia. Australian Journal of Entomology, 46 (1). pp. 23-28.

Losey, S. M., Daglish, G. J. and Phillips, T. W. (2019) Orientation of rusty grain beetles, Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Laemophloeidae), to semiochemicals in field and laboratory experiments. Journal of Stored Products Research, 84 . p. 101513. ISSN 0022-474X

Luo, H., Zhao, W., Wang, Y., Xia, Y., Wu, X., Zhang, L., Tang, B., Zhu, J., Fang, L., Du, Z., Bekele, W. A., Tai, S., Jordan, D. R., Godwin, I. D., Snowdon, R. J., Mace, E. S., Luo, J. and Jing, H. C. (2016) Erratum: SorGSD: a sorghum genome SNP database (Biotechnology for Biofuels (2016) 9:6 DOI: 10.1186/s13068-015-0415-8). Biotechnology for Biofuels, 9 (1).

Mace, E. S., Hunt, C. H. and Jordan, D. R. (2013) Supermodels: sorghum and maize provide mutual insight into the genetics of flowering time. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 126 (5). pp. 1377-1395. ISSN 0040-5752

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Book Section

Athanassiou, C. G. and Nayak, M. K. (2022) The Future of Stored-Product Psocid Research. In: Psocids As Global Pests Of Stored Products. CABI International.

Athanassiou, C. G. and Nayak, M. K. (2022) The Order Psocoptera and Its Importance for Stored Products. In: Psocids as Global Pests of Stored Products. CABI International.

Eagling, D. R., Magee, B., Collins, P. J., Ren, Y. L., Cao, Y. and Li, F. (2017) Biosecurity: Safe-Guarding Quality at All Stages of the Grain Chain. In: Cereal Grains: Assessing and Managing Quality (Second Edition). Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition . Woodhead Publishing. ISBN 978-0-08-100719-8

Nayak, M. K. and Athanassiou, C. G. (2022) Chemical Control of Stored-Product Psocids and Resistance Development. In: Psocids as Global Pests of Stored Products. CABI International. ISBN 9781789245523

Stejskal, V., Athanassiou, C. G., Vendl, T. and Nayak, M. K. (2022) Non-Chemical Control of Stored-Product Psocids. In: Psocids as Global Pests of Stored Products. CABI International.

Turner, N. C., Wright, G. C. and Siddique, K. H. M. (2001) Adaptation of grain legumes (pulses) to water-limited environments. In: Advances in Agronomy. Academic Press. ISBN 0065-2113


Bell, M. (2012) Defining critical soil nutrient concentrations in soils supporting grains and cotton in Northern NSW and Queensland. Project Report. Grains Research & Development Corporation.

Brier, H. (2018) Integrated Pest Management for Pulses in Northern Australia -Sustainable Production in a Changing Cropping Environment. Project Report. Grains Research & Development Corporation.

Christopher, M. (2011) GM solutions to root diseases of cereals - A situation analysis and business case. Project Report. Grains Research & Development Corporation.

Daglish, G.J. (2016) Sampling Options for Farmers to Detect Insects in Stored Grain. Project Report. State of Queensland.

Daglish, G.J., Holloway, J. C., Newman, C.R. and Burrill, P.R. (2008) Phosphine fumigation of cool grain. Project Report. Cooperative Research Centre for National Plant Biosecurity.

Frederiks, T. M. (2016) Scoping the potential for summer grains (mungbean) physiology research. Project Report. State of Queensland.

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Hardaker, T. (2022) Impact assessment of six research, development and extension investments by the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries 2022 : Aggregate Analysis Summary Report. Project Report. Agtrans Research.

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Murray, D. (2009) Facilitating IPM adoption in northern region broadacre farming systems. Project Report. Grains Research & Development Corporation.

Nayak, M. K. (2010) Flat grain beetle fumigation protocol. Project Report. Cooperative Research Centre for National Plant Biosecurity.

Nayak, M. K., Holloway, J. and Emery, R. (2017) Delivering a collaborative monitoring program with industry to manage and facilitate trade. UNSPECIFIED. Plant Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre.

Sequeira, R. V. (2016) GRDC Grower Solutions for Central Queensland. Project Report. Grains Research & Development Corporation.

Seymour, N. P. (2014) Biological suppression of root-lesion nematodes in grain-growing soils. Project Report. Grains Research & Development Corporation.

Thompson, J. (2009) Cropping options to limit root-lesion nematodes. Project Report. Grains Research & Development Corporation.

Weir, D. (2012) Delivering Regional Extension Cotton/Grains Farming Systems on the Darling Downs and Border Rivers. Project Report. Cotton Catchment Communities CRC.

White, B., Day, C., Christopher, M. and van Klinken, R. (2016) Should we invest now in cereal pre-breeding for biosecurity threats. Technical Report. University of Western Australia.

Widderick, M. (2016) Cultural management options for herbicide resistant weeds. Project Report. Grains Research & Development Corporation.

Conference or Workshop Item

Bellati, J., Taylor-Hukins, R. and McIntyre, K. (2018) Enhancing surveillance for exotic stored pests in the Australian grains industry using a partnership approach with industry and government. In: 12th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection (IWCSPP), October 7-11, 2018, Quedlinburg.

Borrell, A.K., George-Jaeggli, B., van Oosterom, E. J., Mace, E. S., Jordan, D. R., Kassahun, B., Menamo, T.M., Vadezm, V., Talwar, H., Christopher, J., Chenu, K., Richard, C., Robinson, H., Hickey, L.T., Nagothu, S. and Hammer, G. L. (2017) Adapting cereals to drought: genetic and management solutions. In: TropAg2017, 20-22 November 2017, Brisbane.

Borrell, A. K., George-Jaeggli, B., Cruickshank, A. W. and Jordan, D. R. (2016) Stay-green enhances lodging resistance under terminal water deficity in sorghum. In: Australian Summer Grains Conference 2016, RACV Royal Pines Resort, Gold Coast.

Brunton, D.J., Dhammu, H.S., Wheeler, R.D., Kelly, A. M., Bell, K. L., Lockley, P., Churchett, J. and Walker, S. (2015) Interaction of Genotype, Environment and Herbicides in wheat (Triticum aestivuum L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) across a range of environments in Australia. In: 17th Australian Agronomy Conference, Hobart, Tasmania.

Burrill, P. (2016) Postharvest storage- reducing pests and preserving grain quality. In: Australian Summer Grains Conference 2016, RACV Royal Pines Resort, Gold Coast.

Ebert, P. and Nayak, M. K. (2016) Development of new treatments for the protection of stored grain against insect pests. In: Science Exchange 2016, 25-28 October 2016, Creswick, Victoria.

George-Jaeggli, B., Brider, J., Broad, I. J., Chenu, K., Eyre, J., Ferrante, A., McLean, G., McLean, J., Skerman, A. and Rodriguez, D. (2015) Adapting rain-fed sorghum agronomy to breeding progress–Cropping system model parameterisation. In: 17th Australian Agronomy Conference 20 to 24 September 2015, Hobart, Tasmania.

Halpin, N. V., Bell, M. J., Rehbein, W. E. and Moody, P. W. (2019) Potassium fertilisation strategies for rotational grain-legume crops — Implications for the subsequent sugarcane crop. In: 41st Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists Conference, ASSCT 2019, University of Southern Queensland (USQ)Toowoomba; Australia.

Halpin, N.V., Russo, C.B. and Greenway, J. (2019) Commercial evaluation of a novel fertilisation technique to improve Farm profitability and water-quality outcomes. In: 41st Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists Conference, ASSCT 2019, 30 April - 3 May 2019, University of Southern Queensland (USQ)Toowoomba; Australia.

Jagadeesan, R., Nayak, M. K., Pavic, H., Singarayan, V. and Ebert, P. R. (2016) Co-fumigation with phosphine (PH3) and sulfuryl fluoride (SO2F2) for the management of strongly phosphine-resistant insect pests of stored grain. In: 2016 International Congress of Entomology, September 25-30, 2016, Orlando, Florida USA.

Lester, D. W. and Bell, M. J. (2017) Mixed results on grain yield responses to deep-placement of P in southern Queensland. In: 18th Australian Society of Agronomy Conference, Ballarat, Australia.

Lester, D. W., Bell, M., Sands, D. and Weaver, T. (2017) Cereal and legume crop responses to deep-placed K with and without P in NE Australian Vertosols. In: Frontiers of Potassium Science Conference, 25-27 January 2017, Rome, Italy.

McFarlane, D., Ridley, A. W., Aitken, E. and Walter, G. (2016) The role of fungi and their associated volatiles in the ecology of Tribolium castaneum. In: Science Exchange 2016, 25-28 October 2016, Creswick, Victoria.

Meulen, A. W. v. d., Widderick, M. J., Cook, T., Chauhan, B. S. and Bell, K. L. (2016) Survey of glyphosate resistance in common sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus) across the Australian Northern Grains Region. In: 20th Australasian Weeds Conference, 11-15 September 2016, Perth, Western Australia.

Nayak, M. K., Jagadeesan, R., Nath, N. S., Daglish, G. J., Virgine, S., Schlipalius, D. I., Pavic, H., Reid, R. and Ebert, P. R. (2018) Utility of biotechnology based decision making tools in postharvest grain pest management: an Australian case study. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection (IWCSPP), 7-11 October, 2018, Berlin, Germany.

Netzel, M., Lim, J., Netzel, G., Cruickshank, A., Godwin, I., Jordan, D. and Fox, G. (2016) Sorghum – an important cereal for human health. In: Australian Summer Grains Conference 2016, 7-9 March 2016, RACV Royal Pines Resort, Gold Coast.

Owen, K. J., Clewett, T., Mumford, M. H., Bell, K. L. and Thompson, J. (2016) When good pulses turn bad: root-lesion nematodes in the northern grain region of Australia. In: 2016 Australian Pulse Conference, 12-14 September 2016, Tamworth, NSW.

Petronaitis, T., Forknall, C. R., Brodie, G., Simpfendorfer, S. and Backhouse, D. (2019) Using microwave radiation to destroy macroconidia of the cereal pathogen Fusarium pseudograminearum: a hot solution? In: Australasian Plant Pathology Society Conference APPS 2019 Strong Foundations, Future Innovations, 25-28 November 2019, Melbourne, Australia.

Rajeswaran, J., Nayak, M. K., Singarayan, V. and Ebert, P. R. (2018) Co-fumigation with phosphine and sulfuryl fluoride: potential for managing strongly phosphine-resistant rusty grain beetle, Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens). In: Proceedings of the 12th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection (IWCSPP), 7-11 October, 2018, Berlin, Germany.

Ridley, A., Burrill, P. and Collins, P. (2016) Killing storage pests without mercy. In: GRDC Update, Narrabri, NSW.

Routley, R., Broad, I. J., McLean, G., Whish, J. and Hammer, G. (2003) The effect of row configuration on yield reliability in grain sorghum: I. Yield, water use efficiency and soil water extraction. In: Solutions for a better environment: Proceedings of the 11th Australian Agronomy Conference, 2-6 February 2003, Geelong, Victoria, Australia.

Sawyer, A., Shuey, L. S., Pegg, K. G., Coates, L. M., Carroll, B. and Mitter, N. (2019) RNA sprays to combat plant pathogenic fungi. In: Australasian Plant Pathology Society Conference APPS 2019 Strong Foundations, Future Innovations, 25-28 November 2019, Melbourne, Australia.

Shabbir, A., Widderick, M., Harvey, G. L., Heuke, L. and Walsh, M. (2022) The role of crop competition in managing early emerging summer weeds in wheat. In: 22nd Australasian Weeds Conference, 25 – 29 September 2022, Adelaide, South Australia.

Sharman, M. (2019) Current understanding of grain legume disorders in eastern Australia, and association to phytoplasma infection. In: TropAg 2019 International Tropical Agriculture Conference - Shaping the Science of Tomorrow, 11 - 13 November 2019, Brisbane, Australia.

Stevens, M., Wood, R., Daglish, G. J. and van den Berg, J. (2016) Combining monitoring and incursion surveillance for grains. In: Science Exchange 2016, 25-28 October 2016, Creswick, Victoria.

Taylor-Hukins, R., Bellati, J., McIntyre, K. and Burgess, R. (2015) Exotic plant pests–a threat to the sustainability of Australia’s grains industry. In: 17th Australian Agronomy Conference, Hobart, Tasmania.

Thornby, D. and Werth, J. A. (2015) BYGUM – a new tool for BarnYard Grass Understanding and Management. In: 2nd Australian Cotton Research Conference, Toowoomba.

Widderick, M., Bell, K. L., Shabbir, A., Wu, H., Heuke, L., Harvey, G. L. and Walsh, M. (2022) Six years of crop competition research in the northern grains region – key trends in impact on weed and crop growth. In: 22nd Australasian Weeds Conference, 25 – 29 September 2022, Adelaide, South Australia.


Athanassiou, C. G. and Nayak, M. K. (2023) Psocids as Global Pests of Stored Products. CABI, 136 pages. ISBN 9781789245523

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland, (2016) Queensland Grains Research - 2015 Regional Research Agronomy Network. State of Queensland, 228 pages.

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland, (2017) Queensland Grains Research - 2016 Regional Agronomy. State of Queensland, 228 pages.

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland, (2018) Queensland Grains Research - 2017-18 Regional Agronomy. State of Queensland, 172 pages.

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland, (2018) Queensland Grains Research - 2018-19 Regional Research Agronomy. State of Queensland, 130 pages.

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland, (2020) Queensland Grains Research 2019-20 Regional agronomy (research). State of Queensland, 140 pages.

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland, (2021) Queensland Grains Research 2020-21 Regional agronomy (research). State of Queensland, 110 pages.

Ireland, K. B., Beard, C., Cameron, J., Chang, S., Davidson, J., Dodhia, K.N., Garrard, T.A., Hills, A.L., Holloway, G., Jayasena, K.W., Kiss, L., Mair, W., Marcroft, S.L., McLean, M.S., Milgate, A., Poole, N., Simpfendorfer, S., Snyman, L., Thomas, G.J., Wallwork, H., Van de Wouw, A.P., Zulak, K.G. and Lopez-Ruiz, F. J. (2021) Fungicide resistance management in Australian grain crops. Grains Research and Development Corporation, 50 pages.


Jalaludin, A. (2015) Identification of biochemical and molecular mechanisms of resistance to glufosinate and glyphosate in Eleusine indica. PhD thesis, University of Western Australia.

Khemmuk, W. (2017) Plant pathogenic Magnaporthales in Australia, with particular reference to Pyricularia oryzae on wild and cultivated rice. PhD thesis, University of Queensland, 193 pages.

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